Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

Putting a Foot Down.

Cerise was feeling rather content with herself after burning Tom that morning. She thought to herself, see if he tries pullin’ that shit again… She was paying him back for not playing her little game the night before. As she stood, rinsing the shampoo from her hair, she got a sudden burst of ice cold water.

“What the hell!” she screamed. After a few second it was back to normal. She continued to rinse her hair out and started applying her conditioner. That’s when the water took a rapid turn and scalded her.

“Oh my God, what the fuck!!” Cerise stepped back until the water went back to normal. This happened a few more times, then she finally gave up and turned off the shower. She quickly grabbed a towel and wrapped it around herself.

She flung the bathroom door open as hard as she could, making sure everyone in the house knew she was pissed. As she walk out into the living room, she stopped and stared at the four boys standing in the kitchen. She was about to start going off on them when she noticed Tom standing in front of the sink, leaning on the counter. He stood, arms crossed over his chest, grinning at her.

“I owed you for last night,” He said with vengeance dripping from every word. “and I haven’t even begun your punishment for this morning.” he said with a weak laugh.

Cerise opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. She was completely and utterly speechless. She just glared at him and turned on her foot, storming back to her room.

“I can’t believe him! Ugh…what a prick!! Oh…this is so war!!” Cerise just about ripped the closet door from the hinges as she began throwing random articles of clothing aside, until she found what she was looking for. Just about the sleaziest outfit any teenage girl could own. A blood red corset top trimmed in black lace and probably the shortest skirt ever made. If she had bent over, her ass would have fallen out.

She fixed up her hair and make up to what she considered perfection, and walked back out to the living room. As she walked in and sat down on the couch, she heard…well nothing actually. Everyone in the kitchen went silent. And then there went Georg.

“What the fuck do you think you’re wearing?!”

“Uhh…last time I checked, you called these clothes!” She was pissed and the world was going to know it.

“Last time I checked, that’s what whores wore, and considering you’re not one, you need to get your ass back in your room and change.” Georg felt awkward seeing his cousin like this.

“Well considering you’ve grounded me and I can’t go anywhere, no one will see me anyway, so stop freaking out like a little girl. “ Cerise would push his buttons until he’d loose it.

“This is my house you’re staying in, and I don’t want me or my friends seeing you like that!”

“Why not?! Afraid one of them might want to sleep with me if they get a little preview?!” She was being a complete bitch. Before Georg could say anything Bill jumped up and got in her face.

“Listen you…Not only is this not your house, but you don’t get a say in how your life is lived any longer. Georg pays the bills, therefore you go by his rules. If he wants you to look decent you will, despite his reasoning. I don’t want to ever catch you mouthing off to him, or any of us for that matter, again!! Do you understand me?!” Bill knew how make you listen even when you didn’t want to.

Cerise could feel the tears begin to well up in her eyes, but she wasn’t about to let them run down her face.

“Yes…” she said looking into Bill’s eyes, she could see he was mad, but she could also tell he cared about her well being.

“Then do as he asked and go change into something suitable.”

Cerise just nodded her head and walked back to her room. She couldn’t believe it, Bill was the only one who really got to her like that. She felt she couldn’t disobey him. She began changing into some less revealing clothes and sat down to wash her makeup off.


Back in the kitchen the boys where astonished at how well Cerise listened to Bill. He did have a way at getting through to people. He walked back into the kitchen and sat at the table.

“I just can’t stand seeing her treat you like that.” His comment was directed at Georg.

“Yea, well thanks for stepping in like that. She can be quit the handful.”

“Yea, so what do you have planned for the day?!” Bill asked almost blandly.

“Well we wanted to go go-carting, but seeing as Cerise is being a pain, we’ll probably just call it off and go another time.” Georg was a little disappointed.

“No, no…you guys go ahead. I can handle Cerise, you guys go have fun and don’t even worry. I have everything under control.” Bill wasn’t much of the go-carter anyway.

“Are you sure?!” Georg didn’t want to leave Bill alone with her when she was in a mood like this.

“Yea, of course…everything will be fine trust me. You should go get ready so you can beat the rush.”

“True…K well if anything happens, anything at all, just call and we’ll be here immediately.” George didn’t want Bill to feel over whelmed. But Bill really would have it under control, he knew how to talk to her to get inside her head. Everything would work out fine.

The guys went and got ready and soon after left. Bill sat on the couch flipping through the channels when he notice Cerise walk out of the hall and over toward him with her head hanging.

“Do you mind if I join you?” She asked meekly.

Bill replied with a nod and Cerise sat down on the opposite end of the couch and silently began watching TV with Bill.
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So show some!!