Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

Brotherly Advice

Tom’s POV

As soon as Madie had said ‘Yes’ my heart stopped. Not only from excitement or relief, but now I was nervous. Where should I take her? What should I wear; would it be casual, semi-formal…well I could cross off the tux…there was no way!

I raced home and went straight to Bill’s room closing the door behind me.

“Thanks for knocking. Come right in; I’m not busy or anything.” he said flatly, his eyes never leaving the notebook in his lap.

Are you busy?” I asked.

He looked up at me and smiled, a small laugh escaping him.

“No, I just always wanted to say that to someone! What’s up?” he asked gesturing for me to sit next to him at the foot of his bed. I sat down and drew in a deep breath before I began.

“I asked Madie to dinner.”

“And? What’d she say?” he asked anxiously.


“Awesome! So what’s the problem?” he shook his head confusedly.

“What should I do?” I asked animatedly, flailing my hand a bit.

“Take her out.” he said slowly, squinting his eyes at me as if he were examining a crazy person.

“No! I mean, where should I take her? It has to be nice! And then what do I wear?” I questioned frantically.

He started to laugh slightly before saying, “Calm down. It’s just dinner. Get with it. You know who you are? Tom Kaulitz, that’s who. Act like it.”

At saying this I began to laugh.

“You’re right. Thanks for reminding me.” I chuckled.

“It’s what I’m here for. Just don’t forget again or I’m having mom write your name in your boxers.”

“We shared a good laugh before I got up to leave.

“Night Bill.”

“Night Tom.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Surprise ^-^
This post was to short to stand alone so I tacked it on to tonights :>

Thanks to my readers and to xXxAlicexXx, Sarahlamppost and gidjet363 for commenting my last chapter.

More plz ladies!