Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

Meet Me Here

Madeline’s POV

It had been a week since Tom and I had gone to dinner and he told me he was in love with me. Every time I thought about it I got the cheesiest grin on my face because I knew I was in love with him too. I’d told him this in only so many words; it was difficult for me to be so forward even with someone like Tom. But after admitting to myself that I was indeed in love with him, I found that I couldn’t keep him in the dark anymore.

Tom had been kind and patient in not asking too many questions about my past and my problem with Shayne, and I felt he’d waited long enough.

I picked up the cordless phone and sat down on the couch. I dialed Tom’s cell and counted the rings until he answered.

One, two, thr-

“Hey there, Kitty Kat.” Tom answered cheerfully.

“Well hello, beautiful.” I smiled and chuckled as we used our nicknames from the day we splatter-painted Amelia’s gallery.

“What’s up?” he asked after joining in on my laughter.

“Are you busy doing anything?” I started.

“No, not really. Just hanging around the house, why?” he questioned.

“Well, I actually wanted to talk to you.” I stated.


“Not over the phone.” I said flatly, being some what nervous.

“Is everything ok, Madie?” He asked in a more serious tone now.

“Yea, yea. I just…what I have to say can’t be done over the phone.” I explained.

“Ok.” he said sounding rather confused.

“Can you meet me at that park you took me to before?”

“Yea, sure. When?”

“Uh, now?”

“Alright. I slip my shoes on and be out the door in a minute.” he confirmed.

“Great, I’ll see you soon.” I said before pressing end and setting the phone on the coffee table.

All I had to do now was get a jacket, get there and try not to throw up.

Tom’s POV

I closed my cell phone and slid it into my pocket before I made my way into my room and put on a pair of shoes. I pulled my jacket on and grabbed my keys as I left the apartment and went down to my car.

On the way to the park my mind was racing faster than my car on the autobahn.

What did she need to talk to me about? Most of the time when someone says ‘we need to talk’ it ends in heartache because most of the time those people break up. Well Madie and I weren’t together. Could she be telling me before hand that it just wouldn’t work? That she realized she wasn’t in love with me.

At that thought alone I felt sick to my stomach and almost didn’t want to meet up with her. I couldn’t handle her rejecting me, not this far in.

One the other hand she could have just had a really awful day and need a shoulder to cry on. Maybe things with Shayne weren’t going well and she needed to talk about it.

What ever it was I planned on being there when she needed me to be.
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Thanks to all my readers and to BillaBear, alilisea, x6GothicxGirl9x and xXxAlicexXx for commenting my last chapter.

More comments ladies!