Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

The Depth of a Lie

Madeline’s POV

We all left Sam’s apartment and started our journey down the hall to Georg’s apartment. I felt like I was going to be sick; this was so much drama to deal with all in one day but I hadn’t gotten over my confession from just days ago yet. It weighed down on my chest like a ton of bricks.

Tom was walking beside me and I noticed that the slight bounce to his step was missing. I turned to look at him and he looked just as sick as I felt. He met my gaze and I offered a concerned look.

“It’s not that I still care about her, but the fact that when I did she had the audacity to cheat on me and lie to me…with my brother. It just makes me angry; I trusted her and allowed my self to love her.” he said sullenly.

“I understand.” I said softly and nodded.

He smiled half heartedly and I reached out and took his hand in mine. He immediately laced our fingers and began to rub his thumb idly along the side of my hand just below my thumb.

I ding drew my attention from Tom’s eyes to the elevators down the hall and we saw Georg and Gustav step out. Our group stopped a few feet short of Georg’s door and we motioned for the two of them to join us; we didn’t want to stand right in front of the door and be overheard.

“What is it?” Georg questioned and I noticed how he didn’t meet Samantha’s eyes.

“We need to talk.” Tom said first.”


“Cerise.” Bill finished.

Georg exhaled loudly through his nose as he clenched his jaw tighter.

“What about her?” Gustav spoke before Georg lost it.

“Georg, we know you don’t want to hear it or believe it but Sam was right.” Tom spoke and I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.

“What are you talking about?” Georg seethed.

“Cerise and I started dating about a week or two after she arrived. We kept it a secret only because she said she was afraid of hurting anyone. I’m sorry for lying to you.” Tom explained and then apologized.

“She and I started dating at the same time and she gave me the same speech she gave Tom. She and I are technically still together, but that’s because I haven’t had a chance to break it off since I found out.” Bill said in a meek voice and you could hear the hurt in every word.

I saw Amelia lay her hand on his shoulder endearingly and I could slightly feel the affection she felt for him, but what I felt for Tom soon overpowered that.

“No, I talked to her just the other day and explained that there had been this rumor and she promised on our friendship that nothing was going on.” Gustav said in a worried voice. I could only think that he was second guessing himself now.

“She lied, to all of us.” Sam finally spoke up and Georg’s eye flickered over to her for half a second and then his hands balled into tight fists white at the knuckles.

“So what, you’re both still dating her?” Georg asked and I slightly sarcastic tone implying that he still didn’t believe us.

“No; I broke up with her weeks, maybe even a month ago.’ Tom clarified.

“She’s also been seeing Shayne.” I heard myself saying.

“You don’t seem too angry about that.” Gustav stated.

“Shayne and I, we haven’t been the same couple we started out as for a while now.” I said and now it was Tom’s turn to squeeze my hand and I quickly returned it.

“You have no proof.” Georg finally said.

“It means nothing to you that Tom and I both just admitted to being with her? Georg. We’ve known each other forever and wouldn’t lie to you.” Bill stated.

Georg was about to say something but Tom cut in before he could.

“Technically we never lied to you; you never asked if we were with her and we never straight out told you we weren’t. True we withheld information, but only because the love we allowed ourselves to feel for her told us that we had to keep quiet for the sake that she didn’t want to see anyone hurt.”

“Plus this isn’t the first time she’s done this.” Amelia said and then went on to explain everything quickly to both boys who had yet to hear the story.

“And we do have proof by the way.” Sam said smally minutes later.

“What?” Georg asked in a much meeker tone than before.

“Proof, I have proof. I tried to show you but you wouldn’t have it.”

“May I see it now?” He asked her and for a brief second I thought I could see a smile in her eyes.

She produced her phone and quickly went to the pictures she’d taken in the store. Georg and Gustav looked over them and you could literally see the sadness and anger wash over their bodies. He gave back her phone and looked up at us.

“I think it’s time we talk to Cerise.” He said flatly.

He turned and we all followed him to his door. I swallowed loudly as Georg grabbed hold of the door knob and twisted it open.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to all of my readers and to alilisea, gidjet363, CassMcD, x6GothicxGilr9x, BurningxFlames, xXxAlicexXx, pinkytasticxo and DanceBrianna Dance for commenting.