The Romantic Cynic


A/N A banner would be very nice for this...

I was never one to which spectacular things happened.

I've never had Romeo serenade me from my balcony. I don't even have one.
I've never had Prince charming sweep my off me feet, but I've been tripped countless times.
I've never been kissed in the rain or had that perfect moment when time slowed and the world faded.
I've never grazed hands with someone and had the sparks fly. I have gotten that sick feeling though.
I've never had a smile make me feel giddy and weak in the knees. However, I have had them make me nauseous and regret having boobs.
I've never had that one moment that changes everything, the moment when you realize what your heart has been trying to tell you from the beginning.
I've never had a boy like in the same way as I liked them. Although I've had my fair share of stalkers, figuratively speaking of course.
I've never had that one person make me feel light as air yet so grounded at the same time.

My real life isn't a fairytale. It's far from it. Routine days with boring tasks are what make up my ordinary reality.
However, I had my one escape.

Only in my dreams did amazing things happen.

Only in my dreams, did Romeo compare me to the sun and give me his undying devotion.
Only in my dreams did Prince charming gather me into his arms and protected me from the harsh and uncaring world.
Only in my dreams did I experience the passion filled kiss in the rain that made me feel alive for the very first time.
Only in my dreams did time slow and everything but that one person faded into nothing.
Only in my dreams have sparks flown through my body from just a simple touch and a small smile make me go weak in the knees.
Only in my dreams did I realize that that one person had been there, waiting for me the entire time.
Only in my dreams did someone like me for me.
Only in my dreams, did I feel wanted and content.

I guess you could say that I live vicariously through my dreams, which I do.

But what happens when dreams become reality?
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New story! yay!
Not to worry, my Frank Iero story is still active. I just needed a break from writing it. I'm having slight writer's block...
Hopefully this short story will break that. =]
This story will only be about 8 parts and hopefully it will be done by the end of next week.
And as for which Panic! man is this story's romantic'll have to wait for the next chapter.
So...comment please! I really want to know what you think about this story. I really love the plot so far!