Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

Through Clenched Teeth

Amelia’s POV

“There, that should do it.” Bill said as he handed the screwdriver back to Sam and walked over to a light switch flicking it on.

“Ta-da!” he cheered as the room was splashed with light.

“Yes!” Sam clapped and started to put all the packaging into the trash.

“Well I better get back over there. I left her alone and God knows what she’s up to.” he chuckled and mock rolled his eyes.

I walked to the door with him and decided I had to confirm what she’d said.

“You never told me she was your girlfriend.” I said nonchalantly.

He looked at me hesitantly before asking, “How do you know we’re together?”

“She just told me.” I said plainly.

“Oh, well she is.” he said as he toed the floor.

“How long?” I asked concernedly.

“Uh…I don’t know. Since she got here I guess.” he said without lifting his to me. He was either embarrassed or felt badly about not telling me; he’s usually so chipper. I didn’t want him feeling this way so I didn’t let the fact that it bothered me shine through.

“Oh, well that’s cool.” I smiled.

He looked up at me and a faint grin played at his lips. “Yea, well…”

“Oh yea, you gotta get back over there. Well thanks so much for helping us.” I smiled and waved as he left back down to his apartment.

I turned and ran back into the kitchen in search of Sam; I had to tell somebody. Normally I’d tell Madie but she wasn’t here so Sam would have to suffice.

“Oh. My. God.” she said after I told her everything.

“Exactly. She thinks she’s smart enough to pull this off? Well she’s not cuz she totally just gave herself up.” I sat on the couch with my arms crossed over my chest.

“What are you going to do about it?” she asked me while she sat chewing on her bottom lip.

“I’m not sure; I’ll have to talk to Madie. Speaking of,” I said pulling my now vibrating phone from my pocket. “She’s about ready to go home. I better get outta here.” I stated after reading her text message.

“Ok, well thanks for today and let me know what happens.” she said as she rose and followed me to the door.

“Will do.” I hugged her and then left to go pick up Madie from work.

The whole ride over was hell. Not only because we confirmed that Cerise is as much of a bitch as we suspected, but the fact that she was with Bill made me sick. Not a disgusted I-think-I’m-going-to-puke kind of sick, but my insides were churning and my heart was all achy and heavy. My eyes stung and I felt my forehead crease down the middle. I was heartbroken; I like bill a lot and he’s with that girl. What could he see in her?

I finally pulled up outside the bookstore and Madie was quick to meet me out there. She locked up and rush over the car, sliding in with a bright smile on her face. Despite the state of darkness she saw my face and her smile went out like the wick of a candle.

“Ames, what’s wrong?” she asked and that’s all it took for me to let the tears fall.

I smacked the steering wheel as I screamed out through clenched teeth.

“Cerise!” I cried.

“What is it? What’d she do?” she asked frantically.

“She’s with Bill, and he confirmed it.” I sighed as I let my head fall back into my seat.

“What?! But she and Tom just broke up. And Bill thinks it’s ok to date his brother’s ex?” she shouted, getting it all wrong.

“Bill never knew they were together, and Tom doesn’t know about her and Bill. Madie, she’s doing it again.” I stated.


I explained everything I’d learned today and told her my theory. She was livid.

“I can’t believe her! That stupid bitch!” she yelled and smacked the dashboard.

“You got that right.” I stated flatly.

“I will not let her do this again. I won’t let her tear Tom and Bill apart like she did Jean and Travis. It’d kill them, and then I’d kill her!” Madie went on and I let her because it all sounded like a fantastic —not smart or doable— plan.

“What are we going to do?” I asked her.

“I don’t know, but we’ll think of something.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to all my readers and to gidet363 and XTokioHotel_FanX for commenting my last chapter.

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