Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

To Fight For The Glory of Love

Madeline’s POV

“Let go of me!” I cried as Shayne drug me across the hall.

“Shut up you stupid bitch.” He pulled me into the open elevator and ordered the doors to shut leaving Tom stranded on the other side.

“Stop!” I tried pulling away from him but he only held on tighter.

“You wanna be all over that dick, holding his hand?! This is what you get.”

Tom’s POV

I ran as fast as I could to the end of the hall to the stairwell after seeing Madeline in that elevator with Shayne. My heart was racing and I made my way to the bottom as quickly as I could. I was only hoping it’d be fast enough.

Madeline’s POV

“Shayne let me go; you’re hurting me!” I cried and let hot tears stream freely from my eyes.

“I told you to shut up!” he yelled back jerking my arm forcefully after the elevator dinged open. He pulled me toward the door leading out into the parking lot and I guessed that he had Brian’s car today.

“You can’t even me mad at me! You have no right!” I yelled louder as I became more and more upset.

“No right?! Why the hell not?!” he stopped and spun me around to face him.

“You were just in there fucking that nasty little bitch!” I screamed this time and knew I’d made a mistake.

Tom’s POV

I had just jumped down the last set of stairs and pulled open the door into the main floor of the building. I looked around frantically and just happened to catch a glimpse of Madie being pulled out into the parking lot.

If I didn’t make it in time he’d already have her in the car and driving off. I felt my pockets and realized I’d left my keys sitting at Sam’s. There’d be no way I’d find her in time. Before he…I couldn’t even think about it, I just ran across the room to the door as fast as I could.

Madeline’s POV

Shayne looked down at me with utter hatred in his eyes and I knew then that only a miracle could save me. I’d crossed that line into his territory and there was no turning back now. If I was going down I might as well put up a fight and say everything I’ve been meaning to say to him.

“She’s not the bitch; you are!” Shayne got in my face and yelled.

“Wrong! I was never anything but good to you and what do you go and do? Rape me and beat me and threaten mine and my sisters life and now you have the audacity to cheat on me? You’re the bitch!” I let all of my hurt and anger and every ounce of terror pour out with each word I spoke.

His eyes went wide with shock and then into small slits of anger. He balled up a fist and raised it to his head and I waited for the impending pain to begin. But it never did.

Tom’s POV

I opened to door to the parking lot and scanned it and found Madeline and Shayne standing a good twenty yards away. I began walking over and then I heard her start yelling at him with suck force it made my insides ache for her.

“Wrong! I was never anything but good to you and what do you go and do? Rape me and beat me and threaten mine and my sisters life and now you have the audacity to cheat on me? You’re the bitch!” I had to smile at that, but it quickly faded as I watched Shayne raise a fist and ready it to strike.

I reached him just in time, grabbing hold of his hand and stopping the blow before it reached Madeline’s face. Her face relaxed as she realized he’d yet to make contact and then she opened her eyes and looked at me in a scared and happy sort of way.

I spun Shayne around so fast I was sure to give him whiplash.

“What the-” but I cut him off before he could get out the last words. With one good gut shot I’d raised his body a good three inches from the ground. He was slightly winded but I doubt he was the kind of guy to let that stop him.

Madeline’s POV

Tom stood holding onto Shayne’s shirt readying himself for another blow to his torso when Shayne jumped up and his fist made contact with Tom’s face. Tom spun around quickly and grabbed his eye.

My heart was racing and I was so scared that Tom wouldn’t be able to keep Shayne from taking me. When Tom turned back toward Shayne he removed his hand and allowed the steady dripping of blood to fall from his split eyebrow onto his white shirt.

I gasped aloud wanting to take care of the cut but Tom was right back on Shayne hitting him wherever he could. It was a full on brawl in the middle of the parking lot and I was honestly scared.

Shayne pulled Tom’s hat from his head in an attempt to catch him off guard but Tom let it fall and then used the opportunity to grab on to Shayne’s arms and sweep his feet out form under him.

If I’d not known what was burning behind Tom’s eyes and supporting this rage I’d be completely terrified of the gleaming abhorrence in his eyes.

Tom’s POV

I stood over Shayne and stared into his now slightly frightened eyes. I blood dripping from my eyebrow had at a point slipped down into my eye and the stinging awareness was something awful.

“I’m only going to say this once.” I started out slowly in a low raspy voice. “If you ever come near her again, I swear it’ll be the last time. I’ll have you put away so fast you won’t know what ass from a whole in the ground. But I’ll make sure every convict in there with you knows just where your ass is. Fuck with me… fuck with her, or anyone else we associate with. I dare you.” I let go of him and stood up still glaring down at him.

“Leave.” I seethed and he stood slowly and limped over to his car. He got in and pulled out and seconds later was gone.

I turned to Madeline to see her tear stained face looking on at me in fear. I walk to her slowly and stopped a few feet in front of her. Her frantic eyes searched mine and she took a single step forward closing the gap and put a hand to my face.

“Are you ok?” she asked meekly.

“Never better.” I joked lightly and she winced as she looked over my split brow. “What about you?”

She didn’t say anything. Just kept on staring.


“I love you.” she said suddenly and my heart stopped and then accelerated with unknown speed.

I cupped her face in my hands and leaned down pressing my lips to hers forcefully. Two months of pent up emotions spilled out through that kiss and I knew then that this was real.

Out of breath she pulled away and smiled up at me letting one final tear slide down her cheek and I was quick to wipe it away.

“Madeline, I love you so much. I don’t wanna eve see you hurt again and I’ll do all I can to keep you happy.” I vowed.

She smiled deeply and tilted her head toward mine once more and kissed me sweetly.
♠ ♠ ♠
Are you all happy?! xD
I KNEW you would be!!
Well, as you can all tell, this story is coming to a close. I've chosen to do 85 chapters and on the night of the last post i'll be attaching a link to a short story i've written to hold you over while i set up everything for....the SEQUEL!!
That's right, This isn't the end for our twins and there frined and enemies!

The short story will be called 'An Identity Crisis' and will be roughly 15-20 chapters, posting twice a day to give me at least a week before posting STIL, the sequel to Who Said Anything About Love. I'll reveal the title in time :]

Thanks to al of my readers and faithful commenters, your opinions are very much appreciated. Be sure to continue with them :]

Oh and could you all do me a favour? my cousin is starting her own story 'I'm Burning Can't You See?' and I'd like you to give it a shot. It's a great story!