Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

Jägermeister Exposed

Cerise’s POV

I woke up this morning in a tangle of Shayne’s limbs and the sheet of his bed smelling like old sex. The room was musty and the air thick causing beads of sweat to pool at the small of my back.

I could hardly stand the staleness any longer and had to remove myself from his hold for a shower.

I’d only been in there for a good 10 minutes before he decided to join me. Needless to say, sex with Shayne in the shower was amazing. I don’t know what Madeline’s malfunction is; I could ask for someone better than Shayne.

After the shower scene we’d gone into the kitchen to join Brian and Camilla for breakfast and then hung out most of themorning afternoon. I was glad Brian had good taste in the women he fucked because I was getting all tremendously with Camilla.

After about 3 hours we got bored and the guys drove into town to the liquor store. We had decided to have our own little party which we’d later find out would consist of loud music, hardcore grinding, body shots and a make out session to take it all.

“Damn, I am so buzzin’ right now.” Camilla said from beside me.

The four of us made up a sort of ill-formed square in the living room floor and were passing around what used to be a full bottle of Jägermeister. Now it only contained what I’d guess the be around 5 shots worth.

“Weshould…p-play agame.” Brian slurred.

“Like?” I asked in a drunken sing song voice.

“Oooh,” Shayne started, “I got it.”

“Whadisit?” Brian asked.

He looked right at me and a smirk fell across his face.

“I want you,”he pointed at me unsteadily, “To kiss her

“Huh? Hell no!” Camilla chuckled and tipped the bottle back against her lips, swallowing another mouthful of the sweet liquor.

“C’mon, wh’not?”

“Ok, we will.” I said daringly, “if…if you kiss Brian first.” I burst out laughing absolutely sure it’d never happen.

“Wha?!” Brian exclaimed, a confused and hazy expression on his face.

“Fine.” Shayne said simply and moved toward Brian. I sat laughing waiting for him to chicken out but the room fell silent when Shayne reached for the back of Brian’s neck.

He pulled Brian to him and pressed their lips together. I figured it’d stop there but boy was I wrong. I watched as Shayne started moving his lips against Brian’s and Brian played along. Shayne’s tongue slid out across Brian’s in what could be a pretty heated kiss had it not been the guys Camilla and I planned on fucking tonight.

A small moan leaked out from between their mouths as the sound of wet kisses subsided. Shayne licked his lips and then wiped them off on the back of his hand as he took his original seat.

“Your turn, baby.” he smirked at me and I was still too shocked to move.

I turned to look at Camilla and she shrugged her shoulder and rolled her eyes before getting up and moving closer to me. She brushed my hair aside and wove her fingers into it at the base of my neck as she pulled me closer.

Her lips were soft on mine and as I started to kiss back my mind screamed for me to stop because this was so not how I played. But hell, I had Jäger coursing through my veins by now and who the hell was it really hurting.

I pried her lips apart with my tongue and I felt her hesitate slightly before letting me in. Being a prostitute I guess she found nothing odd in this, and I guess she also learned a few tricks of the trade.

Once her tongue was in my mouth she moved the tip of it to the roof of my mouth and drug it slowly back out sending chills all the way down to my thighs. This spark of electricity sent my mind reeling and I practically lunged at her, kissing her more forcefully.

She broke away before I wanted but I guess it was a bit awkward…for who I’m not sure, but I was drunk enough to go ahead and enjoy myself and if I wasn’t fucking Camilla tonight then…

I turned to Shayne and the burning between my legs seemed to heighten as his hungry, turned-on gaze caught my eyes. He stood and came over to me and pulled me up into him.

He did just as Camilla had and woven his fingers into my hair pulling my mouth to his. His lips worked quickly but not as quickly as I needed.

I pushed him onto the couch behind me and, not caring that the other two were sitting behind me watching, grabbed for Shayne’s belt and pulled off. After tossing it across the room I pulled my thong off from underneath my skirt and dropped them to the ground as well.

I climbed on top of Shayne, straddling his legs, and undid his jeans. Without thinking twice I reached in and found what I was looking for. I felt his length hot and hard in my hand as I worked to expose him. After everything was situated I adjusted my skirt and positioning myself just right, I slid down onto him and screamed out in pleasure.

In the back of my mind I knew this was wrong and it made it even worse to have our friends sitting back, getting off on watching us, but the rest of me couldn’t give a-

“Fuck!” Shayne yelled as he climaxed and released himself.

I continued to ride it out as I too came. I collapsed in pure bliss against his chest not bothering to remove anybody parts from where the now were.

As I came down from my high I sat in Shayne’s lap and could now hear our friends on the floor recreating the scene they’d just seen.

Hell yea.
♠ ♠ ♠
And the final post of the night
yes i realize i'm late, stop whining.

Thanks to my readers and to Pansyxlivesxon, SarahBeth1369, Numbsubconscious, alilisea and x6GothicxGirl9x for commenting my last chapter.

more comments plz!