Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

Long Lost Prostitute

Cerise’s POV

“Ok so just act normal. We’ve known each other for years and we’re best friends. Got it?” I said to Camilla, the French prostitute of Brian’s.

“Got it.” she smiled nervously as she played with the hem of her shirt.

I put my hand on hers to rest the nervous habit and smiled assuring her that it’d be alright. In all honesty, if she fucks this up for me I’ll have her ass for it.

I heard laughter at the door and looked at Camilla anxiously. We started laughing as if we’d been talking all along.

“Well do you remember when stayed over at her house that weekend before school started?” she laughed.

“Oh my, we were being so immature. Her brother never did forgive us did he?” I played along.

“Well he and I are on ok terms now and I’m sure you would have been too if you hadn’t had to move.” she said and a small frown touched her lips as she patted my arms.


We both turned to look at the door as if we hadn’t noticed Georg and Gustav walk in.

“Oh you scared me.” I exclaimed as I threw my hand up to cover my heart.

“Um, Cerise. Who is this?” Georg questioned pointing toward Camilla.

“Oh! I’m sorry, how rude of me. Guys this is my best friend Camilla. She just recently moved out here form France and phoned me when she arrived. I just had to see her so I invited her over. I should have asked first, I’m sorry. Are you angry?” I laid it on thick and let my eyes sparkle as if this meant everything in the world to me.

“Oh, uh no, I’m not mad. Just shocked kind of.” Georg stood there.

“It’s nice to finally meet Cerise’s cousin,” Camilla said standing and offering her hand for him to shake. “and it was really great of you to take her in.” she smiled softly.

Damn, maybe I didn’t give her enough credit; she knew how to play into this.

“Nice to meet you too. And she’s family; I didn’t have to think twice.” Georg turned and smiled at me. That sent a pang into my stomach but I quickly pushed it away; I had a job to do.

“Camilla and I grew up together, you might remember her form some of your visits.” I said to Georg knowing that he rarely ever made it out to visit so identifying her wouldn’t be all that easy.

“Yea, uh you were the blonde from down the street right?” he questioned all squinty eyed as if that was going to help him remember.

“Yea, that’s me.” she smiled.

“Hmm, I could have sworn your name was Danielle.” he said and for a second I was shocked because a girl named Danielle really did live near me.

“That’s my middle name. Growing up I didn’t like Camilla so I went by Danielle, but I’ve learned to love it.” she smiled and I was utterly shocked.

I’d have to remember to give Brian kudos for his pick in women. Guess he’s not all that stupid after all.

Georg was nodding his head as if he now remembered that he was mistaken about her name and he then introduced Gustav. They said there ‘hello’s’ and then Camilla went to work.

“Listen, Georg. I haven’t seen this girl in months and I was wondering if you’d mind if I stole her this weekend. I need help unpacking and such and it’d be nice to do some more catching up. Would you mind letting her stay over?” she said in a very adult manner.

“Where do you live?” Gustav piped in.

“23rd and Birch.” she smiled.

“That’s not too far from here.” Gustav said.

He and Gustav shared a look and then Georg spoke.

“Yea, sure. I don’t mind.” he smiled and the both of us.

“Thanks Georg.” I said happily and decided to through in a big hug for effect. Only I felt more than I thought I would when he embraced me back. I felt cared for and loved, but I’d deal with that later.

“Awesome. Well I better get home. Would you walk me down, Cerise?” Camilla asked.

“Yea, sure. I’ll be back in a minute guys.”

With that I walked Camilla down the hall to the elevator. Once inside we both broke out laughing.

“Damn girl, you’re good!” I said.

“Thanks. Well I guess me and the guys will pick you up Friday night that way you have more free time.” she chuckled.

“Awesome. Well thanks for helping out. I’ll see you later.”

With that she got into a cab and headed back to Brian and Shayne’s house. I couldn’t wait till I could join them.
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Thanks to all my readers and to CassMcD, gidjet363, x6GothicxGirl9x, BillBear, xXxAlicexXx, Sei;Magnifique! and TomiBear for commenting my last chapter.

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