When I Look in the Mirror I Don't See Myself I See Him

One of the most rare and disturbing paranormal phenomena is the stigmata, they are wounds that you do not have an explaination for. These wounds can range from a seemingly psychosomatic feeling of the wounds and the associated pain, but with no corresponding visible damage to the skin, to full blown unexplainable wounds that bleed and cause great discomfort to the stigmatic.

Also do you believe what happens to one can happen to another?

Well, someone is hurting themself, or someone is hurting them and Maxine can feel and see what is happening. Can she find this person before they or Maxie die?

Read and find out.
  1. What is happening to me?
    Unexplainable Cuts
  2. Deep Sleep
    Dreams may be real.
  3. Wait, what?
    Some news comes out. No one expected it.