Sequel: So This Is Love

Who Said Anything About Love?

Our Little Secret!

As Georg walked into his apartment with Tom and Gustav close behind, they all stopped dead in their tracks, noticing Bill and Cerise where no where to be found. All three had their noses high in the air trying to figure out that smell was. They all shot a glance at each other realizing it was the smell of something burning coming from the kitchen. Tom was the first to run to the kitchen door, throwing it was open, he was completely taken aback by what he saw. Bill, his own brother, doing exactly as Georg had asked them not to be doing. Her arms where up around Bill’s neck, until he noticed Tom standing in the entrance staring at tem. They then quickly pulled away from each other, just before Georg and Gustav burst through the door.

“What in Gott’s name happened in here?!” Georg more shouted than asked. Bill, not wanting to get Cerise into trouble, began lying through his teeth.

“Cerise felt bad for the way she had acted earlier, so she asked me to help her bake you guys a cake. I’d never made one before and ended up adding yeast to it…and well, this happened.” Cerise shot him a look as of to say thank you, and Bill smiled back. Tom knew it was at least somewhat a lie.

“Yea, we’re really sorry about the mess Georg. We’ll get it cleaned up immediately.” Cerise hoped she wasn’t going to get yelled at, and she didn’t.

“It’s alright…it’s not like you did it on purpose.” Georg at Bill who smiled oh so innocently. He knew Tom could read right through it through. Not only growing up together, but being twins you learned how to tell when each other was lying.

“We can all help clean up.” Georg continued. Cerise walked up to him and embraced him in a sticky chocolaty hug, trying to show she’d try and behave better.

“Eww…not the hug, but did you have to get this chocolate mess al over me?” Georg laughed, trying to break away from her hug.

“Of course, what would be fun about a normal hug when you can have a chocolate covered Cerise hug?!” She laughed tightening her grip.

“Hug for everybody!” Cerise yelled in a sing song voice, and ran over tackling an unwilling Gustav into a big bear hug.

“Oh well thank you! This is exactly what I was looking forward to when I woke up this morning.” Gustav said sarcastically, not even trying to pull away from her.

“I know!” Cerise giggled letting go of him to turn toward Tom, who had been rather upset at her when he caught her kissing Bill. He had planned to ignore her, but the unsteady look in Bill’s eyes made him quickly change his mind.

Tom welcomed her with open arms and let her wrap her cake covered arms around his waist. Georg had walked out of the kitchen briefly to get a mop and bucket for cleaning. Tom took this as his opportunity to play her little game. He let his hands fall to her hips, then moved them toward her lower back. He glanced up at Bill who was completely shocked at this point, his mouth hanging open at the sight in front of him. Cerise continued holding on, not even seeming as if she wanted Tom to release his grip on her. Tom leaned over slightly, kissing Cerise on the cheek.

“Mmm…you taste even better than I thought.” Hw whispered in her ear, not even loud enough for Bill to catch a word of it. Cerise giggled and loosened her arms from Tom’s waist, letting her hands slide from his hips to the front of his lower abdominal, slightly pushing him away. But only far enough to where she could look up at his face.

“You thought about it?!” She asked in a playful whisper, biting her lip as she stared at him.

“Mhm…too bad you interrupted my thought process this morning!” Tom said slyly. Before he could continue, Bill interrupted them.

“Hey, I thought you said hugs for everyone?!” Bill tried to make it sound more jokingly and playful than he actually felt. Cerise looked up at Tom almost apologetically and turned to face Bill, faking a smile.

“I sure did Billy boy!” She walked over and gave him a quick hug, noticing he wasn’t ready to loosen his grip when she was. She pulled away anyway and suggested getting started on cleaning up her mess Bill decided to take credit for…and she would let him. She couldn’t help but play both sides of the fence.

Georg had already returned with the mop and bucket full of water. He grabbed a trash bag and suggested picking up the bigger chunks of cake before using the mop. Everyone immediately started dropping pieces of cake into the big black bag. Tom seemed to be slacking of as he couldn’t help but watch as Cerise bent over cleaning the floor.

“Tom! Would you please do more than watch everyone else clean?!” Gustav asked rather irritably.

“Maybe I could stay focused and work better if I could make a complete thought!” He joked knowing Cerise would pick up on what he said.

“You wanna test that theory?!” She smirked at him but was being 100% serious.

“Yea, you plan to help?!”

“Yea…why not!” She winked at him then laughed because no one else understood a word of what they were talking about.

They continued cleaning the kitchen for the next hour until everything than before the cake exploded. Everyone went to change out of their dirty clothes and decided to watch a movie while they were in the wash. Cerise sat between Gustav and Tom on the sofa as Georg and Bill occupied the recliners.

As the movie began they were all talking somewhat, then it started getting good. Tom decided to watch Friday the 13th and it had everyone rather jumpy. Since the lights were off and no one seemed to be paying attention, Cerise decided to scoot closer to Tom to do a little fooling around. His arm was behind her with his hand resting on her hip, while she leaned over on him. She placed her hand on his leg and began to trace the symbols stitched in his jeans. Once that no longer had an affect, she began inching her hand closer toward his torso, knowing where she’d have to pass along the way. As her hand reached his belt she stopped only to tease him as she ran her finger along his belt buckle. She glanced up at him out of the corner of her eye, biting her lip, trying to be as seductive as possible. She could the angst in Tom’s eyes, but quickly pulled her hand away when she heard Georg’s voice.

“Ok, ten minute break. I’m going to make some popcorn, anyone want anything?” Georg said as he paused the movie and made his way into the kitchen.

“Drinks! I’ll come help you.” Gustav stated following Georg to the kitchen.

“Well I’m gonna go plug my phone in, my battery is almost dead.” Cerise said already half way down the hall. Bill’s phone rang and he sat in his chair speaking very fast, probably with his and Tom’s best friend Andreas. Tom took this as another opportunity to have a bit of fun.

“I gotta use the restroom really quick.” Tom told Bill, rising fro the couch and heading toward the hall. Bill nodded not thinking anything of it.

As Tom passed Cerise’s room he looked in at her noticing she was sitting in front of her mirror. He cleared his throat to get her attention, then nodded his head instructing her to follow him. She did so and entered the bathroom about five seconds after him. She closed the door behind her and leaned against it slyly smiling at him. He took a step forward and reached past her, locking the door. His hand fell from the door knob to her hip. She slowly reached forward placing her hands on his stomach and letting them fall until she reached the top of his pants. Grabbing hold of them she pulled him closer to her. He leaned down to kiss her, as he longed to since the day he saw her. She put a hand to his chest to stop him. Without a word she reached for the bottom of his shirt, running her hands up his body and pulling it over his head. She dropped his shirt on the floor as he began pulling hers off, dropping it somewhere near his. He then pulled her to him, his hands on her back, pressing his body against hers. Cerise let out a gasp as she felt Tom’s warm skin on hers and a shiver went up her spine as he traced her sides with his finger tips.

Not being able to hold back any longer, Cerise grabbed the back of Tom’s neck and forced his face to hers. As she pressed her lips against his, she could feel the cold metal of his lip ring. He kissed her softly at first, which seemed like just a tease, and he soon became much more aggressive, letting his hands wonder. She once again pulled her leg up along the outside of his and he dropped his hand from her back to her thigh. As he ran his hand higher along her leg, he waited to feel something similar to the black lace panties from the night before, under her skirt. But no, there was nothing there. Tom ran his hand along her smooth, bare skin and smiled into their kiss. Cerise giggled, almost as if she was reading his mind.

Tom’s free hand now imitated the other, sliding it up her right leg and under her skirt. He lifted he up and turned setting her on the counter. As he stood between her legs, she quickly wrapped them around his waist pulling him closer. Their lips parted and Tom moved to her neck and she let out a small moan. She could feel him smile as he dropped his head lower toward he chest. Things were just starting to get good, when someone started knocking on the door.

“Yea?!” Tom said irritably.

“Come on buddy, you’re forming a line! I gotta piss like crazy!” Gustav said from the other side of the door. Cerise tried to suppress her laughs.

“One minute, I gotta wash my hands.”

“K, I’ll be out front.” Gustav said before he walked off.

“I’m really gonna hurt him one of these days.” Tom said as he glared at the door.

“Mhm…” Cerise leaned forward kissing Tom’s neck again. He lifted her from the counter and placed her on the floor in front of him.

“Sorry I keep loosing my train of thought.” He joked as he bent down retrieving their shirts from the floor. As he handed Cerise hers, she smiled and lightly kissed his lips a last time.

“It’s ok, it’s not your fault. Maybe another time.” She said as she pulled her shirt over her head, then helped Tom with his.

“Maybe?!” Tom smirked.

“Definitely!” She said giggling before she turned and opened the door, quickly disappearing into her room. Tom walked out into the living room as if nothing had happened.

“It’s all yours.” Tom informed Gustav who quickly got up and jogged to the bathroom. He must have really had to go. Georg had returned with a big bowl of popcorn and sat down in his chair waiting for everyone to get back to start the movie. Gustav came back from the bathroom and sat down on the sofa, rather relieved.

“Where is Cerise?!” Georg asked, obviously anxious to get back to the movie.

“I’ll go get her!” Bill said quickly, shooting a glance toward Tom, who just rolled his eyes. He wasn’t worried about much happening between her and Bill after their little bathroom scene only minutes ago.

As Bill approached cerise’s door he stopped to knock, but quickly decided against it. He was all for the element of surprise. He gripped the door knob and flung open her door entering abruptly. Cerise, who was changing her shirt, stood there in only a bra and after the shock of Bill bursting in wore off, she spun around and faced the opposite wall. Bill closed her door behind him and slowly walked over to her, pressing his body up against her back. He wrapped his arms around her waist, placing his hands on her stomach. She wasn’t quit sure what to do and just stood there. Bill could feel how tense she was and dropped his head down beside her left ear.

“You’re too tense baby.” He barely whispered into her ear, and began kissing her neck. She immediately began to loosen up, as she reached up with her left hand placing it behind his head, he looked up at her with a smile. She leaned in pressing her lips in his. Her other hand rested on his back behind her. She turned so that she was now facing him with both hands around his neck, pressing herself against him. As they stood kissing, she thought to herself.

Wow, Bill is so much different than Tom. But not in a bad way, I mean Bill is…gentle, but forceful at the same time. And Tom, oh my God!! Words can’t even explain…he can have me whenever eh wants. God, if only they weren’t twins, but all of this goodness wrapped up in one person. I want them both…….WAIT!! That’s just it.

Cerise parted her lips from Bill’s and smiled, but was sure to show just enough concern that he’d be sure to question her.

“What’s wrong?! Are you ok?!” Bill hoped it wasn’t anything he’d done.

“Well…its just…” She stopped only to add an effect, “Tom really likes me… and he’s my friend, but that’s it! I really like you Bill, and I don’t want Tom being upset or hurt…” She paused and looked away out her window and Bill loosened his grip a bit.

“Oh…I see.”

“No, no… I want to be with you, I do! I just kinda wanna keep it a secret for now…just until I can get Tom to realize he’s just a friend. I hate to have to lie and hide, but do you think you could do this? For me…?” Cerise laid it on thick, and boy did she know how to play the emotions. Bill put his finger under her chin and lifted her head, starring deeply into her eyes.

“Anything for you.” Bill smiled as he leaned down to kiss Cerise.

“Well, we should get back out there before people get suspicious…or send out a search party!” Cerise joked as she went to her closet and grabbed a long sleeved shirt. As soon as she put it on they both headed back out to the living room as casual as casual gets.

“What took so long?” Gustav whined, wanting to start the movie up.

“Cerise was showing me some of her outfits and such. I totally forgot about the movie, sorry.” Bill was lying through his teeth again.

“It’s fine, lets just finish this movie.” Georg said as he pressed the play button on the remote and Gustav got the lights.

It was a rather dark movie, most of it was set at night time, so there was almost no light in the living room. The volume was turned up so loud, you couldn’t even hear Georg crunching away on his popcorn. Everyone was so into the movie, someone could have broken in and robed the place without anyone noticing. Cerise took this as the perfect opportunity to make a similar plan to hers and Bill’s, with Tom.

“Hey…can I talk to you real quick?!” She asked placing a finger to her lips, indicating it was a secret, and to whisper.

“Yea, what’s up?!” He asked smiling down at her.

“Well, I just wanted to let you know that I really do like you…and I want this to happen…” She started, making sure she had a troubled look on her face.


“Well, thing is…Bill is my friend, nothing more, and I don’t want to hurt him. So I was wondering…could we kinda, just hide this, just until I can get him to realize it. I know the whole idea of hiding and creeping around is--”

“Hey, hey…I completely understand…and agree. I don’t want to hurt him just as much or more than you do.” He smiled as he lightly brushed his hand against her leg.

“So, does that mean you wanna do this?!” Cerise hoped her plan was working and to Tom’s dismay…it was. After glancing up to make sure no one was watching, he leaned down, gently kissing her lips.

“Does that answer your question?!” He whispered quietly. She smiled and leaned back in to kiss him again.

They both sat back on the sofa and finished the movie. Cerise glanced back and forth between Tom and Bill, noticing a sparkle in their eyes. They were happy, not because of the movie or the good time together, but because of her. She almost felt guilty for leading them both on, until she recapped both of their little make-out sessions from earlier. She had them both wrapped around her little finger, right were she wanted them. Sure she had told Bill she was going to change, but would she ever be able to get away from who she really was? Cerise wiped the thought from her mind, and began to think about who would have her first…Bill…or Tom?!
♠ ♠ ♠
Ohh what will happen next?!
Who gets to her first?!
Who do you think should?!
Let us know...