Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

Mended With Forever and Always

Tom’s POV

I felt my heart tear in half as I listened to Madeline’s story. How could anyone put her through that? I grabbed a hold of her and picked her up setting her in my lap. I wrapped my arms around her tightly and she buried her head in the crook of my neck and sobbed quietly. I too let a few tears fall from my eyes.

“Shhh, it’ll be alright.” I cooed softly as I stroked her hair and rocked back and forth.

“Will it?” her cry was muffled but I understood it just fine.

“Of course it will.” I assured her.

“But, Shayne… I can’t just leave him. He’ll be here forever.” her crying grew louder the more upset she became.

“No he won’t.”

“He will, Tom. He will!” she lifted her head to look at me and her tear stained face look terrified.

“Madie, I won’t let him-”

“Tom you don’t understand! He’s….Just promise me you won’t say anything!”


“Promise me, Tom!” She cried.

“I promise not to mention it to anyone. But if he touches you or even looks at you strangely again I swear I’ll end it all.” and I meant it. No one would find him after I was finished and I doubt anyone would miss him.

“Tom, don’t talk like that.”

“Like what?” I asked.

“Don’t threaten him. It makes you just as bad.” she said in a sad voice.

“I’m not like him Madeline.” I said flatly.

“I know. That’s why you shouldn’t say that sort of thing.” she whispered.

“What am I supposed to say? ‘Oh hey Shayne, even though you totally defiled Madie and beat her it’s all good ‘cause I’m not like you. But I’d appreciate you staying away from her.’? I can’t just stand by and watch him hurt you.” I said angrily, but not with her, just the situation.

“He hasn’t done much of anything since…well since I met you.” she said and looked up into my eyes sweetly.

“Well then you see that being with me will be for the better.” I tried to convince her.

“But if I leave him for you he’ll…well I know what’ll happen to me but I don’t care. If he hurt you I don’t know what I’d do!” she started crying harder again and I reached up to brush the tears away.

“Sweetie, nothing is going to happen to me.”


“With all my heart.” I smiled softly.

She smiled and hugged me tightly as she continued to whimper into my shoulder.

“What did I ever do to deserve this?” she murmured.

“This?” I questioned not sure of what exactly she’d meant.


“Well, you don’t deserve any of what Shayne has done to you. He doesn’t deserve someone as great as you, hell I’m not even sure I do.” I chuckled.

“Please, I don’t deserve you. After all I’ve told you you’re still here.” she said shaking her head faintly.

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Tom, look at me. I’m spoiled goods.”

I reached up and covered her mouth with my thumb stopping her from saying anymore.

“Don’t ever say that about yourself. You’re perfect despite your past.” I said. She smiled softly and I drew my hand away.

“Thanks for listening, Tom” she said.

“Hey, that’s what I’m here for, and always will be.” and I meant it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to all my readers and to alilisea, DanceBriannaDance, CassMcD, BurningxFlames, BillaBear, gidjet363, xXxAlicexXX, Pansyxlivesxon, x6GothicxGril9x, TomiBear and YoUnGBoSsBaBe for commenting my last chapter.

more comments plz!!