Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

Between Kisses

Cerise’s POV

I had just got off the phone with Shayne after relieving him of our ‘friend’s’ company. He was now on his way and I was heading toward the door.

I gave myself a once over in the mirror making sure everything was just right. I was wearing my black laced French knickers and the bra that matched them underneath a silky white robe that went only to my mid thigh.

I left my hair down, slightly tousled and had on smoke eye makeup. I know, what’s the point of makeup when you’re going at it, but first impressions last forever.

Everything was perfect. I left my room as is; candles and shit in broad day light wasn’t going to have any kind of affect in either of us.

I stood anxiously taping my finger tips at my thighs as I waited for the knock. It had been a good 30 seconds and he wasn’t here yet. It honestly didn’t take long to walk down a hall.

He wouldn’t change his mind last minute; it’s so not him. What could be taking so-

Knock, knock, knock.

My heart skipped a beat and I went for the door knob twisting it slowly in my closed hand.

There he was, perfect as ever.

“’Bout time.” I giggled.

He stepped inside quickly and closed the door behind him.

“Finally.” I heard him murmur before attach his lips top mine and thrusting his tongue into my mouth. I gladly accepted him and he began to push me into the back of the couch.

“Wait.” I said quickly and he looked a little surprised that I’d stopped him. “Not here, my room.” I said and turned holding his hand and pulling him along.

Once inside my room I closed the door and slammed him up against it kissing him forcefully in the process. His hands untied the string of my robe and let it slide to the floor.

He pulled away from me and pushed me back slightly, his eyes gliding over my body.

“God damn, baby. Mmm.” He said before kissing and biting at the nape of my neck. I moaned lick a cheap whore only cuz it got him off.

His hands slid from my back and untied the string of my knickers while my hand worked at his belt. Before he could go any further I slide my hands up under his shirt and pulled it up over his hand, raking my nails across his chest in the process.

Now it was my turn to gaze upon him.

I could only bit my lip to suppress the moan. I started to undo the button of his jeans but before I could get them off he’s was right back to my bottoms.

He slid his fingers into the sides of the knickers and slid them down over my hips. Once at my ankles I flicked them to the side with my toes. I finally was able to pull his jeans off. He stepped out of them and made for the clasp of my bra. As he got it undone and I let it fall I’d also slid his boxers down.

He pulled me into him and I felt every curve, every bulging muscle, every smooth surface. It was so exhilarating, I could hardly breathe.

He grabbed my thighs and pulled me up around him as he stared to make his way over to my bed. He leaned over and placed my beneath him as he started to kiss me forcefully once again.

I reached over to my nightstand for a condom without leaving his lips. Once he saw it he smirked and went to take it from me. I stopped him and hooked my leg around him to flip him over.

He looked up at me not knowing what I was doing until I took the wrapper between my teeth and tore it open myself. I threw the wrapper to the flow and slid back onto his legs. I unrolled the condom onto him and then went back up to his lips.

“You’re amazing.” he managed to get out between kisses.

“Mmm.” was all I could manage.

I position myself over him and slid down slowly taking him into me. My head lolled back in pure ecstasy; I knew this would be well worth the wait.

After only a minute of this he rolled me over and looked down at me working to hold a smirk as he pulsed into me, grinding his hips into me with every thrust.

“My turn, baby.” he said before shoving his tongue back into my mouth.

Shayne was no where near gentle. He as in this for pleasure, just as I was. Passion wasn’t something we really found necessary. We were more fuck buddies than anything else.

He was much much better than Tom; that much I know knew.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry its late.
i had a bunch of yard work to do, then mibba decided to be stupid and not let me on forever.

Thanks to my readers and to gidjet363, xo_katrina_xo, Monster-Kermit and Aly Kaulitz for commenting my last chapter.

More comments darlings!