Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

A Devious Exposure

Madeline’s POV

Tom had been at the store a good 30 minutes and I had yet to explain things to him. No way was this as hard to tell him as my story, but this involved more than just me and Shayne now. A lot of people had been or would be hurt when this came out. But it had to happen.

“Why are you so fidgety?” he chuckled noticing my inability to hold still.

I sighed loudly and looked at him.

“Tom, there are things you should know.” I started.

“This doesn’t sound good. It doesn’t have anything to do with what you told me Sunday does it?” he asked becoming more frantic as I let his mind wander.

“No, it doesn’t. But you’re right; it’s not good.” I stated.

“Ok, what is it?”

“Well it’s about Cerise. You see, I know her, both Amelia and I.”

“Yea, I know.”

“No, I mean we’ve known her. Longer than you have. We knew her before any of us moved from France.” I explained.

“Hmm, she never mentioned it.”

“She wouldn’t remember us. See, she dated my cousin, Jean…and his best friend Travis, at the same time.”

Tom looked confused so I went on explaining everything that had happened in the past and how it led to a broken friendship between Jean and Travis.

“Wow, I never…but it’s so fitting. You’re serious?” he sounded shocked, but so far so good.

“Yea, and you know how they say history repeats itself?” I asked slowly.

“Yea” he answered hesitantly.

“Well, she’s doing it again. With you and Bill, and now Shayne.”

“Wait, what?!” he yelled slightly but mostly from the shock of things.

“Well I already knew you two dated, but then Cerise screwed up by telling Amelia to back off her boyfriend, Bill. Eli confronted Bill and he admitted to being with since her arrival.”

“But that’s when she and I started dating.” he interrupted, but I continued afterward.

“Yea well you left her and she started slumming around with Shayne. Sam saw them all over each other at the grocery store and took pictures to prove it.”

“Damn! The whole time-” he then stopped and a look of realization took over his face.

“What is it?” I asked.

“My God, it all makes sense. She told me not to mention us being together for Bill’s sake, because he liked her and she didn’t want to hurt him. I’d agreed because I too didn’t want to see him hurt.”

“I guess her plan worked; neither of you found out.” I stated.

“Yet! Bill has to know; I won’t stand by and let her do this.”

“Ok, but what are we going to do?” I questioned, totally prepared to help him expose her for the bitch she was.

“Bill’s at the studio today, do you think Eli can pick him up and meet us at Sam’s?” he asked quickly as he worked out the plan in his head.

“Yea, I’ll call her in a minute.” I said just as quickly.

“Good, I’ll take you back with me and the four of us will break it to Bill.”

“What about-”

“Georg and Gustav? They’re at the gym so we’ll have to tell them when they get back. Cerise is at the apartments just being lazy so if we need to confront her we can.” he said anxiously.

“Sounds like a plan.” I smiled not being able to hide my devious self.

“That bitch will pay.” Tom stated finally, and I was almost sure she would.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh Snap! xD

Thanks to all my readers and to gidjet363, TomiBear, CassMcD, alilisea, x6GothicxGirl9x, xXxAlicexXx and Sei;Magnifique! for commenting my last chapter.

More comments ladies!