Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

Wrongfully Accused

Sam’s POV

The evening had started out just fine but I doubt it’d end the same. Georg had come over and we’d talked a bit. Then was when I felt it quite pertinent to bring up his loving little cousin. Let’s just say things weren’t panning out as I’d hoped.

“Sam, I already told you, Cerise isn’t with either of the twins!” he shouted.

“I’m not saying she is!”

“Then what are you saying?”

“That I saw her with Shayne!” I said in a fatigued manner.

“How could that be? She’s at her friend Camilla’s house!”

“I saw them at the store.” I said in an obvious tone of voice.

“Oh heaven forbid anyone shop!” he said throwing his hands up in frustration.

“My God, you’re missing the point!” I exclaimed loudly.

“Which is?!”

“That she was with Shayne!”

“So what, now it’s an impossibility to run into someone while shopping?” he retorted.

“No, Georg! It’s not! But I have proof that’s not the case.”

“Proof? What the hell kind of proof?”

“I took pictures with my phone.” I stated and started pulling the device out of my pocket.

“Pictures?” he chuckled, “You took pictu-” he sighed loudly. “You’re delusional! She wouldn’t do that! I know her!” he shouted at me.

“Obviously not well.” I muttered.

“What?! You know what, Sam; I don’t have to take this shit! Especially from someone like you!”

“What is that supposed to mean?!” I yelled.

“It means…it means I think we need a break.” he stated and looked anywhere but my eyes.

“You’re breaking up with me?!”

“I said a break! Push me, Sam. Push me and it might-”

“End?! Is that what you were going to say?!” I yelled even louder now. “No, you know what?! Seeing as you’re not man enough I’ll do it for you! It’s over!” I screamed.

He just looked at me for a second then realization set it.

“Fine.” he said and turned to leave.

As soon as he left and I heard the front door close I picked up my empty glass and threw it at the floor. The shards flew everywhere and I knew I’d have to clean it up, but not now. Now I needed my friends.

I got in my car minutes later and drove over to Madeline and Amelia’s. Once there they let me in upon seeing me tear stained face.

I explained everything from my first attempt at telling Georg to seeing Cerise with Shayne to tonight’s fight and break up.

“Sami, we’re so sorry!” Amelia sympathized.

“Yea, who knew it’d come to all of this?” Madie said a little astounded.

“It’s all cerise’s fault!” I huffed.

“Well she did get Shayne away from me, so I can’t be fully pissed at her.” Madie shrugged.

“Just mostly.” Amelia finished for her.

“Madie, you have to do something.” I said.

“Me? Why me?” she asked almost frantically.

“Because; I tried and failed and it’d be the same for Lia. Bill is with Cerise and would more than likely only think she was trying to break them up. Tom and you have something; he’d believe you no matter what.” I explained.

“Even if he does believe me, what do we expect him to do? Georg is obviously set in his own ways.” she said.

“We have to at least try.” I said.

“I know. I’ll talk to Tom tomorrow when he comes to see me.” she agreed.

“Cross your fingers everyone; it’s about to get shitty.” Amelia stated.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to all my readers and to x6GothicxGirl9x, DanceBriannaDance, alilisea, TomiBear, girdet363, CassMcD, Sei;Magnifiqu!, BurningxFlames, YoUnGBoSsBaBe and Pansyxlinesxon for commetning my last chapter.

More comments lovelies <3