Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

Heated Couch Confessions

Sam’s POV

I was sitting on my couch flipping through some sales papers when a knock came to my door. I set it down on the coffee table and went to answer it.

“Hey, Babe.” Georg said with a wide grin set on his lips.

He came inside and kissed me hello and with my lips still pressed against his I sighed contentedly, happy he was back.

“Miss me?” he chuckled.

“You know I did.” I said and led him over to join me on the couch.

Once there he pulled in close to him, one hand on the back of my neck so that I couldn’t move away and the other on my waist. He started to lean toward me and I in turn leaned back until I was lying on the couch with him above me.

Hands roaming I found my way to the zipper of his jacket and undid it. He pulled it off himself and then reattached his lips to mine. His fingers were inching up the side of my shirt and it sent chills up my back.

He kissed at my neck and I slid my hands from his back to his ever so muscular arms. He was now working to get my shirt off so I sat up to accommodate him. His lips made their way across my collar bone and down my chest where he stopped to work a little magic.

After a few minutes he came back to my lips and I know found myself pulling his shirt up around his torso. He chuckled as I struggled to get it up over his chest and arms and sat up pulling it over his head with ease.

While he was sitting there he backed up slightly and undid the button of my jeans and slid his hands underneath the tops, sliding them down over my hips and down my legs. I sat up before he could move and pulled his belt off in one swift movement.

He stood so that I could slide his pants off once I had them undone and then leaned back down into me.

This time I didn’t allow him to push me back into the couch. He looked at me curiously and then I stood turning him away from the couch and pushing him down onto it.

I climbed into his lap, straddling his legs as my lips found their way to his neck. I kissed and bit at the sensitive skin there until a small guttural moan escaped his lips.

His hands were working frantically at the clasp of my bra and when the got it undone I let it fall down my arms to expose my heaving chest.

Georg wrapped his arms around my back and reached up to grasp my shoulders so that he could pull me away from him slightly and indulge in my well endowed breasts.

I moan slipped past my lips and he raised his hands to massage them slightly as his mouth left to reconnect to my own.

He then moved quickly and laid me back down on the couch beneath him. With one hand still working at my breast his other found its way down to my panties. He tugged at one side then the other until he had them down to my knees. He left my upper half for only a second to remove them completely before he removed his own.

He retrieved a condom and slipped it on before climbing back up in between my legs. Positioning himself just right he lightly kissed me before pushing into me slowly.

I rolled my hips in sync with his and his head hung low at my ear. He murmured sweet-nothings to me until words were near impossible. I climaxed first and shortly after he followed, riding it out until his quivering body fell against mine.

Both out of breath we lay there wrapped in our silence as we came back down.

“You’re amazing.” he sighed.

“Me? Look who’s talking.” I giggled.

He raised his head to look at me and smiled softly before kissing me again, lightly this time but just as endearing as any other.

“So what did you do all day while I was gone?” he asked as he traced the curves of my breast with his index finger.

“Hmm, I went out with Amelia and bought some ceiling lamps. See?” I said pointing to the one above him.

He looked up at it and then over toward the one in the dinning room and kitchen.

“Nice.” he smirked.

“We had to have Bill help us with the one in the kitchen; neither of us could reach it.” I chuckled and then remembered everything that I’d found out today.

“Oh my goodness.” I said excitedly. “You’ll never guess what I found out today.”

“What is that?” he smiled.

“Your cousin is, or was now, dating the twins. At the same time!” I exclaimed and he looked at me confusedly.


“Yea, she’s been with them since she got here and Tom just broke up with her so now she’s only with Bill.” I explained.

“What are you talking about? She isn’t, nor was she ever, with either of them. I’ve been there the whole time and she’s almost never left alone with anyone. There isn’t a way she could be.” he said looking a little upset.

“But she told Amelia-”

“Sam! It’s not a possibility. Drop it.” he said cutting me off. He removed himself from on top of me and went to redress himself.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

“Home. I don’t need this right now.”

After he was dressed he rose to leave.

“Georg.” I called after him but he left without another word.

♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to all my readers and to gidjet363, x6GothicxGirl9x, Monster-Kermit, Sarahlamppost and xXxAlicexXx for commenting my last chapter.

more comments darlings! <3