The Romantic Cynic


Nerves were never something that I had an easy time controlling. Of course, I could always fool everyone into thinking that I was perfectly fine and not about to jump out of my skin, but I was still nervous. Public speaking had always been a personal fear of mine, as I'm sure its been of many others. Thankfully, by my sophomore year in high school, I had been able to make a rather descent public speak without the urge to vomit or faint.

However, public speeches, presentations and interviews were always planned out before hand. Note cards and hours of preparation made it somewhat easier. Phone calls, on the other hand, are an entirely different matter.

Yes, I could plan how I would introduce myself and then how I would say my goodbyes but everything in between was unknown. Nothing scared me more than the unknown.

I waited nervously for the call to connect and when the first ring began I jumped in surprise. I found myself silently wishing that he wouldn't pick up. That way I could just leave a message saying thank you for the flowers and then he could call me back if he'd like.
Although, another side of me desperately wanted to hear his voice, to converse with him, to make him laugh all of which made me panic. I'm already in too deep and I'm not even sure he feels the same way. Instantly I felt a wave of embarrassment wash over me and was about to hang up when a cheerful deep voice spoke,

"Bailey?" I froze. Why did he actually pick up the phone? My mind had gone blank. I searched desperately for my voice.

"Y-yeah," I stuttered. "How are you?"

"I'm great!" I could hear his smile through the phone. "How 'bout yourself?"

"I'm good, thanks," I smiled and began to relax. "I got the flowers," I began, "They're
gorgeous." He let out a sigh of relief and I laughed.

"I'm glad that you liked them," he said softly.

"I do," I assured him, "Plus I was pleasantly surprised by your romantic side," I added jokingly. Overall, I was surprised, more by the fact that he chose me, of all people, to place his romance on.

"Well I'm really glad that you like them. I was worried that you'd think it was to bold or something…" He mumbled that last part to himself and I had to try to control my fast beating heart.

"No. I didn't think it was too bold. Not at all," I said sweetly. "I love flowers; especially one's as gorgeous as those are."

"Well, I tried," he said chuckling.

We then launched into a rather enjoyable conversation that made me feel at ease. My nerves had long gone. We discussed everything. Music, food, politics, television shows and many other pointless subjects. I had never thought that I would be able to talk to someone as easily as I did with Brendon. We both laughed at a joke that I had made, as my eyes traveled the room landing on the TV's clock.

"Shit!" I exclaimed while jumping up and gathering my things.

"What's wrong?" He asked. "Are you okay." Worry laced his words.

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm just late for work," I said quickly.

"Oh I'm sorry," he apologized, "I guess I forget that other people have day jobs." He chuckled.

"Don't worry Bren, its not your fault," I said while zipping up my boots. I stood and looked in the mirror. Quickly, I smoothed out my hair and pulled it back into a low ponytail. I pinned my bangs to the side and tucked my white blouse into my black pencil skirt. Satisfied with my appearance, I smiled while walking towards the front door. "Besides talking to you will probably be the easiest and most enjoyable thing that I do all day."

"Really?" he asked sounding flattered. "What exactly are you doing?" I sighed, completely dreading the lengthy day before me. Balancing my coffee in one hand and holding the phone to my ear, I pressed the button for the elevator.

"I've got a bridal shower, two baby showers and a wedding to cater for and I'm not looking forward to dealing with snippy people who have little respect and no class," I said irritated and stepped into the elevator. After making sure the correct button was pressed, I fished in my purse for my car keys.

"Wow," he muttered, "Sounds like you enjoy your job."

"I do," I sighed, "Its just that I know the people for three out of the four events who are less than reasonable."

"Which one don't you know about?"

"The wedding," I said.

"And you're not looking forward to it because of what your cousin's wedding was like?" he asked.

"You know me so well," I joked as I unlocked my car door and stepped inside. He laughed making me my heart flutter. I loved his laugh. Starting my car I said, "Well unfortunately I've got to go." I heard him sigh ever so slightly.

"That's terribly unfortunate," he said jokingly. "Would it be alright if I called you later?" he asked somewhat timidly.

"I'd love that," I smiled as I pulled out of the parking lot and onto the main street.

"Great, what time?"

"I'll be home by eleven," I said.

"Eleven it is."

Later that morning, as I parked my small car, my phone began to ring. Without checking the caller ID I answered it.


"Bailey! Where are you?" Dawn's, my assistant, voice sounded strained. "Please tell me your almost here. The Darko party has been calling all morning!"

"Calm down Dawn," I said while locking my car doors. "I'm walking in right now. What's wrong with the Darko party?"

"That's just it!" She almost screamed, "They won't tell me! They'll only speak with management services!" I sighed. I could already tell how this day would pan out.

"I'll be there in five," I said. "Get Mrs. Darko on the phone and try to be courteous Dawn. Even if they're rude to you remember they're providing the money for your salary."

She grumbled something incoherent before hanging up. Slightly irritated by her attitude, I walked into the large glass and brick building. As usual, the door attendant greeted me and I smiled in response. I exchanged a few hellos with friendly faces while walking through the long halls. Quickly I stepped into an elevator and made sure that the button for the sixth floor was pressed. I stood quietly, waiting as people filtered hurriedly out of the elegant elevator. Soon the doors opened for my floor. Swiftly I stepped out onto the white and black marble floor and walked towards my office. My heels clicked sharply on the floor as I walked.
As I walked through the glass doors people, all of which were speaking to me, bombarded me. I held up my hand, silencing them all as I walked into my office and shut the door. I smiled at Dawn who stood near my cluttered desk, biting her nails.

"Stop that. Its bad for you," I ordered. Immediately she pulled her hand from her mouth. "Did you get Mrs. Darko on the phone?" I asked. She nodded.

"Line one," she said while twirling a piece of her brown hair. "Line two is the Baker party and line three is a new client." I nodded my head and told her to have a seat. She did so nervously. Her hands kept smoothing over her tan pants and black button down. I rolled my eyes at her nervousness. She was always on edge.

Picking up the phone I spoke brightly. "Hello Mrs. Darko. I'm sorry for the wait. I hear that you are having difficulties?" I asked as I sat at my desk. Pulling out a pen and piece of paper, I began to write down all of her last minute requests. "Is that all?" I asked. She replied, yes. "I'll make sure they're done before noon," I said. "Have a nice day."

I motioned for Dawn. She quickly walked over. I handed her he slip of paper. "Give these to Janette, tell her that its for the Darko party and must be finished by eleven." She nodded and walked out of the room. Sighing, I turned back to the phone and continued answering my calls.

"Hello Mr. Baker. I'm sorry for the wait. How may I help you?" I asked as I began to listen to his complaints in a not so polite tone. The rest of my day followed much in the same manner. Irritated clients that needed to be placated and new clients that were eager to hear of our services filled my day. By one, I was slightly stressed and decided to take a very needed lunch break. From there, I would personally attend the bridal and baby showers. The wedding wasn't reception wasn't until eight. However, fate had it so that my day would be as stressful as possible.

As I walked out of my office, Dawn came bustling up to me, looking worn and stressed; exactly how I felt.

"What's wrong Dawn?"

"There's another problem with the Darko party." I mentally rolled my eyes. "They just called saying that 'not everything was up to par'" she quoted with a role of her eyes. I began to walk back towards my office but Dawn stopped me. "They said that they wanted you there now," she began. "To discuss their disapproval."

It took every bit of strength that I had not to scream. I would be so thankful when this bridal shower was over. Then I wouldn't ever have to speak with these wretched people again. Closing my eyes briefly, I took a few deep breaths. I glanced at Dawn whose green eyes were filled with worry. Smiling brightly I said,

"Its people like this that make me want to shoot myself."

She laughed, as did I. "Charlotte called me about twenty minutes ago. She was threatening to put laxatives in their food." I smiled and shook my head.

"Y'know at this point I'd help her."

Twenty minutes later, I walked into a very busy and loud kitchen. People were scrambling everywhere.

"Thank god you're here!" Charlotte yelled as I walked further into the room. I laughed as she
began to rant. "These people are unbelievable! First they order chicken grilled, then they want it baked, then they want fried then they want it grilled again! They are some of the most indecisive people that I have ever met! I can't keep doing this Bay! I'm am not paid to read minds although at this point I wish that I could predict the future! That way, maybe I'd be able to tell what they'll decide they want next!"

I looked at her and had to laugh. Her apron was covered in all types of condiments and flour was scattered sparingly on her face. Her hair was pulled back and in a bandana but wisps were flying wildly about her face. Here assistants were running back and forth, their appearance mimicked Charlotte's.

Suddenly, a small pixie like girl came up to me with a tray of food placed precariously on her shoulder. "You should have seen her when the bride came in here and started yelling at her," she whispered. "That woman is the devil. It’s a wonder she didn't make in on Bridezillas." She rolled her eyes as she walked back out into what I assumed to be the reception hall. I laughed again and stepped out of the way of a few cooks as Charlotte went off in another rant.

"That little wench came back here and told me how to cook!" she began to wave her spoon around her hear like a battle axe. Slowly I walked over to her and put my hand on her shoulder.

"Charlotte," I said softly. "You need to calm down. This will all be over in two more hours. Plus they're paying a lot for this. At least honor the mother-in-law's money. She's not that bad." Charlotte sighed and nodded her head. "Good girl," I patted her head. She swatted at my hand and began to mumble angrily to herself.

I laughed lightly and began to walk toward the reception hall. Smoothing down my clothes, I took a deep breath and walked into the large room. Its high walls were a deep green with gold foil ceiling. Roman pillars were placed accordingly throughout the room and displayed intricate designs. The large windows let in the brilliant sunlight and displayed the beautiful foliage that surrounded the country club. Large round tables filled with fancily dressed people packed the room, all their conversations melded together until it became a loud din.
My eyes scanned the crowd for Mrs. Darko and after sometime I spotted her. Walking gracefully past the many tables, large fountain and gift table, I approached her.

"Mrs. Darko?" I asked. The middle-aged woman looked up at me and smiled.

"Yes?" she asked.

"My name is Bailey Jenkins," I said with a smile, "We spoke on the phone earlier." A look of recognition appeared on her face.

"Oh hello!" She said brightly. I smiled. She wasn't that bad.

"I was told that you were having some problems?" I asked. She opened her mouth to speak when I was harshly turned to face a fuming and obviously fake blonde. "Can I help you?" I asked with fake politness. I didn't like it when people touched me. It was taking all my self-control not to punch this girl's face in.

" 'Can I help you?' "she mimicked and I felt my blood boil. "I'm assuming that you're in charge here?" she said rudely.

"Yes I am," I said coldly, "Is there something that I can do for you?" I asked again. She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"You obviously haven't done enough," she said in her nasally voice that made me want to cringe. "We've been waiting for over a half hour for our dinner and all we've gotten are these pieces of shit," she said while picking up one of the appetizers that was on one of the waitresses shoulders. She made a disgusted face and threw it onto the table. "And your head chef is awful. She's rude and obviously can't cook. I'm going to complain to management." She threatened while pointing one of her manicured fingers in my face. I was seeing red at this point.

"Excuse me miss but I ask that you remove your hand from my face," I said in a professional tone. She gasped in shock.

"How dare you-" she began but I cut her off.

"As for the delay with your dinner course. I am terribly sorry for the inconvenience but there is nothing I can do to speed up the process. A deduction will be taken from your bill for the trouble that this has caused," I said this coldly all the while I was trying to reign in my anger. The woman's face turned into that of a scowl before she erupted.

"How dare you speak to me like that! I am paying good money for this! I'll have you fired!" she yelled, spit coming from her mouth. "Take me to your manager!" I opened my mouth to speak but was cut off by a young girl sitting next to Mrs. Darko.

"Lisa shut up," she said. The bride, Lisa, rounded on this girl breathing heavily. The girl seemed unfazed. "You're not paying for this shower my mother is. And if you wouldn't have changed the order so many times we would have eaten by now. Not to mention how you had no right to go back into the kitchen. Get off your high horse and sit down." I mentally praised the young girl. Lisa shook with anger, her face turning an ugly shade of red.

"Don't you talk to me like that!" she yelled all the while causing a scene. "You will show me respect-"

"I'll show respect where respect is due," the young respond smoothly as she took a sip of her water. Once again I mentally praised the young girl. Lisa's face, which had been an ugly shade of red before had now turned into an ugly prune color. She turned to face me and growled,

"I will speak to management now or else I will have you and everyone else in here fire."

"I am management," I said coldly, glaring daggers at her. She let out a shriek and stormed out. I turned to Mrs. Darko, ready to apologize but she beat me too it.

"I'm so sorry Ms. Jenkins," she said softly, "My daughter-in-law doesn't have the best of

"It's alright ma'am," I said feeling a great amount of sympathy towards this poor woman and her family. She smiled and introduced me to everyone at the table. I nodded and smiled at all of them until a very angry Lisa came back in and huffed into her seat. Not soon after did their main course come out, telling me that I was able to leave. I said my goodbyes to everyone and left in a hurry, desperate to be out of there. I slid into my car and let out a sigh of relief.

"One down. Three to go."

The drive home from the wedding was slow and agonizing, although the wedding itself had been rather pleasant. Nothing had gone horribly wrong and nothing spectacular had happened. The blushing bride had looked beautiful and the nervous groom exuberant. All in all, the entire event was a rather pleasant one and reminded me why I had taken the job in the first place.

As I drove through slow moving traffic I felt my loss of sleep this morning creep up on me. It was all I could do not to fall asleep at the wheel. I rolled down the window to let in some air and to hopefully wake me up. The sweet smells of summer flooded into the car. The noise of the traffic followed not soon after and the two together made a relaxing atmosphere. Although, it may have been too relaxing seeing as I almost fell asleep at a red light.

Not soon after I arrived at my apartment complex and I, after parking my car, began the long trek home. I dragged myself into my shared apartment and lazily took off my boots, sighing as the circulation returned. Sinking in to the couch, I shut my eyes ready to sleep on the couch. I was on the brink of sleep and my pleasant dreams when my phone began to ring.

"Not…happening…" I groaned as I pulled my phone out of my small black purse. All my aggravation disappeared as I looked at the caller ID.

"Hey Brendon," I said happily while sinking back into the couch.

"Hey!" he said excitedly. "How was work?"

"Not as bad as I expected," I replied, "What about you? How's life on the road?"

"Amazing!" he exclaimed and I laughed as his enthusiasm. We continued to talk for awhile as I got ready for bed. After which, I laid in my bed talking with him for hours. I don't think that I had enjoyed a phone call as much as I had at that moment in time. Around one in the morning, we both decided to get some sleep.

" 'Night Bren," I yawned softly.

" 'Night Bay," he said gently. "Sweet dreams."

Talking with Brendon had just become one of my favorite pass times.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well I'm sad to say that this story is almost over. I'll have it done in the next three parts and to say that I'll miss its characters will be an understatment.
Thank you to everyone who has subscribed and commented but there is one thing that I ask and I'm terribly sorry if it seems shallow.
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