Find Something Better

The class erupted in laughter after the infamous class clown unleashed another hilarious joke; I smiled and let out a small airy laugh. As continued to skim the science textbook writing down anything that could be important for semester exams; school was not my thing so studying was a big must. Not only academically but also socially, school was the worst. I was thrown about in a variation of stereotypes, my least favorite just happened to be the one I was mistaken for frequently was, Goth. I was quite the rocker chick, as some would say. I lived for concerts, my hair was usually dyed black, and I could be found sporting a different band shirt everyday of the week.

Today however was much different.
  1. Chapter One
    woo!(Super short)
  2. Chapter Two
    picks up rught where one left off
  3. Chapter Three
    REALLY long(well kinda)
  4. Chapter Four
    REALLY short, sorry! :/
  5. Chapter Five
  6. Chapter Six
  7. Chapter Seven
  8. Chapter Eight
  9. Chapter Nine
  10. Chapter Ten
  11. Chapter Eleven