The Romantic Cynic


I had never been one who was terribly vain. My appearance, although it was a concern, was not something that I had tried very hard to uphold. That's what I had Payton for anyway. However, as Lana, Payton and I headed backstage, I had become very self-conscious.

I mean honestly. How great can you look after being trampled by a swarm of angry people?

I followed closely behind Lana and Payton, who were chatting amiably and laughing every so often. I, however, kept quiet and carefully took in my surroundings. The light blue carpet looked trampled and stained, most likely from being treaded on for so many years. Handprints and graffiti of all sorts covered the once white walls. However, the many posters and pictures covered most of the wall itself. The bright florescent lights shone harshly down upon me, making me squint. I kept my head down as people brushed passed me; a few muttering unfelt apologies after bumping into me.

Finally, Lana led us down a slightly darker hallway that was much cleaner. Payton's sandals made a slight clicking noise on the hardwood floor as we walked down the deserted corridor. I silently thanked the designer of the building for the lack of light. It was beginning to give me a headache. That and, if there was little light it would be exceedingly difficult to see my battered form.

I could only imagine how awful I looked.

Glancing down at my once yellow shirt, I sighed. There were numerous smudges on it and a few small holes. My knees were now exposed from where I had fallen and I could feel the brush burns on them. I walked with a slight limp and every time I stepped on my right leg a very sharp pain shot up my back. Speaking of which, my back hurt like hell. There would definitely be bruises in the morning.

Thankfully, I had a high tolerance of pain or else I would have been lying on the floor moaning in pain.

Although, it was all worth it. I enjoyed the concert immensely and had aided someone who may have been seriously hurt if it weren't for me. Granted, it was my fault when it came down to it. If I hadn't have been there the fight would have never happened. Although, the drunk still would have been drunk and most likely have hit on someone else. Maybe he would have approached Ella.

I shuddered.

On second thought, I'm glad I went. I wouldn't have wanted Ella to have to deal with that. She was too young and had the rest of her life to deal with creeps of all sorts. As I continued to follow Payton and Lana I wondered if she were alright. I hoped that she was. The last I had seen her she had seemed terrified. Hopefully, she hadn't been hurt to much. I let out an audible sigh knowing that I would never know since I would never see her again.

Running a hand through my brown hair, I began to lag behind Lana and Payton. I crossed my arms over my torso in a vain attempt to hide the disarray my top was in and bent me head letting my wavy hair create a shield behind which I could hide. I knew my long hair would come in handy one day.

I began to think back over the day. It had been very eventful to say the least. I mean, its not everyday that you almost die from a stampede or get groped by a drunk. I should feel very special. The thought made me laugh softly to myself. My dry sense of humor was something I held very dear to my heart.

Realizing how far ahead Pay and Lana were I quickened my steps to meet them. I let my mind wander again when something dawned on me.

"Hey Lana," I said.

"Yeah," she answered while falling into step with me on my left.

"Who was the special girl that we were supposed to meet?" I asked. Up until now, I had completely forgotten.

"Oh yeah! We never did get to meet her," Payton agreed from my right.

"Yeah," Lana began, "I'm sorry about that. I meant to have her with us for the show but I kinda lost her." We all laughed at her as shrugged her shoulders.

"But don't worry," she added with a smile, "We'll see her when we see the guys!" She added a few claps and we laughed at her sudden enthusiasm. We passed under a small light and both Lana and Payton gasped. I stopped and spun on my heel.

"What's wrong?" I asked, concerned.

Payton was at my side in a second and began to stare at my face, mouth open and eyes wide. Lana on the other hand began to sift through her bag while walking towards me. I gave them both a look that clearly said, 'what the fuck?'

"What's wrong?" I asked again.

"What happened?!" Payton yelled.

"That's what I'm asking you!" I yelled back.

"No," Payton said, "That's not what I meant." She looked to Lana who had now pulled out a few tissues and approached me.

"What she means is that you look pretty beat up," Lana clarified. I made an 'oh' sound and shrugged my shoulders.

"What happened though?" Payton asked. "You've been in pits before and you've never come out with torn and dirtied clothes before."

I gave her a look.

"Okay maybe you have," she began, "but that was at an a.f.i. concert and they're known for having crazy ass pits. Panic isn't! Panic isn't that hardcore at all. They've got hippie music! People don't get rowed up by hippie music!" She then went off in a rant about how much hippies bugged her while Lana gave her a look. I laughed lightly as Lana wiped at my smeared make up.

"Its nothing really," I started. Payton scoffed. "Did you guys see the fight towards the end of the show?" I asked.

They nodded.

"Yeah, well. I was kinda in the middle of it," I said quickly.

"What?!" Lana yelled. I shrunk back.

"Told you," Payton mumbled. Lana nudged her and gave her a look.

"What do you mean you were in the middle of it?" Lana asked.

"I meant that I was in the middle of it," I repeated. Lana glared at me.

"Don't get mad at me!" I yelled while putting my arms back around my torso.

"We're not mad, Bay," Payton assured me. "But we didn't know that you were in the middle of it."

"I'm fine guys," I said. They rolled their eyes. "No really. I am."

"Says the girl who broke her leg and waited until the end of the exam period to tell anyone," Payton muttered. Lana looked shocked for a moment before looking at me in disbelief.

"That only happened once Pay," I said, "And besides, my leg was not broken it was fractured. I'm walking fine right now and I'm not bleeding profusely so just chill. Please?"

They both sighed before nodding reluctantly.

"The only thing I don't get is how you got so beat up," Payton said.

"Can we just drop it please?" I asked. "I just want to get this over with so that I can go home and sleep it off."

"Aha!" Payton shouted. "So you admit that you to being in pain!"

I rolled my eyes before shaking my head.

"No Pay," I said slightly amused. "I admit to being tired." Payton opened her mouth to rebut but I cut her off. "Can we go?" I asked Lana, "Before Sherlock here decides that I've admitted to something else that's completely wrong."

Payton nudged my shoulder gently as Lana laughed. We then continued walking arm in arm until we reached a rather large white door. Lana turned and told us to wait.

"I'll only be a minute," she had said before opening the door and stepping inside, the door closing quickly behind her.

Simultaneously, Payton and I slid down the wall on the facing the door. We sat in silence for a minute hearing the occasional muffled yell from inside the room. Closing my eyes, I sighed and leaned my head against the wall behind me. I began to drift to sleep until Payton's soft voice brought me back.

"What really happened Bay?" She asked.

I lifted my head and looked at her. Her face was full of concern. Leave it to Pay to know when I was lying. Even though it was lying by omission she could still tell. I sighed and decided to tell her so that she wouldn't be worried and enjoy her time meeting the band.

"Remember how I said that I was in the middle of the fight?" I asked.

She nodded.

"Well that's true but there's more," I said while pausing, trying to find the right words. She sat patiently, knowing that I would answer her. It was at these times that I really appreciated her.

"I was actually the reason it started," I muttered softly while looking at her stunned face.

"What?" I then explained about the drunken man. She pulled me into a hug. "God Bay, I'm so sorry," She mumbled into my hair.

"Don't be Pay," I mumbled into her shoulder, "There wasn't anything that you could've done."

She shook her head.

"I feel awful. I should have gone in with you," She said. My eyes went wide and I shook my head violently.

"No!" I said firmly, "I couldn't have helped the both of you." I said without thinking.

"What do you mean 'the both of you'?" Payton mumbled. I then explained about Ella trying hard not to worry about her too much. When I had finished Payton just shook her head.

"Bailey, Bailey, Bailey," She mumbled. "You can't keep putting other people before yourself." I gave an irritated sigh and leaned my head back against the wall. I kept my eyes closed in an effort to drown out the oncoming speech.

"Pay," I said, "before you go off on me just know that Ella was young. She couldn't have been more than sixteen. And she was terrified." I paused trying to think of what to say next. "You know how I am. How could I not help her?"

I looked over to see her with her head in her hands. She let out an audible sigh before saying,

"I know. I wouldn't have expected any less of you," she smiled which I returned. "But you need to be more careful!" she said urgently. "You could have been seriously hurt," she was on the verge of tears.

"Aw Pay," I cooed. Pulling her into a hug I began to stroke her hair as she took a few deep breaths. "I'll be fine hun. I'm not going anywhere, I promise."

She sighed and nodded her head into my shoulder. Slowly I let go of her and leaned my head back against the wall. Payton kept her head on my shoulder and played with the holes in the knees of my tights. After a while she spoke.

"Y'know, if you would do this for a complete stranger you had better take a damn bullet for me," she joked somewhat seriously. I rolled my eyes.

"You know I would Pay," I said. "Just try not to get into that kind of situation. I want to live past thirty." She gave a dry laugh and tucked a piece of her short hair behind her ear. We sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes before the door opened. Out stepped a rather disheveled looking Lana. Quickly both Payton and I stood and walked over to her.

"What's wrong Lan?" I asked. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," She said unconvincingly. "I'm fine."

"Sure," I said, "And Payton here is a virgin."

Lana laughed as Payton said, "You're just jealous."

"Oh yes," I said, "Because I want my first time to be when I'm completely drunk and not remember it at all the next day."

Payton nudged me and I stuck my tongue out at her and flicking her nose. She let out a squeal before kicking my lightly in the leg which led to me poking her in the side. Buckling over she smacked her head off the wall.

"Oh my God Pay!" I gushed. I'm so sorry. Are you alright?" I asked while looking at her forehead. She gave me puppy eyes and stuck out her bottom lip.

"I fine," She said in a baby voice. "But my head has a boo boo and it's all your fault," she fake cried.

"Aww no!" I said. "Here I kiss it better," I said and gave her light kiss on her forehead.

"All better!" She said brightly. We laughed and turned to Lana who began to laugh uncontrollably. Finally, after she had calmed herself down she turned towards us.

"Thanks you guys," she said with a big smile, "I needed that."

"It's what we do," I said smugly while Payton and I leaned on each other.

"Okay then," Lana laughed. "Let's go!" And with that she opened the door and stepped inside. Payton jumped in place beside me and whispered in my ear,

" Boys!"

I laughed aloud.

"Yes Pay," I said while patting her on the head. "They are boys. Try not to rape em, k?" She rolled her eyes and walked in next to me. Lana walked over to the mini fridge and pulled out two waters and a red bull. She quickly walked back over to us as we stood awkwardly near the door.

"Water for you Pay," she said handing Payton the water, "and red bull for you," she said handing the drink to me. Thanking her, I quickly opened the can and greedily gulped down the sweet ambrosia. Payton and I sighed contently as we drank our full making Lana laugh.

"You two are so odd," she mumbled to herself.

"Oh and you're not?" I countered, smirking. She rolled her eyes and began talking to us about something.

I had a hard time focusing on what she was saying and gave up in the end. My eyes wandered around, observing everything with a keen eye. The walls were white like the ones in the hall, except these were clean. There were three black leather couches, one had its back facing us and the other two went on the left and right of it. There was a plasma television in front of the couches with a lamp on either side. Toward the corner of the room was a large tree which I assumed to be fake seeing as there were no windows in the room. Towards our far right were two large mirrors with huge light bulbs framing them. The black tables that jutted out from the wall below the mirrors were littered with all types of things. Make-up, junk food and clothes seemed to be the most popular though.

Pay, Lana and I stood near the door, unnoticed by the people on the couches. The lights were dimmed where we were thankfully. Maybe I could just stand in the doorway looking stupid to avoid them seeing my disheveled appearance. Suddenly I found myself wishing that I had taken the time in the hallway to clean myself up. I sipped my red bull and began to listen to what Lana and Payton were talking about. That is until Payton's phone beeped loudly making the two figures on the couch jump and turn around.

"Lana?" one of them asked.

"Yeah Spence," she replied.

"Why are you standing in the dark?" he asked. She shrugged.

"Beats me," she said. "I've got some people that I want you two to meet though," she said excitedly. Spencer laughed at her enthusiasm, as did I.

"Are they with you right now?" the other figure asked.

"Yeah Ry," she replied. "They're standing behind me."

"Well tell them to get their asses over here!" he said happily.

"Only if you insist," she said sarcastically.

"Oh we insist," Spencer said while wiggling his eyebrows. Lana turned towards us and rolled her eyes before mouthing, 'moron'. Payton and I laughed silently. Motioning us to come over, she turned and addressed Spencer and Ryan.

"Do you know where everyone else is?" she asked.

"Uh…Bren's somewhere and the others aren't here," Spencer said while turning back to the television, which was playing some music video that I didn't recognize.

"Thanks Spence," Lana said sarcastically.

"The last time I saw Bren he was running to the bathroom saying that he called first shower," Ryan said.

"Figures," Lana mumbled. "Thanks Ry." He nodded his head before going back to his sidekick and texting away. Lana told us to hold on one second and turned away from us.


I blushed a bright red as both Spencer and Ryan raised their eyebrows and looked at me. I let my hair fall into my face and hoped that the lack of light made my appearance less noticeable.

"Did you have to do that?" I asked, as I wished for the floor to swallow me whole.

"Yes I did," she said.

Not soon after she said this, there was a loud thud from a room towards the back. Suddenly the door flew open and steam flooded into the cool room. A dark figure could be seen and as the steam cleared, I could see that it was, in fact, Brendon. He smiled brightly as he saw me and after shaking his head to rid himself of the water, he walked up to us.

"Just because my butt is bigger than yours does not mean that you need to get nasty," he teased. Lana turned towards me and rolled her eyes. I laughed as Brendon mocked her behind her back. Lana turned back round and Brendon gave her a cheeky smile.

"Whatever Urie," she mumbled. He smiled and rolled her eyes in the same fashion of Lana. It was then that he noticed me stangind there. His smile grew to the point where I thought it may just come off his face. My smile matched his own.

"Do you know where Jon is?" Lana asked Brendon. He didn't seem to hear her and continued to smile at me. I motioned with my head towards Lana trying to get him to answer.

"Brendon," Lana said, aggravated.

"Hmm?" he responded still smiling at me. Blushing under his gaze I bit my lip. I could only image the retarded smile that adorned my features.

"Do you know where Jon is?" she repeated with a roll of her eyes.

He pointed towards a room on my right; it was the door between the two mirrors.

"Jon went in there with her after what happened," he mumbled breaking eye contact with me. "She seemed pretty shaken up." Lana nodded as Payton and I looked at each other. Our looks of confusion mirrored each other's.

"Well would you mind getting them?" Lana asked. "I've got some people that I want them to meet."

"Sure," he smiled with a quick glance at me and began walking towards the door. As the door shut behind him, my phone began to vibrate. Quickly I pulled it out and saw a text message from Michelle telling me to call her ASAP. I shut the phone slightly confused and nudged Lana.

"I need to make a quick phone call," I said. She nodded. "I'll be back in a minute."

Payton smirked and whispered in my ear, "What was that?" I looked at her in confusion as she gestured towards the door that Brendon had just entered. I rolled my eyes before saying,

"I won't be more than five minutes." She opened her mouth to retort but I walked out the door. Reaching for my phone, I dialed Michelle's number and waited. I got her voicemail and rolled my eyes.

"Call me ASAP Bailey," I mocked. "And then I won't pick up just to spite you."

These were the moments that I couldn't understand her. So I left her a message telling her where I was and that whatever she needed would have to wait until tomorrow unless it was a life or death matter. I was about to open the door to go back inside but caught my reflection in the mirror. Crinkling my eyebrows I tried to tame my hair. Somewhere along the line, I had lost my ribbon for my hair, making me slightly upset. Wiping under my eyes I removed the excess eyeliner and attempted to make my face look less grungy. I sighed and looked at my hazel eyes.

"Well," I muttered. "This is as good as it gets." I then turned away from the mirror and walked back inside. As I entered, I saw Ryan, Spencer, and Jon on one side of the room. Turning my head, I saw Lana, Payton and a girl that I though I'd never see again. Brendon was waiting near the door and smiled widely as I came in. Payton smirked at me. I gave her a look and she stuck out her tongue.

Very mature, Pay.

"Ah! You're just in time!" Lana said happily. "Everyone this is-"


"ELLA!" I screamed back.

Ella ran towards me full speed and jumped into my arms. Ignoring the pain, I twirled her round, the both of us laughing. I stopped spinning and she engulfed me in a hug which I returned. My long hair fell about my shoulders and covered most of my face as well as Ella's. Smiling brightly I held her at arms length. Ella's smile matched my own.

"I can't believe it," I said. She smiled and nodded her head. "What are you doing here? Are you okay?" I asked concerned.

"I'm fine," she reassured me. "And Walker over there is my big brother."

"That would explain a lot," I muttered.

"But how are you?" She asked. "Its you that I was worried about. I mean I had tried to find you after the show was over but these morons wouldn't let me leave." She motioned to the boys with her head. We both laughed and let go of each other.

"Hey!" Ryan protested.

"Shut up Ry," Ella said causing everyone to laugh while Ryan playfully glared. She turned back to me and her eyes went wide.

"Gosh Bailey you look like crap!" she said and I laughed.

"That's exactly what we said," Payton and Lana declared simultaneously.

Everyone gave a small laugh and began to loosen up. We all moved towards the couches and sat except for Spencer, who was leaning over Brendon and I. I looked over towards the other couch to see Payton and Jon squished together, both blushing like mad. She was going to be hearing about that later.

"Seriously though," Lana said, "You do look like you went through hell." Mummers of agreement could be heard and I sighed.

"Do you guys really need to point out how unattractive I look?" I asked while hiding my face in my hands.

"You don't look unattractive at all," Brendon said softly. So softly that I had almost missed it but when he put his arm around me to give me a one sided hug I knew that I had heard correctly. After he hugged me he kept his arm there as if it were nothing and continued to listen to Ella rant.

"And my god! Look at your shirt!" Ella gasped. I looked down at my tattered shirt and shrugged. "You looked so good and now you still look good but in the, 'I was just in a kick ass fight' kind of way. Speaking of which you kicked some serious ass! You were just like whoosh and pow and the you were like punch, 'don't touch me!'" she continued to reenact the fight scene in a hilarious manner. I laughed as she went up to Spencer and pretended he was the drunk. She started to hit him lightly and he fell onto the floor in fake agony. Ella, not realizing that he was joking, fell down beside him apologizing profusely. Rolling onto his back, he began to laugh, as did everyone else.

"Jerk," Ella smirked while Spencer helped to her feet. She brushed off imaginary dust before sticking her tongue out at Spencer, who returned the gesture.

"But seriously Bay," she continued, "You really saved my tiny butt out there." I laughed.

"You're making it seem like it was a big thing, El."

"But it is!" she insisted. "I mean I'm really surprised that I came out without a bruise and that you didn't end up in the hospital."

"I thought you said that it wasn't that bad El?" Jon said, slightly shocked.

"Well it wasn't for me thanks to Bailey," she answered proudly. I blushed even more and tried to make the couch swallow me whole. The attention thing was getting to me.

"What does that mean?" Jon asked.

It was then that Ella that took it upon herself to explain to everyone, in graphic detail might I add, the happenings of the fight. As she told about the drunken man Jon looked livid and I felt Brendon stiffen. When she had finished I knew that my face was beet red and all I wanted to do was go and hide away from everyone's eyes.

"You were in the middle of that?" Brendon asked from beside me. I turned to him to see his expression; a mixture of anger and shock. I nodded.

"Y-yeah," I said sheepishly. Turning to face everyone I said, "It really wasn't a big deal. It was just a fight."

"God Bay," Payton said. "That fight was intense and don't you dare say that you've had worse because I'd find it hard to believe." I shut my mouth and sat back.

"So basically, Bailey got her ass kicked for little Ella?" Lana asked.

"Hey!" I said, "My ass was not kicked in any way shape or form. So no my ass was not kicked for Ella. Besides, after she was out of the pit it was rather amusing punching random people." Payton laughed as did Ryan and Spencer.

Suddenly I was yanked up and surrounded by a set of strong arms. Yelping I struggled until I realized that it was Jon hugging me. Letting me go he held me at arms length, thanking me profusely. I smiled.

"Jon, give her some air," Brendon said with a laugh. Jon let go and smiled at me sheepishly.

"Sorry," he said.

"Its not big deal," I laughed. Nervously I ran my hand through my hair. As I did the girl's gasped. The boys' heads and mine snapped towards them.

"What's wrong?" Spencer asked. Payton ignored him and walked over to me staring at something near my right hip.

"Pay?" I questioned.

"Look," she said and pointed to my shirt. Looking down, I saw a large hole in my shirt and a long cut that was bleeding slightly.

"Would you look at that," I muttered to myself. Flicking my hair behind my shoulders and keeping my eyes on the cut I asked, "Do you guys have a first aid kit?"

"Why?" Brendon asked concerned. Turning I showed him the cut and his eyes, as well as everyone else's went wide.

"Oh my God," he muttered while coming over to me looking closer at the cut.

"Guys chill," I ordered. "It's just a little cut."

"A little cut!" Payton practically yelled. "Bay don't start this aga-."

I shot her a look and she stopped. She pressed her fingers to the bridge of her nose before looking at me and taking deep breaths. It was then that I looked over at Ella who was on the verge of tears.

"Ella," I said softly. She looked up at me and her bottom lip trembled. Rushing over to her, I grasped her hands. "What's wrong?" I asked soothingly.

"I'm sorry," she cried. I hugged her tightly to myself before turning my head towards Jon and mouthed, 'what's wrong with her?' He shrugged his shoulders looking as confused and as concerned that I looked. Turning towards Ella once again, I asked,

"What are you sorry for?"

"F-for g-g-getting you h-hurt," she whimpered. A look of understanding dawned on me.

"Ella sweety," I said, "Its not your fault. It doesn't hurt I promise." She sniffled. "Besides," I continued, "I've had worse."

"Its true El," Payton added, "Bailey has a habit of getting herself into trouble." I shot her a thankful look and she smiled.

"B-but I ruined your shirt," Ella sobbed again.

"Eh, I never did like yellow anyway," I laughed before giving her final squeeze and letting Jon hold her. Gently he guided her over to one of the couches where he sat her down and rocked her back and forth. Lana and Ryan followed suit. I looked back down at my cut and touched it lightly.

It stung.

"Come with me," Brendon said softly and took my hand in his own. My eyes widened at the sudden contact but I soon grew used to it and smiled as he led me towards another room. He pushed open the door and flicked on the lights. They were the same florescent lights from before and I squinted my eyes to avoid the light. Brendon walked over to a glass cabinet and began to search for what I assumed a first aid kit.

As he did this, I looked around the room. The entire right wall was covered in mirrors and a white ledge jutted out from the wall about a good two feet. On the left were a few posters, a coat rack and some black chairs. I looked back in the mirror and gasped softly at my appearance. I really looked bad. Since I was staring so hard at myself I didn’t notice Brendon approach me until he was right next to me.

"Found it," he said brightly. I jumped in surprised and he laughed. "Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you."

"Its alright," I said as I looked at him in the mirror. He smiled. It must have been contagious because I beamed right back.

"Can you sit on the ledge thingy?" he asked. I nodded and hopped up. Brendon then opened up the small box and began placing bottles and such on the table. As he was picking up some gauze, I said,

"You don't have to do this y'know?" He nodded and smiled brightly at me.

"I know. But I want to." I rolled my eyes. "Hey," he said. "Don’t roll your eyes at me." I stuck my tongue out at him. He rolled his eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me," I mimicked. He laughed loudly and shoved me lightly.

"Lift up your shirt," he ordered.

"What?" I asked my voice squeaking and my eyes going slightly wide.

"I need to clean the cut," he said blushing slightly, "Sorry I should've explained better."

I laughed lightly and lifted my shirt up to my waist. Taking a damp towel he began to dap at the cut. I sat trying not to move too much but that was proving difficult as Brendon's breath tickled my skin. It was then that the absurdity of the situation dawned on me. Here I was, alone in a room with the Brendon Urie, who was currently leaning very close to me and cleaning one of my cuts.

I stifled a laugh.

"What's so funny?" he asked.

"This," I answered. He brought his face back up from my side and looked me in the eyes. His eyes held minor amusement and his hair was slightly messed up making him look funny.

"What?" I asked after a few seconds of him staring at me.

"Nothing," he said, "You're just different." Cocking my head to the side I watched as he placed his hands on either side of my legs, leaning closer to me. Leaning back slightly I said,

"I'm not sure if that's a confusing compliment or a thinly veiled insult."

Smiling he leaned closer towards me until his face was dangerously close to mine. He had a smile on his face that reached his eyes, which were drawing me in, as corny as that seems. He kept looking down at my lips making me bite it in a nervous gesture.

"Trust me," he said, his warm breath caressing my face, "it wasn't an insult."

I smiled. As his face leaned closer to mine I braced myself for the kiss. I was slightly scared that I was letting him do this. Would it make me seem easy? I mean, I had only known him for about a day. Were we moving to fast? Was there even anything to move if we weren't anything in the first place? What I am doing? I can't kiss him! But he's so amazing. Not to mention his luscious lips. Eh, what the hell. I might as well live a little. And with that thought I closed my eyes as did Brendon, and I waited to feel his delicious lips on mine.

"Brendon! Bailey! Are you two alright in there?"

My eyes snapped open and I made an aggravated noise. It was almost as loud as the growl that erupted from Brendon's throat.

"We're fine," we both said, although he sounded much more irritated that I did. He brown eyes held my hazel eyes and everything else seemed to melt away. Gently he reached up and pushed some of my hair behind my ear. I smiled.

"Could you two hurry it up? We've got to leave in ten minutes," a new voice spoke. I was assuming it was either Lana or Ella. Both of us rolled our eyes.

"Let's get you cleaned up then," Brendon said. I nodded my head.

"Yeah. I don't want your friends to throw a fit."

He laughed.

"Sorry if this stings a bit."

A good twenty minutes later Payton and I were at our cars after being driven over by a very courteous Brendon and Jon. Brendon and I walked behind Payton and Jon who seemed to be very cozy, if you know what I mean. I mentioned this to Brendon and he agreed.

We continued to walk through the empty parking lot as a comfortable silence enveloped us. A warm breeze blew gently, warming my body and making my hair blow about me. I smiled contently and sighed. As I reveled in the gorgeous night I felt something bump against my hand. It did it again and this time it laced its fingers with my own. Elated, I smiled and looked over and Brendon who was already looking at me.

As the four of us approached the car we said our separate goodbyes. Leaning against the car I waited for Payton and Jon to finish.

"I hope you enjoyed the show," Brendon whispered. I smiled.

"I did. It was amazing. You guys are amazing!"

He looked down at our hands that were still together and smiled sheepishly before looking back up at me.

"You know something Bren," I said. "I'm really glad that I met you." His smile grew bigger if that were possible.

"Me too."

"And hopefully, if we ever see each other again, I won't look like I got run over by a train," I added as an afterthought.

He laughed.

"We will, and you looked amazing before and after the show," he responded making me blush.

"You saw me before the show?" I asked.

"Well I saw you in the crowd…" he mumbled trailing off. I felt my stomach drop, but in a good way. He hadseen me! I was tempted to do a little dance. I gazed up into his eyes as he stared at me. I swear, this boy made me literally weak in the knees, and all he had to do was look at me. That was sad.

"Can I have your number?" he asked suddenly making me jump.

"Of course," I said while handing him my phone and waiting for him to hand his to me. After I had programmed my number into his phone I saved it and handed it back to him. He handed me mine. We both smiled like idiot at each other until I heard Jon and Payton say their goodbyes.

"I guess this is goodbye," I said sadly.

"I guess," he mumbled. "But I'll call you soon." We smiled at each other. And without thinking about what I was doing or how forward it may have been I leaned up and gave him a kiss of the cheek.

"Goodnight Bren," I said and without waiting for him to reply I got into the car and watched him in the rearview mirror as Payton drove away. He had a lopsided smile on his face and his hand lightly touching the cheek where I had kissed him. I sighed happily and settled back into my seat.

"So what was going on between you and Brendon," Payton asked cheekily.

"What was going on between you and Jon?" I countered.

"Touché," she replied.

We both settled into a comfortable silence. I had a dreamy smile on my face as Payton drove carefully down the busy street. If I wouldn’t have been so wistful I would have be surprised at this. After a while of no speaking, I opened my mouth.

"I got Brendon's number."

"I got Jon's number."

We both looked at each other with surprised faces before beginning to laugh.

Tonight had most definitely turned out better than planned.
♠ ♠ ♠
I really enjoyed this part for some reason. I hope you did too.
I just wanted to thank each and every one of you who has commented and subcribed. I've got ten subscribers already. When I saw that my face was like went from 0.o to XD and then I did a little dance! I actually did and looked rather retarded...
So thank you so much! All those comments made my day all the much better. Now just a heads up. I'm going to update my Frank story before I update this again so this won't be updated for a week.
Comments me so I know if you like where this is going. I reallywant to know what you all think.