The Romantic Cynic


The first time that I had heard of Brendon Urie I had no idea who he was. In fact, I began a fit of hysterics over the similarity between his last name and the word urine. I had had no idea of who he was or what he did. This encouraged my obsessive friends to introduce me to a band, which I soon came to love. Panic! At the Disco's popularity, at first, had been a real turn off for me. I didn't like how big they had gotten in such a short time. I had assumed that they were stuck up snobs from Nevada. I guess it goes to show that you shouldn't judge before you meet.

As 'I write sins not tragedies' became a short one hit wonder, for me at least, their popularity grew. Everywhere I went they were there. Panic! posters, cds, ads, and rumors were all over the place. It was in my sophomore year that this had happened. It was also the year that I swore to myself that, if I ever met them, which I most likely wouldn't, I would spend at least five minuets yelling at them for torturing me. That damned song was hanging off everyone's lips at one point or another. I still can't listen to it without shuddering.

Not to mention how they, the band, were the new meat for a majority of the female population. Constantly hearing them talking about these "gods whose sexiness makes the world go 'round" made me, and the rest of the straight male populace, want to puke. Personally, I had only seen them once and thought that they all looked odd. The lead guitarist was too lanky and resembled a girl too much for my liking. As for the lead singer, well, forgive me for my rudeness, but I had thought he was incredibly strange looking. The video for I write sins not tragedies was all I had to go by and its not the most flattering towards Brendon, nor the rest of the band for that matter.

Now, that's not to say I didn't like the video. In fact, I had loved it the first time I had seen it. The costumes, the choreography, the story and the acting all made it a three-minuet haven for me. However, after some time, I had to watch the video on mute for fear of getting that stupid song stuck in my head. As you can see, I still have some resentment towards it…

It wasn't until my senior year with their release of Pretty. Odd. did I begin my slight obsession with their music. To say that I loved everything about their music would have been a vast understatement. I was astounded by Ryan's ability to write and Brendon's vocal range. And yes, by this point I had finally been able to determine between the band members. It took me a while though, believe you me.

My senior year had been my best. I had finally mastered time management that led to straight A's across the board. I ended up being accepted into a school out of state on the East Coast. Unfortunately, my best friend and cousin, was accepted over on the West Coast. We still keep in touch but it's hard.

My freshman year of college was a blast. Of course, it was a little strange at first but by the end of the first semester things were really going my way. I had gotten a nicely paying job at a catering company and was able to afford an apartment not far from campus. My grades were good and I loved all my classes. I didn't party hard, do drugs or drink excessively, but I did have a pretty nice social life.

It had always been difficult for me to make friends quickly, I've always and still do assume that people have ulterior motives. However, I had quickly bonded with a girl my first few weeks in college.

Her name was Payton.

She was one of the most hyperactive people that I have ever met in my entire life. Nevertheless, she was always there as a shoulder to cry on. We had the same outlook on life, however messed up it is, and had met at a mixer that neither of us had wanted to attend. Every sorority, yes I was in one of those, required all freshman students to meet every one at a party, or what they called 'Start of the Year Bash'. Now, don't get me wrong, I loved all the girls in that place, but some of them were on the ditzy side. That's one of the main reasons Payton and I moved out and got an apartment together. We still keep in touch with many of the girls from that place but for the most part, we were glad to be out of there.

Now my story begins, for you, at an event that I would like to call the wedding from hell.
My cousin Michelle's wedding was nothing short of strange. Her friends are less then reliable and the groom's family isn't very classy. I accepted to be the maid of honor when she had asked, even though I had really wanted nothing to do with this event. Surprisingly, I enjoyed working with her and we soon became fast friends. The date of the wedding was to be in early June, the thirteenth to be exact. Thankfully, I had been out of school almost a month prior, so I was able to help prepare for the train wreck that was heading straight for us. Funny thing was, I was the only who seemed to be able to see it.

The night before the wedding was nothing short of awful. The groomsmen all turned out to be low class scum whose only goal in life was to work the least amount possible until retirement. Not to mention their love of alcohol. Although, what's worse were the best men. Their names need not to be mentioned. Both were cocky, loud, obnoxious men, and I use the tem lightly. Thankfully, my partner was the more civil of the two. I'll call him Joe as to keep you from becoming confused. The second, he'll be Smith, was the most obnoxious person that I have met. And that was when he was sober.

As I was saying before, the night of the dinner rehearsal was nothing short of awful. No one took into consideration the sanctity of the wedding ceremony itself. All night they joked about sex. It was really beginning to annoy me and slowly but surely I was losing my respect for Michelle. Thankfully, for me, I was able to talk with two of the bridesmaids. Jess and Anna were two of the sweetest people but they had a spicy side, which I found out the next day. Now to keep everyone in check we were to spend the night at Julie's house and be out of the house by seven for make-up. Well, nothing ever goes right when you need it too as it would appear. First thing to go horribly wrong was that one of the bridesmaids had dropped out. Michelle was devastated. Jess and I spent hours consoling her. Jess finally went to sleep around three in the morning; however, I stayed awake until Michelle had fallen asleep. Figuring that we would leave at six thirty I had set my alarm for five forty-five. So, at five forty-five, I hauled myself out of bed and was ready to go by a quarter after six.

We didn't end up leaving until seven thirty.

Back at the house, actually, it was more of a mad house; it was a blur of women. Shrill screams and random articles of clothing. I, being the sensible person that I attempt to be, had changed down stairs. So, I sat for two hours in a small living room full of crazed women in a dress that was too tight and so much make up caked onto my pale face that it looked slightly orange.

It was also pouring outside. That is never good for an outside wedding. Jess, Anna and I sat with Michelle while she had a small nervous breakdown.

Aside from the weather, the limo was almost two hours late. Then we still had to tip him a minimum of seventy dollars for his less the acceptable service. The wedding itself was strange but for the sake of you, the reader, I shan't elaborate.

Remember how I said that one of the bridesmaids dropped out? Well that led to my walking down the isle with Smith, who was piss ass drunk before the wedding had even started. Not to mention how much he liked to hold onto me. It made me sick. However, I didn't mention it to Michelle for fear of making her day more complicated than it needed to be.

After the ceremony, we took pictures. This, unfortunately, gave Smith reason to feel me up and pass it off as nothing but being friendly. Then I had to sit in a limo with him for almost an hour. His breath wrecked of alcohol and he even spilled some on my dress. By the time we had arrived both best men and the groom were pretty well smashed. It was rather upsetting to know that I would be related to these people…

Now, my story begins at the exact moment which I just left off; the introduction of the bridal party.

I stood arm in arm with the two best men as I waited for the people before us to enter. Smith was breathing down my neck, whispering in my ear.

"Aren't you lucky to have two handsome men on you?" he had asked.

I scoffed.

"Yes. But I wish that they would come back. Right now, I'm stuck with two drunken pigs."

I smiled brightly as the spotlight came on us and I walked arm in arm with my 'handsome men'. Joe snickered even though I had insulted him while Smith looked dumbfounded. Gracefully I took my seat by Michelle as the rest of the reception ensued. Smith and Joe made their speeches, although to say they were speeches would be an insult to the word itself. After the dinner, which was ill fitting and badly put together, people began to mingle. I didn't know many people so I decided to eat with the few that I knew. My mother and aunt sat at the table nearest that of the bridal party. We conversed about how absurd this wedding was. While my mom and I were discussing the attire of the two best men, bright blue and orange suits, my aunt excused herself, leaving my mom and me alone at the table.

"So," my mom started while taking a sip of her drink. "See any cute guys?" I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Please, half the guys here look like they came from a freak show or a bar. Not to mention how unintelligent they all are." I scanned the room in disgust at the antics of my new family. It made me sick. Most were drunk and falling all over each other. Yells and profanities cluttered the air making me shiver in repulsion. I looked back at my mom whose gaze was focused on something behind me. Picking up my phone and opening I checked out what she was looking at. In my screen's reflection, I saw the two "DJs" and some stragglers sitting alone at a few scattered tables.

"Over to your right more," my mom mumbled.

Nodding my head, I titled the phone to the right. My eyes widened slightly in shock at the sight, for it was truly an amazing thing. There sat a normal looking guy. That in itself was rather shocking considering all the younger men here looked like odd metal objects had stabbed them and been left in. That and their skin had been turned into an amateur artist's canvas. However, there sat a younger man in a plain black suit and tie with a cream-colored shirt. I couldn't make out his face very well from where I sat but he seemed to be quite attractive. My hopes of his availability were soon crushed though when an attractive girl came and sat at his side giving him a small peck on the cheek.

Audibly I sighed, shut my phone, and lazily shoved it back into my silver handbag. Of course, the one normal looking person would be taken. Noticing my slight let down she pushed her drink towards me.

I eyed her skeptically.

"You need it more than me," she said while taking one of the dreadful cookies from the table. I was about to protest but she had already put the sad excuse for a cookie in her mouth. Her eyes went wide for a second and a look of repulsion flashed over her graceful features. However, my mother, being the classy woman that she is, swallowed the cookie and continued to talk to me as if nothing was wrong. We kept conversing until an uninvited visitor showed.

"Hello there," a very drunk Smith said while sitting next to me. He placed his left arm around my chair while brushing my bare shoulder. Turning in my seat to face him, and to get his grimy hand off me, I gave a fake smile and introduced him to my mom.

"Nice to meet you," my mom smiled, although I could tell she was about to tear him apart with her sharp tongue. I was most definitely looking forward to that.

"So your daughter and I have become fast friends," Smith slurred slightly, taking another sip of his beer. I rolled my eyes slightly as he began to sway slightly in his seat.

"Oh really," my mom said quietly. She glanced at me, amusement in her dark brown eyes. "So where is your girlfriend?"

"I don't have one," he smiled. I stifled a laugh.

"Then explain why you mentioned her in your speech." She demanded.

Smith's smile fell from his face.

"Do you know how old my daughter is?" She smiled pleasantly. He shook his head.

"Well she's underage." Smith's eyes went wide. "And I'm sure you know what statutory rape is," She smirked. He nodded his head, gulping in the process.

"I-I didn't know," he slurred slightly while withdrawing his arm from my seat.

"I don't care," my mom said pleasantly. "Touch my daughter again and you'll answer to me." He nodded his head again, although this time with more vigor.

"You may leave now," she said with a dismissive hand.

Quickly, Smith stumbled up and away, knocking into a few tables in the process. As soon as he was out of earshot, I began to laugh hysterically. My mother looked at me,

"What?" she asked even though we both knew what I was laughing about.

"That was brilliant!" I exclaimed. She laughed too.

"But," I paused to regain my breath, "I'm not underage."

"He didn't need to know that though," she winked.

God I loved my mom.

About an hour later, it was time for the bridal party to dance. I shuddered at the thought. Have to slow dance with Smith seemed rather unpleasant. Then suddenly the skies parted and the choirs sang and down came an angel to save me from this self-inflicted hell. Well none of the happened but it felt like it when Jess said that she'd switch dance partners with me. I almost cried out in joy and jumped on her in a hug.

"Thank you Thank you Thank you!" I said smiling brightly. She just laughed and nodded.

"Just be careful of Joe," she warned in a whisper. "He's slightly trashed as well."

"Yeah but at least his wife is sitting at the table glaring at him," I replied. Jess laughed and nodded as the music came on. Hesitantly Joe approached me a tint of fear in his eyes. I tilted my head to the said and asked,

"What's wrong?"

He motioned with his head over to where my mom sat glaring. I made an 'oh' sound.

"Just don't touch my ass and you'll be fine," I smiled at him. He really wasn't that bad. Lightly he placed his hands on my waist and I placed mine on his shoulders. It was awkward to say the least. My eyes strayed everywhere but his. I scanned the large sea of drunken figures until my eyes landed on one person. The boy from before whose appearance was somewhat normal was sitting alone and staring right at me. I jumped slightly when our eyes met and diverted my attention.

"Are you okay?" Joe asked after which he belched. I nodded my head and smiled.

After the dance was over, I hurried back to my seat along with Jess, Anna and my mom. We sat and conversed until Jess, and Anna went to dance with their husbands, and my mom and aunt decided to go the wedding reception next to us.

"Are you sure that you don't want to go?" She asked.

"Yeah," I replied. "I'll be fine. I was just going to make a phone call anyway."

"Alright," She said slowly, "But if one of those morons come up to you again beat them up."
She said seriously. I laughed and nodded.

"Alright. Now go!" My aunt and mom laughed as they walked out of the hall. I sighed sitting in my uncomfortably tight dress, drinking some awful coffee and listening to terrible music. Lazily I placed my head in my hand and shut my eyes, trying to block out everything. I was so incredibly tired. I had been up for almost eighteen hours and I had had less than three hours of sleep. Oh how I just want to go to be in some comfortable clothing. But nothing seemed to be going my way that night.

Suddenly I felt hot breath on my neck that made me jump in my seat. I looked to my right to see Smith completely trashed, smiling at me. It made the hairs on my neck stand up.

"H-hey there," he slurred while leaning over me and on my chair. I gave him a look and moved over a seat. He simply sat down in the seat that I had previously located and put his hand on my thigh. I eyed him up and moved his hand away from my leg. Unfortunately, he put his hand back. Therefore, I took my fork and swiftly stabbed him in the hand. The alcohol seemed to have dulled his senses, as he didn't react to the pain until I was nearing the exit of the hall.

I smirked as I heard his yells of agony reached my ears.

My silver heels clicked against the while marble floor as I neared the exit to the outdoors. Pushing gently on the gold framed glass door I stepped onto the cherry wood deck. The sight before me was breathtaking. My cousin had been dead set on her wedding reception at the River Bay Plaza, now I knew why.

Gorgeous, stunning, dazzling, spectacular and beautiful are the words that I could use to only begin to explain its beauty. The sun had set a while back but there was a full moon. It reflected gently off the fast moving waters of the river below. I leaned against the dark stained wood and let my body relax as a warm wind caressed my bare back. I was now glad for the halter dress that I wore. There were tables and candles scattered everywhere. Small groups of people meandered around the pathway although it was mostly couples. I felt a pang of jealousy at the lovers but soon pushed it back at the thought Smith.

I shuddered.

"Do you normally stab people with forks?"

I let out a shriek and jumped to face the source of the voice.

"Sorry," the deep voice said, "I didn't mean to scare you." It was the normal looking boy from before.

"Oh," I said softly, "It's alright. I'm just jumpy." I waved my hand around my face accentuating my point. He laughed lightly and it made me warm. I smiled in return. I turned my body back to face the view before me and he joined me. Finally, I could make out his face in the soft candle light. I let out an inaudible gasp when I realized who it was.

What is he doing here?

Quickly I regained my composure and finally answered his question.

"And no I don't usually stab people with fork," I said. "Just the ones who try and feel me up," I mumbled the last part to myself.

He laughed.

Apparently, I hadn't been as quiet as I hoped.

He turned towards me and held out his hand.

"I'm Brendon," he said with a big smile.

"Bailey," I said while taking his hand. It was calloused and rough but it suited him.

"So," I started, "Are you related to the bride or the groom?"

"Neither," He said. I gave him a questioning glance. "I came as my sister's date. And she's a friend of the bride's." I made an 'oh' sound before wiping away a piece of hair that the wind had blown into my face.

"Why exactly did you stab that guy with a fork?" he asked chuckling a bit, as he did.

"He was invading my personal space," I said simply trying to avoid the subject.

"Something tells me that he wasn't just invading your personal space," he said looking at me. I saw him out of the corner of my eye but continued to look out into the distance. "In fact, it looks like he's been all over you all night."

"You could say that," I sighed. It was in fact true but it hadn't just been him. Several drunken men had been total asses to me tonight. It made me feel dirty and violated. All I wanted was to go home and go to bed.

"Are you from around here?" Brendon asked. I guess he was trying to keep up this conversation but all I wanted to do was stand there in silence. I would have been fine just standing there with him too but I guess he felt uncomfortable.

"No actually I'm not," I replied. "I'm from Pennsylvania originally but I go to school in Boston."

"Oh really?" he asked. "What's your major?"

"Business," I stated. He made a twisted face.

"What?" I laughed.

"What, what?" He asked.

"What was that face for?" I asked gesturing to him.

"Oh, its just business," he said stressing the last word. "Doesn't that get boring?"

"No, not at all!" I said with enthusiasm. "It's great. I love it."

He smiled at me again making me feel a little more comfortable around him. I turned, leaning my back on the wooden railing.

"Well what about you?" I asked. "It's obvious that you're into music but do you have any other interests?"

He seemed taken aback.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

Tilting my head, I gave him an inquisitive glance. He took notice of this and clarified,

"What did you mean by, 'it's obvious that you're into music'?" he asked.

"Well I did kind of assume that seeing as you're the lead singer and front man of Panic at
the disco that you would have an interest in music. But maybe that's not the case?" I asked him.

He looked at me in awe. It was if I was some strange species or something along those lines.

I shifted uncomfortably in his gaze.

"What?" I asked. I began to twirl one of the ribbons from my purple dress in my hands as he stared.

"Umm…it's just odd. I guess," He said rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm just so used to people treating me differently that I'm a little shocked that you know who I am but you haven't tried to do jump me."

I laughed.

"No need to worry about me jumping you in these heels," I joked. He let out a loud belt of laughter. I liked his laugh.

"They do look uncomfortable," He said. "How do you walk?"

"I've been asking myself that this entire night," I laughed. He joined in. Our laughter was cut short but a small raven haired girl running out and towards us.

"Brendon!" She screamed. He rushed up to meet her.

"What's wrong?" he asked, concern lacing his words. I smiled at his compassion towards her.

"They're about to throw the bouquet!" she stressed. "We need to go."
I laughed at this making my presence known to her. Her face lit up and she ran towards me, leaving a bewildered Brendon. I laughed again.

"Aren't you the maid of honor?" she asked. I nodded. "Then what are you doing in here? Don't you want to catch the bouquet?"

I shook my head, no.

"Why?" both she and Brendon asked.

"Because I know who'll catch the guarder," I stated.

Both of them gave me confused looks until I motioned towards Smith flashing some of the bridesmaids. A look of understanding came across their faces as I grimaced at Smith's antics.

"Maybe we shouldn't catch the bouquet," she mumbled. Brendon chuckled.

"But I should still be in there," I sighed not wanting to return.

"We'll brave it together then," Brendon's sister smiled. I liked this girl. I didn't even know her name but I could already tell that we would become fast friends.

"Let's go!" she said causing me and Brendon to laugh again. She then walked off leaving Brendon and I alone together.

"I guess we should follow her, " I said.

"I guess we should," he replied.

With that, he put his hand on my lower back and escorted me towards the wedding from hell.

And that was the first time that I had met Brendon Urie.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this took so long to put up. But just so you all know I did have this finished at about 3:30 this morning and when I went to post it Mibba logged me out.
Needless to say I was slightly agitated.
So....make me feel better with comments!
Is this story good? Bad?
Tell me!
I really want to know what you all think! =]
Oh if I haven't said this before, except this storyline to be very cliché. Of course, I'll make it interesting but still. I wouldn't be shocked if you were able to guess the ending.