Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

Here's To The Night

Tom’s POV

I was in the elevator at Madeline’s apartment complex going up to her flat. I was so anxious and a little nervous too. I guess it’s all different when you’re…in love.

God, it was still odd to admit that, but only because I hadn’t been in years. Last time I was young and impressionable, now I felt like I knew more and understood what this really was about.

It had nothing to do with status and looks, although she had both; she owned her own store and was more beautiful than any girl I’d ever seen. It also wasn’t about anything physical like sex; I’d only ever hugged her and that was when she was upset.

Even though it wasn’t about the physical stuff with Madie I’d actually love to be able to sit and hold her, or hold her hand every so often. To kiss her when she felt sad and tell her it’d alright.

But I couldn’t; not while she was still ’with’ that goon. I was hoping for some answers tonight. Answers as to why she couldn’t break it off with Shayne.

I now found myself in front of Madeline’s door and hadn’t realized I’d exited the elevator and gotten al the way here.

I knocked quickly on the door and stood anxiously with my hands in my pockets. I’d decided to go for a semi-formal look tonight wearing black slacks and a medium blue colored button down long sleeved shirt tucked in. Instead of a hat I wore a simple black bandana. Comfortable yet presentable.

“Hey, Tom. Madie’s almost ready, com on in.” Amelia said as she opened the door to me.


“Wow, you clean up nice.” she smiled.

“I tried.” I shrugged my shoulders.

“Well it worked. I’ll go get Madie for you.” and with that she excused herself to the back of the apartment.

I heard muttered voices and some shuffling around but couldn’t make out any of it.

Then Amelia came back out into the living room grinning like a fool. I was about to ask what was so funny but then my breath caught in my throat and I found words nearly impossible.

Madeline came into the room from the hall and stopped as she saw me. She grinned and eyed me coyly before walking over the rest of the way.

“Hello, Tom.” she said softly.

“Madeline. You look…beautiful.”

She flushed slightly but didn’t drop her head as she usually did. She bit her bottom lip and looked into my eyes, never leaving them.

“Um…are you ready?” I asked and she nodded slightly.

We left saying our good buys to Amelia and then I led her down to my car.

Later at the restaurant Madeline and I sat back in a private room; I didn’t need paparazzi lingering and snapping shots of either one of us throughout the night.

“This is really nice.” Madie said simply as she took in the room.

“It is, huh?” I too gazed around the softly lit room, the candles near the wall reflecting off of the burnt amber colored walls. It had a very warm, inviting sense to it.

“Thanks for bringing me.” her eyes finally stopped roaming the room and landed on me.

“Thanks for coming.” I replied.

There was a short silence that wasn’t exactly comfortable and I knew Madie could tell something was bothering me.

“What is it? She questioned concernedly.

“Madie, I’ve been thinking…a lot, and there’s something I want to tell you. I just don’t know how, or if I even should.” I said nervously as my eyebrows stitched together in confusion.

She reached across the table and placed her hand gently on my own and urged me to continue. I looked up into her eyes and held there gaze intensely before speaking.

“Madeline. I’m in love with you.” I said in such a low it could have been considered a whisper.

She stopped caressing the back of my hand with her finger tips and her eyes became wide with shock. She opened her mouth to speak once…twice…three times, but nothing came out. I dropped my head in utter embarrassment and felt a complete fool.

Then the unexpected happened; she moved her hand from above mine to below mine and squeezed it reassuringly.

“It’s not that I don’t feel the same way, I just find it difficult to put it in to so many words. Especially after everything with Shayne. Which,” she cut me off before I could ask about the event, “you will find out in good time. I promise. But lets not ruin tonight with stories like that, ok?” she asked softly with an encouraging smile.

I nodded and smiled back at her as I gripped her small hand in mine.

“Because Tom…”


“I do feel the same.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to all my readers and to x6GothicxGirl9x, BillaBear, TomiBear, Monster-Kermit, xXxAlicexXx, Sei;Magnifique!, gidget363 and Pansyxlivesxon for commenting my last chapter.

Sorry i couldn't post yesterday; my family is staying over and i don't have much free time to devote to writing. But i'll make sure I have something fo rtomorrow as well.