The Romantic Cynic


All through high school I had never been to preoccupied with boys. Of course, there were the occasional relationships and there had even been a borderline serious one, but it had never turned into much more than that. Since I was always more concerned for my friends, family and school, it always created an issue between myself and that 'significant other'. I guess you could call me boring and not much of risk taker, but I would call myself work oriented and reliable. I was fine on my own.

Although, every now and again, when it's late at night and I'm alone in my bed, I wish that I did have someone.

Then I slip off into my dreams where I'd find companionship and love. That enticing romance where I'd be swept off my feet and fall head over heels. I'd dream of someone who had an undying passion of me and for me. Someone to hold me in their arms and tell me that I'm safe from the harsh and uncaring world, that I meant more than the world to them.

I'd dream.


Payton's voice rang out through the apartment, ripping me from my pretend paradise.

"Go away," I mumbled miserably through my pillow, as I buried myself deeper in my covers. I relaxed into my bed's warm embrace and silently pleaded my dreams back.

"Bailey Anne Jenkins!" She yelled, although this time her voice was much closer than before.

"You get out of bed this instant!"

'Since when did she say this instant?' I thought to myself as I heard her storm into my bedroom. It was silent until a very heavy and rather uncomfortable weight was put upon me.

Groaning, I adjusted my body so that I wasn't in pain.

"Bailey," Payton sang.

"What?" I whimpered, still wishing my dreams to return.

"Guess what's in the living room?" she squealed and began poking me. Irritated, I swatted at her hands and pushed her off me.

"I don't know Pay," I yawned. "Male strippers?"

"No!" she squeaked, "Better than male strippers!"

I feigned shock.

"But, there is nothing better than male strippers!"

She rolled her eyes.

"Oh yes there is Bay," she said.

"Male strippers with coffee?" I said sarcastically. She glared at me. "What?" I asked. She rolled her eyes. "Would you stop doing that?" I said half-heartedly.

"No!" she screamed while laughing.

I winced at the noise.

"Must you do that in the morning?" I asked while burying myself deeper into the covers, hoping against hope to fall back into my dream's arms.

"Yes," she said. "Just come with me."

And with that she yanked me from my lovely bed and proceeded to drag me into our small living room. Sleepily, I looked around. The giant bay window in front of me was letting in warm rays of sunshine all over the cream walls and hardwood floor. The window itself was open and the wind blew through the light green curtains. I sighed longingly at the pillows spread all over the seat itself and wanted nothing more than to sleep on them.

Slowly I made my way towards the only couch in the room and fell into it, closing my eyes and placing my arm over my head.

"Bailey," Payton growled, "Get up!"

I mumbled profanities as I sat up groggily, placing my bare feet onto the oriental throw rug. I walked towards Payton as I glared and tried my hardest not to fall onto the floor. Slowly my eyes made their way over all the plants, tables and books to the wall separating the kitchen from the living room. There was a square window in the wall, through which you could see the kitchen.

"Pay," I sighed, "what exactly am I supposed to be seei-," I stopped speaking as I saw on the marble counter, a gorgeous bouquet of flowers. They weren't just any flowers either.

They were beautiful red roses and white daylilies. Baby's breath was scattered generously throughout the arrangement. A crystal vase held the delicate piece of artwork, displaying it in all its glory.

"They're gorgeous Pay," I breathed.

"They are, aren't they?" I could hear the smile in her voice.

We stood in silence for a moment before I asked,

"Who sent them to you?" Her head snapped towards me.

"They aren't for me silly," she said, her grey eyes sparkling. I looked at her confused.

"They're for you Bay," her voice was soft. "Now go open the card! I 've been dying to hear what it says."

Lightly, she nudged me towards the bouquet and I stumbled forward. Carefully, I picked up the cream envelope, which was tucked neatly in with the roses. Leaning down I inhaled the enchanting aroma that surrounded them. Opening my eyes, I eagerly tore open the envelope and pulled out a plain piece of white paper. There in messy handwriting, were words that sent chill of excitement through my body.

The daylilies are a thank you from the guys, Lana and Ella for helping her last night. The roses however, are from me.'
Xo Brendon

Shocked beyond reason I stood still with the card in my hand. My smile which had appeared gradually throughout the letter was beginning to hurt my face. I didn't care.
Brendon Urie had sent me roses!

"Bay." Payton said softly, "What does it say?" I handed her the card and continued to have my Cheshire cat smile.

Brendon Urie had sent me flowers.

I, Bailey Jenkins, had just received flowers from Brendon Urie!

Brendon Fucking Urie sent me flowers!

I stood still trying to contain the scream which threatened to let loose. The aroma from the flowers filling my head and making me sight in happiness. This was unbelievable!

"Oh my God," Payton mumbled wide-eyed.

"I know," I said dazed.

"Oh my god," she repeated although this time somewhat louder.

"I know."

"Oh my god!" she squealed.

"I know!"

We began to jump up and down, holding onto each other screaming. Suddenly we stopped and looked at each other.

"That never happened," I said seriously.


An hour later Pay and I sat at the counter, staring at the flowers. Since she had woken me up two hours early, I had awhile before I had to leave for work. So I sat, coffee cup in hand, reading over the card that Brendon had sent. It was completely silent except for the turning pages of Payton's book and the birds' song outside of the window.

"Pay," I said quietly, still looking at the card.

"Hmmm?" she responded, not looking up from her book.

"I think I like him."

She looked at me and I gazed at her with a worried glance. I hadn't even known this guy for more than a day I was developing a small crush on him. Smiling she said,

"Of course you do Bay. And by the way he acted last night I think he likes you too," she smirked.

"But that's not possible," I mumbled.

"What isn't?" she asked while putting down her book.

"Him liking me. I mean why would anyone like me. I'm obnoxious and rude not to mention how boring I am. And he's Brendon Urie and I'm, well, me. And people like him don't fall for people like me!" I threw my hands about my head as I continued to rant. Somewhere along the line though, Payton stopped me.

"Bailey," she said sternly, "What have you always said about famous people?"
I thought for a moment.

"That I feel bad for them?" I asked more than stated. She shook her head.

"What have you said about how other people treat them?"

"That they're just regular people who shouldn't be treated like gods, but that doesn't-" she shushed me and smiled.

"If he's just a normal guy, why wouldn't he like you? You're attractive and smart, plus you don't look like a cheap ho and go around throwing yourself at anything with a penis," she mumbled the last part angrily, making me laugh. "Besides, he gave you a kiss and a hug via mail! You can't get much better than that."

"I guess you're right," I laughed.

"I always am!" she yelled. I smacked her.

"Yeah, sure you are. Just like the time you thought that King Kong didn't die."

She glared at me and I smiled widely. Sighing she stood.

"I'm going to take a shower." I nodded to her. "Have a good day at work," she smiled before walking into the hallway. Not soon after, I heard the water from the shower. Placing my cup down I continued to stare at the gorgeous bouquet. I sighed happily and began to daydream of Brendon. His smile, his laugh, his hand on mine, his plush pink lips. I quickly shot up and began slapping myself on the head.

"Don't think that!" I repeated to myself. If someone were to witness the next few minutes of my life they would find me arguing with myself and occasionally hitting myself on the head or slamming it onto the table in front of me. Most likely I would then have the men in fancy white coats come and take me away.

Happy thought isn’t it.

I shook my head and tried to focus. Although no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get Brendon out of my head. His hair, his smell, his voice, his big brown eyes that I could just fall into and then came another session of self harm. I couldn't stand this! I hadn't known him for a day and he's already all I can think about.

Sickening really.

Finally I decided to call him and thank him for the flowers. Maybe if I talked with him I would be able to go a minute without his face flashing in front of my eyes.

Not that I minded. His face was rather appealing…

Shaking my head again, I reached for my phone which had been on its charger. Flipping it open, I scrolled through my contacts until I found his number. I laughed at the exclamation mark that he had placed beside his name.

Sitting down on the plush couch and placing my feet on the coffee table in front of me, I stared at the screen. My thumb hovered over the send button as I contemplated calling him.
I mean for all I know he's sleeping or something. I'll probably just interrupt him anyway. But what if he isn't and he's sitting by the phone waiting for it to ring? I scoffed. As if he'd do that for me.

What if he didn't remember me?

Then why did he send me flowers?

Running a hand through my hair I sighed. This internal conflict was beginning to give me a headache. Glancing at the clock, I realized that I still had had forty minutes until I was to be at work That gave me plenty of time to talk with him and leave. Its not like we'd be on the phone for more than five minutes. Right?

So that's it. I'll just call, say a quick thank you and then say that I need to go.

I nodded my head, agreeing with myself.

Self assured but still quite nervous I pressed the send button and waited for it to ring.
♠ ♠ ♠
Part five!
I know I said I wouldn't update this until I updated my Frank Iero story but I've kinda sorta decided to finish this before I even think about starting that up again. To be honest, I've lost all inspiration for that story.
But enough of that!
Hope you enjoyed and for those of you who thought that I should have shorter chapters I hope that this will do. =]
Thank you to everyone who commented and subscribed. And if you did subscribe please tell me! I really want to know. =]
Sorry if this part is bad but I really enjoyed it. I had tons of fun writing it.
So tell me what you think!
oh and for those of you who don't know this is a picture of a daylily.