Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

This Party's Over

Bill’s POV

Have you ever had that feeling where your head is spinning and you can’t focus but then you realize it’s all a complete and utter blank? Well that’s how I felt as I stood staring at Cerise in the kitchen.

Tom had followed Shayne and Madeline out and had only been gone a few minutes now.

While scanning the room her eyes fell on mine and locked there. I’d hoped to maybe see at least an ounce of hurt or regret there, but there was nothing. She just continued to stare until I couldn’t take it any longer.

“What? Nothing to say? No ‘sorry’?” I snapped.

She just grimaced slightly and kept her mouth shut.

“Aren’t you even a little ashamed of yourself?” I cried.

Again; nothing.

“God damn it, answer me!” I shouted to her.

“Bill.” Georg said calmly but it practically went unheard.

“I-I wasn’t…I-” she stammered.

“You. Weren’t. Thinking…You’re. Not. Smart. It’s all very easy to say.” I began getting rude only because I was heart broken.

Amelia came over to my side and tried to hold my arm soothingly but I shook her off and then realized it wasn’t her fault, she didn’t deserve that. I looked at her apologetically and she nodded once and held her hands together in front of her.

“Cerise.” I looked at her again and the tenderness left my eyes and were filled once again with the disgust and ache I felt inside. “I don’t understand what in the hell you thought gave you the right to do what you did to me…and my brother,” I felt the need to speak for him seeing as he was still gone, “you lied to us and cheated, and you knew after doing this once before that it wouldn’t end well.”

She gave me a shocked look as if wondering how I knew.

“That’s right; we know all about Jean and Travis. You wanna know how? Madeline and Amelia are Jean’s cousins.”

She turned to glare at Amelia and almost began to speak, but Amelia beat her to it.

“We knew almost the second after we saw you but had no proof up until recently that you were doing it again.”

“Cerise.” she looked back at me, “In case you hadn’t guessed, it’s over. I don’t ever want to see you again.”

Cerise’s POV

I had no idea that everyone knew this whole time. I figured that it was all only an accident that they all happened o walk in on me. But I should have known it with those bitches involved.

After Bill had officially declared us as over he took a step back and stood with Sam and Amelia.

I wasn’t hurt that Bill left; he and I had nothing together anyway. But what happened next was a total slap in the face.

“You swore. You swore on our friendship that you had done nothing with them.” Gustav said in a quiet husky voice.


“How could you?” he asked in a quite pained voice.

“I…don’t know.”

“I thought you cared. You were one of my best friends…and you just threw it all away.” he shook his head as if to wipe it all away or try and make reality not true.

But what he said was true; he and I were best friends, he was the only true friend I had here, and I threw it all away in hopes I’d never actually get caught.

“I’m so disappointed in you, Cerise; I know you can do better, you just chose not to.” he’d continued.

“Gustav.” it was all I could manage to say to him.

“I don’t think I’ll be able to forgive you for this.” he said before he turned and walk out of the room.

I felt like I had just been sucker punched; I couldn’t breathe and I wasn’t exactly sure what had just happened in the last 5 minutes. But when I turned to see the look on my cousin’s face I knew then by the pain in my chest that this couldn’t end well.
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Thanks to all my readers, commenters and/or subscribers.
you guys keep my smiling.

as you may have noticed i stopped putting up usernames; it takes to long. plus some ppl leave like one word comments and its like ::roll: anyway.

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