Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

The Heart Wrenching Truth

Omniscient POV

The small group of five showed up slowly but surely to Sam’s apartment, Sam already being there waited as Tom and Madeline arrived first. Shortly after Amelia brought in a very confused Bill and placed him on the couch between his brother, Tom, and Madeline.

“So what’s going on that’s so urgent?” Bill questioned, eyeing his friends awkwardly.

“Bill, there’s something you need to know, and being not only your brother but your twin, you have to know I’d never lie to you or do anything to hurt you.” Tom started to explain.

Bill looked at him wryly then nodded saying, “Yes, I know, but what is it?”

“Well, the girls found a few things out about Cerise lately.”

Bill’s eyes widened at his brothers statement and he felt his pulse quicken.

“It’s alright; we all know you two are an item.” Tom stated plainly.

“You’re not angry?” Bill asked in relief.

“Bill that’s not-”

“Because we only kept quite so not to hurt you.” at that Tom knew further just how much they’d been played.

“Bill, listen to Tom.” Amelia interjected.

“It’s important.” her twin, Madeline, finished.

Bill turned to his brother and nodded as to tell him to continue.

“Bill, as much as I know you don’t want to hear it, Cerise has been lying to you, and cheating.”

“What?” Bill asked astonished.

“She cheated and lied to the both of us.” Tom said sullenly.


“Do you remember that first movie we watched together as a group, about a week after Cerise showed up?”

Bill nodded.

“Well that day she and I started dating and she gave me the same speech she gave you it seems.”

Bill didn’t want to believe any of it, but he’d already admitted to knowing his twin brother would never lie to him, and he knew deep down from their connection that Tom was being completely truthful.

“So…are you still…” he started to ask slowly but couldn’t find the words to finish.

“No, I broke it off with her weeks ago. Actually that first weekend Shayne came over.” Tom explained.

“Which leads to another problem.” Sam stated.

“What?” Bill questioned not wanting to know the answer.

The group then explained about Cerise’s newest infatuation to Shayne. Bill could hardly believe it until Sam produced a small cellular phone from the side table. After pressing a few buttons she handed it to Bill and he saw exactly the scene and had two days previous in the grocery store.

“I can’t believe this. I mean, I do, I have to; it’s all here, but I don’t understand why, or even how she gets off doing this.” Bill said in an angry and depressed voice.

“Well, it’s not the first time.”

Bill looked at Madeline and it was now her and her sister’s turn to share a story. They explained about Jean and Travis and their outcome.

“You see, we didn’t want that happening to you and Tom.” Amelia said softly, gazing affectionately into Bill’s shadowed eyes.

“I understand.” Bill said in a mere whisper.

“I hope you aren’t angry with me keeping secrets.” Tom said looking on at Bill.

“I couldn’t even if I wanted to.” Bill smiled crookedly.

“Why not?” Tom inquired.

“One; you’re my brother and I could never really be angry with you, and two; I did the same thing.” he chuckled half-heartedly.

The brothers shared an identical laugh before standing and embracing one another.

“We have to go talk to her. Now.” Bill stated adamantly.

“You’re sure?” Tom affirmed.

“Hell yea.” Bill smiled. But inside he was heart broken; he had allowed himself to love Cerise fully and she only gave him lies and deceit.

“Alright, let’s go.” and with that the group rose from their seats and left.
♠ ♠ ♠
OH SNAP!!!!! xD

Thanks to all my readers and to gidjet363, x6GothicxGirl9x, Pansyxlivesxon, BurningxFlames, SarahBeth1369, alilisea, Sei;Magnifique! and xXxAlicexXx for commenting.

More comments plz!