Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

With Hearts On a Shelf

Tom’s POV

It was Friday and I was at the bookstore again with Madie. I’d been here practically every day this week and most every day out of the past month and I never seemed to tire of it. Maybe it was because I was here with her.

Ever since the day I broke it off with Cerise I’ve felt this lightness about me. Like a since of relief; I was no longer tied to her in anyway and was free to with whom ever I chose.

I chose Madie.

But just because I wanted to be with her didn’t mean she wanted to be with me. Sure she always acted nice, or blushed when ever I said something nice or endearing to her, but maybe she’s just really shy.

There has to be a way to find out with out directly asking her. But how?

“Hey,” she said snapping me out of thought, “you wanna help me shelve the rest of yesterday’s shipment?”

“Yea, sure.” I got up and followed her to the back room and she pointed out which boxes had to go out front. We each grabbed one and headed back out front.

“Where do you want them?” I asked.

“Over here. The boxes are alphabetical so we’ll do it that way and save time.” she said and I followed her to the end of a shelf on the back wall.

“Ok. Just put them in order by the author’s last name and make sure all the same books are together.” she instructed.

“You got it.” I smiled and she returned it brightly.

I couldn’t help but stop and stare at her every once in a while. She looked amazing today, not that she didn’t every other day but her outfit today just gave her a whole new glow.

We talked idly about the different books we were shelving and she told me if she’d read them and whether or not they’d be worth the time. I usually never read, but I must admit that ever since I met her it become something of habit with me.

“So how are you liking your freedom?” she chuckled.

“It’s great. Don’t know why I didn’t do it sooner.” I smiled at her.

“’Cause you were scared.” she accused jokingly.

I opened my mouth to say something but closed it when she continued.

“But hey, it’s ok. We’re supposed to be scared of monsters.” she said and raised her eyes to the ceiling looking around with an innocent expression playing at her face.

I laughed out and said, “True, true.”

We laughed and talked randomly while we sorted through the boxes. She went into the back to grab the last box and as she rounded the corner out of my sight I let out a sigh full of nerves.

When she comes back, I thought. I had to ask her soon or I never would.

She came back with the box and set it at our feet.

Here goes nothing.

“So umm, are you working Sunday?” I started.

“Nope, why?”

“Uh…no plans?” I made sure.

“Nothing.” she giggled and that seemed to push me to ask the rest.

“So you wanna go to dinner with me?” I asked as I fiddled with the binding of the book I was holding.

She didn’t say anything so I figured it was a ‘No’ and I felt defeated.

“You’re blushing so badly right now.” she laughed.

That only caused my face to redden more.

“Of course! I’d love to go to dinner with you.” she said happily.

My eyes left the book in my hands and met hers excitedly.

“Really?” I said a little shocked and she giggled again.

♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to all of my readers and to gidget363, SarahBeth1369, TomiBear, x6GothicxGirl9x, Sarahlamppost and Monster-Kermit for commenting my last chapter.

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