Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

In a New Light

Amelia’s POV

It was Thursday, my day off, and I had agreed to help Sam pick out some ceiling lamps for her new apartment. She had also invited Madie but she had a shipment coming in and had to take care of it. She was keeping herself quite busy as of late. She said it was so she had no free time if Shayne decided to call.

See, Saturday Shayne had said something about his mom calling him and he excused himself from the room. He was gone for about 45 minutes before returning with the smuggest expression on his face. When he was sitting next to Madie she said she’d seen a bite mark on his neck and figured it wasn’t his mom calling him.

She should have been upset over it, but I think she and I both know that her relationship with Shayne isn’t what it used to be. She’s grown a fondness for Tom and he makes her happy, therefore I don’t care what goes down with Shayne.

Today Sam and I picked out four different ceiling lamps and were now putting them up around her apartment. One in the dining room, two in the living room, and we were just getting ready to put up the last one in her kitchen.

“Damn, I can’t reach the adapter.” Sam said as she reached for the ceiling.

“Here let me try.” I offered and stepped forward underneath the current light fixture in the kitchen.

Standing on my tip toes I stretched my arm out to its full extent and was sadly out of reach.

“Maybe a chair?” Sam suggested, but I had a better idea.

“Or I could run down the hall to get one of the guys.” I smiled and she chuckled.

“I’d have Georg do it but he’s visiting his Oma today.”

“Well I guess one of the others will just have to do.” I sang and turned to leave.

I made my way quickly down the hall to the boys’ apartment and knocked on the door. When Bill opened it I smiled brightly and he returned it.

“Hey Bill.”

“Hey Eli, what’s up?” he said leaning his shoulder against the door frame.

“Well I was wondering if you were busy.” I asked and he cocked his eyebrow so I continued. “Sam and I need some help hanging this lamp and none of us are tall enough.” I chuckled and so did he.

“Yea, sure. My shoes are in my room so I’ll be right back.” he said and turned to leave the door.

I stood in the doorway and waited for him. Then a voice as cold as ice crept up and caused me to turn to the couch.

“What?” I asked not sure quite what was said.

“I said watch yourself.” Cerise turned to glare at me.

“What is that supposed to me?”

“That means I don’t like how you lo0ok at my boyfriend!” she snapped.

“Boyfriend?” I asked confusedly. Tom broke up with her and I didn’t have a thing for him. Maybe she though I was Madeline.

“Yes. Boyfriend. Bill is my boyfriend.” she said as if it was all only too obvious.

“Since when?” I questioned.

“Since I moved here. Why do you care?” she bit back.

“It was just a question.” I retorted.

“Yea, well you need to stay away from Bill; he’s mine.” she said in an obnoxiously snotty voice.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes and she just continued to stare at me like I was stupid.

“What?” I snapped.

“Did I say anything?” Cerise said cocking her eyebrow.

“Whatever. Would you rather Tom come over and help?”

She got a very malevolent look in her eyes when she said, “He’s with your sister.”

“oh.” so she did know I was me and not Madie.

Of course, Madie already knew she was with Tom. Cerise must not have figured her to tell me about it so she figured it would be safe to claim Bill openly.

I stood there silently ignoring Cerise until Bill finally returned.

“Ready?” he asked.

“Yup.” I smiled and a devious streak went through me as I hook my arm with his and let him pull me out the door. Just before he closed it I looked back to see Cerise seething and gave her a nice big wink.

She really isn’t smart, is she?
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to all my readers and to gidjet363, Monster-Kermit and x6GothicxGirl9x for commenting my last chapter.

more comments ladies <3