Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

Weighed, Measured and Found Guilty

Omniscient POV

As the door clicked open Georg and the rest of the group where practically smacked in the face with the blaring music emitted from the living room sound system. In the process of scanning the room he saw the remote control sitting on a side table across the room.

The group had all walked into the room and was waiting for Georg to shut the music off when something caught Madeline’s eye. She took a step forward to get a better look and in doing so pulled Tom with her. He too looked up and the pair stood staring dumbfounded.

In seeing their expression the rest of the group turned to look in the same direction and you could hear the jaws hitting the floor.

There in their kitchen floor was Cerise naked as the day she was born accompanied by another figure whose face was hidden behind a veil of dark brown hair. It was however obvious that this person was too naked and writhing on top of Cerise.

In the next second it became apparent to everyone in the room that this second body was one belonging to Madeline’s unfortunate boyfriend, Shayne.

George was shocked and upset, Gustav perplexed and heartbroken; he had made the conscious decision the release the bond that held their pseudo friendship together. Tom was pissed only because the lies were thrust into his face and the fact that Shayne was still technically with Madeline and had the audacity to do this was far more than bearable. Bill shed tears of anger and hopelessness as he stood and watched his girlfriend on the floor with another man. Amelia and Sam just stood there disgusted at the sight they now saw. And Madeline…well she couldn’t care less; she knew it was all over but she still felt the pain and anguish of the room through the blaring reality.

Thrust after Thrust the room stood still until Georg finally found it in himself to raise the remote he had aimed at the stereo and press the small red power button. Cerise’s eyes flew open and met the crowds in terror.

“What. The. Fuck. is this?!” Georg screamed into the now silent kitchen.

In a panic Shayne removed himself from Cerise and the two stood stark naked fumbling wildly for their clothes. After retrieving most of them they pulled them on hastily and stood to face the wrath off the room.

“Georg-” Cerise started to say but he was quick to cut her off.

“Shut up!” he yelled and stood staring in disbelief as he shook his head and his younger cousin.

The rest of the group mimicked him to an extant and Cerise allowed her eyes to look quickly over the faces of the others. When she met Madeline’s gaze she stopped and permitted the hate for this young girl to flow freely from her eyes.

“What?” she spat at Madeline.

Madeline only returned a confused expression clearly stating she wasn’t sure what Cerise was questioning her about. Tom’s grip on her hand tightened slightly, reminding Madie he was there for her. Shayne saw this small gesture and his body filled with rage that bore holes in her with single glances.

“Stop looking at me like that!” Cerise seethed.

“Like what?” Madeline asked.

“Like I’m some serial killing stripper! You-” But she was quickly cut off again.

“I told you to shut up!” Georg snarled.

At that point he had remembered Shayne’s presence and directed his anger in his direction.


Shayne only looked at Georg, somewhat intimidated by the muscular ball of fury standing only feet away form him.

“Leave.” Georg spoke simply.

Shayne bent to grab his shoes and slid them on before moving out of the kitchen toward the crowd of people at some point he had considered friends. Madeline watched as he made his way slowly toward her and although Tom held her hand securely in his own all the comfort she felt was swept away as Shayne came to her side and grabbed her wrist.

“Let’s go. Now!” he said almost inaudibly through clenched teeth.

Trying to ignore him and praying he’d just leave her alone she turned from him back to the scene in front of her but to no avail. Shayne’s grip tightened to an uncomfortable condition and she soon couldn’t deny the searing pain.

She let go of Tom’s hand and before she could even look to see his reaction Shayne was dragging her from the room.
♠ ♠ ♠
but Dun Dun DUNN

Thanks to all my readers and to CassMcD, pinkytasticxo, gidjet363, xXxAlicexXx, x6GothicxGirl9x, alilisea, TomiBear and DanceBriannaDance for commenting my last chapter.

more Comments plz!