Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

Nothing Left

Madeline’s POV

Tom held my hand all the way back up stairs to Georg’s apartment. Once out of the elevator we walk to the front door and before Tom opened it he turned to me slowly.

Placing his hands on either side of my face he pulled me in close and kissed me gently. Kissing Tom felt so right; as long as he was there holding me and not letting go then I knew I’d be ok.

He brushed his thumb across my cheek before whispering, “I love you.”

“I love you too.” I smiled sheepishly. He took my hand again and opened the door to see everyone still staring angrily at cerise. Gustav was the only person missing and I’d guess he had to excuse himself; he’d let himself trust Cerise so much that it hurt him physically to see the truth displayed on the kitchen floor.

“Where were you two?” Sam asked.

“I was beating the shit out of that good for nothing asshole and making sure he stayed away from my girlfriend.” Tom said nonchalantly which made me want to laugh but I didn’t.

“You two are…?” Amelia started to smirk.

I nodded once to her and blushed slightly. Tom’s grip on my hand was comforting and he shook it a little playfully. My happiness faltered though when I heard Cerise scoff slightly from across the room.

“What?” I questioned her.

“Oh nothing, just that you really don’t have a right to judge me considering you just broke up with your boyfriend and now you’re with him.” she smirked nastily.

“I’d shut you’re mouth if I were you.” I sneered.

“Oh and why is that?”

“Because I have half a mind to kick your ass right now. You’ve fucked with every one I ever cared about and it’s about to end.”

“How so?”

“Well first off, Jean; you just about ruined his world. He was gonna ask you to marry him but you just threw that away. Secondly Shayne, but he’s scum and you can keep him. Then there’s Tom and everyone here. You think you have such a right to do as you please. You’re lucky you haven’t gotten your ass deported yet.” I snapped.

“As if that’ll happen.” she rolled her eyes.

“Actually that sounds about right.” we all turned to look at Georg as he spoke to her finally.

Cerise’s POV

“What?” I turned to address my cousin.

“Being deported sounds pretty fitting, although I know I haven’t the power to do that.” he stated.


“No, Cerise, listen to me. I vouched for you and told everyone that they were wrong about you, that you’d never do the cruel things the accused you of.” he pointed to the faces around the room.

“You made me a liar, Cerise, and that’s something I’m not proud of. But I’m more disappointed in you than anything. After everything I did for you this is how you repay me? We’re family and that should mean something.” he continued.

I felt sick to my stomach and knew everything he said was true, but my pride wouldn’t allow me to falter.

“I don’t know about anyone else here, but I can say that I loved you with all my heart. You were like a little sister that I would have stood by ‘til the end. But now…now I’m not so sure about that.”

I felt a stinging in my eyes and blinked quickly trying to keep my tears back but to no avail. They slid down my face one after another as I stood staring into Georg’s pained eyes.

“Cerise, you not only lied to me and to my friends and deceived us all, but you caused me relationship problems and brought people into my home without my knowing so. You snuck around and used us all without a care in the world.”

My tears and quivering chin seemed to have no affect on him any more.

“I hate to do this to you but I can’t continue to harbor such a person.”

“What are you saying?” I croaked out and he looked down at his feet before meeting my eyes.

“I’m saying you have to leave.”

And that was the low blow that sent me reeling. I was being kicked out because of my careless actions, and rightfully so. I’d have done the same thing to anyone else, but to have the words spoken was heart wrenching.

“You have until this weekend to be out. I’m sure Shayne won’t mind taking you in for a while.” he said smally.

With that he went over to Sam and grabbed her hand, looking at her apologetically. She smiled once and nodded before they turned and left the apartment, the others shortly in tow. They closed the door softly and there I was, standing alone in the kitchen that I could no longer call my own.

I felt like a rug had been pulled out from beneath me and I was falling into darkness with no one there to catch me.

I had nothing anymore. No one to care…I only hoped Shayne would be so generous after Tom had fought him.

I went sullenly down the hall to my- the room I stayed in and began to pack my things.
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Thanks to all my readers, commenters and/or subscribers. You've all kept me going this far and i appreciate each and everyone of you.