Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

Confessions of Memories Past

Madeline’s POV

I was sitting on a bench in the park when I saw Tom’s black Escalade pull into the small parking lot. He got out and walked over to me with a cautious sort of smile on his face.

“Hey.” he said simply, his hands shoved into his deep jean pockets as he rolled forward on the balls of his feet.

“Sit.” I offered with an inviting smile while I pat the seat next to me.

He did so, hands still in his pockets, and had yet to meet my gaze.

“Tom…” I started as I turned and placed a hand on his arm. He finally looked at me and I saw a flash of fear streak through his hazel eyes.

“I think…It’s time I tell you about me and Shayne.” I sighed and dropped me head slightly.

“You…but I thought…” he sighed in relief, “I thought you were going to tell me that this thing, between you and me,” he gestured with his hand, “wasn’t going to work.”

“No, that’s not it.” I smiled smally.

“Oh, well…take you’re time, I guess.” and then he sat patiently waiting for me to start my story.

“Well, I met Shayne about two years ago at a friend’s house. We hit it off and started hanging out more often, mostly without a group.” I smiled a bit. “After about a month he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes, obviously.”

Tom chuckled smally and I knew it was forced for my sake.

“The first year was amazing and I never thought I’d need anyone else in my life; he was all I ever wanted.” I paused and glanced at Tom, he had a sullen look on his face and I grabbed his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

“A little while later after our ‘1 year’ he met Brian, the guy he lives with now, and started to drink and get into the partying scene. It didn’t bother me so much at first because it wasn’t often. He’d go every other weekend and make sure to call me when he got home so that I knew he was alright.” I smiled to myself remembering how perfect he used to be.

“It started getting worse after he moved in with Brian; he drank regularly and started experimenting with cocaine. I told him how much I disapproved of it and he agreed to stop. But he never really did.” I stared into nothing and felt my eyes start to sting with the burning memories I promised myself never to dif up. It was Tom this time that had squeezed my hand and given me a reassuring smile.

“It’s alright.” he said softly, “You don’t have to continue.”

I shook my head and he nodded as I continued.

“It was 8 months ago last Tuesday. Shayne had invited me over to Brian’s and I agreed to it. When I showed up Brain was having a small get together of mostly under aged kids and prostates. I found Shayne in his room…he wasn’t alone either. Some busty blonde was sitting on his bed next to him and when I opened the door he started telling her to leave, as if that’s what he ws saying all along.” I chuckled slightly at the stupidity of it all.

“She left and I was furious. He tried explaining that she’d let herself in and he told her that she had to leave. I was still upset so he’d hugged me and that led to a kiss which led to…,” I looked up at Tom with a hesitant expression, “well I’m sure you know where it led”

His jaw set and he nodded only slightly. I pat his leg and smiled at him, he took a deep breath and gestured for me to continue.

“After a few minutes I’d realized just how drunk he was and that he’d also done a few lines before I arrived. It had really started to kick in and he was becoming reckless. I pushed him off of me and got up to leave because I was angry with him. But then…then he…,” I took a deep shaky breath and pushed myself to continue. “He grabbed a hold of my hair and yanked me back down.

I felt Tom’s grip on my hand tighten slightly and noticed his other hand bald in a fist, white at the knuckles.

“I told him to let me go and get off but he didn’t. He slapped me and told me to shut up.” The tears that brimmed my eyes spilled over the edge as I had done before.

“He…,” I swallowed, “rapped me…and left me alone in his room to cry as he partied. Later that night after he’d become more intoxicated I tried to leave and he caught me at the door. He told me that if I ever told anyone what happened he’d…he’d hurt Amelia. I couldn’t have that happen so I’ve never spoken of it till now.”

Tom’s expression made me want to cry even harder. He was clenching his jaw so tightly I was afraid it’d bust. His eyes were wet with tears that he’d managed to blink back.

“Then…” I continued and his expression turned to one of shock as if he wondered how I could have possible endured anymore pain. I myself couldn’t even answer that question.

“A few months after that night I had tried to break it off with him. I was alone with him which was a mistake, but I didn’t feel like making the scene public. Now I think that might have been a good idea.”

“What happened?” Tom asked smally and it was the first time he’d spoken since he arrived.

“He hit me. In the face, and it left me with a pretty good shiner. I had to tell Amelia that a book case was unsteady and a load of books fell on me. I couldn’t tell her; not only for her sake, but because he said…he said if I ever left him it’d be because I was…dead. “

A single tear slid down Tom’s cheek and I brushed it away as I stared into his eyes, cupping his face gently.

“He’s become more violent since then and he yells and has bad mood swings. He hasn’t hit me since but he grabs onto my arms or threatens me.” said smally.

“So…now you see why I can’t just break it off with him? He’d go crazy and I don’t want to have to deal with that.” I sobbed softly.

I turned to Tom and what happened next was completely unexpected.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oooooooo xD

Thanks to all my readers and to alilisea, xXxAlicexXx, xo_katrina_xo, BurningxFlames, x6GothicxGirl9x, Monster-Kermit, gidjet363 and Pansyxlivesxon for commenting my last chapter.

More comments plz!