Everyone Has Secrets

I'll Never Let Them Hurt You

Gerards POV
I was sitting on my bed, trying to get my pants up. Me and Frankie had to 'do what we had to do' in the shower faster than we wanted to so we would beable to stop for coffee on the way to meet Mikey. Although it was alittle rushed, it was still amazing.
"Babe, that was great" Frankie smiled as he walked out of the bathroom, fully dressed. He looked gorgeous, as always.
"It wasnt all me, sugar." I kissed him as he sat on the bed next to me.
"Need some help, Gee?" He asked me noticing that I was struggling to get my super skinny jeans up. I was going to wear my loose blue jeans, but Frankie said I looked better in these ones, like I said before,I just couldnt refuse.
"Yeah, these are really tight on me" I replied standing up so he could help.
"Probably because they are mine" He smirked.
"Well then the legs might me alittle short too" I laughed when he glared at me.
"Fine, get them on yourself" he started to walk away.
"Frank I was kidding, you know I love your shortness, your more 'moveable' " I assured him and grinned. He walked back toward me and grabbed the jeans. "Suck it in" he told me. I did as he quickly pulled them up, too high. My eyes got really big "OO-oowww" I cried. "OMG, Gee Im so sorry, I didnt mean it" Frankie helped me up. The pain quicly went away and I buttoned them up. I was about to pull my shirt on when my phone started ringing on the bed. "Ill get it" Frankie grabbed it.
"Hello?"he said into the phone.---
"Uhh, yeah hold on he's getting dressed"--
He walked over to me, "It's Mikey" handing me the phone and went to the bathroom to put his eyeliner on.
"Hey, Mikey?"
"Gerard, when are you and Frankie going to be here, I've been waiting for over 20 minutes"
I looked over at the clock and sure enough it was '10:23'.
"Sorry Mikey, me and Frankie, were umm, just, well we kinda got caught up in a moment" I finished trying to make it to obvious why we were really late, apparently I didnt do so well becuase Mikey said, "Umm eah spare me the details, jsut hurry up its getting really cold and I forgot to bring a jacket" We hung up and I went over to Frank to tell him to hurry up.

Franks POV
I answered Gee's phone, it was Mikey asking where we were. I just handed it to Gee so I could go finish putting my eyeliner on. I could hear Gee's end of te conversation and by the sound of it I guess Mikey had been waiting there for awhile. They hung up and Gee came in and told me to hurry up because he didnt want to make Mikey wait any longer. I quickly put my eyeliner on and we ran downstairs and got in the car. Seeing as how I crashed over 5 cars in my life, 2 of which were Gerards, he drove.
"Gee, can we please go to Starbucks first?" I stared at him waiting for an answer.
"Well, I dont really want Mikey to freeze to death.."He looked at me and finished, "Yeah if you really want to." Yay!
We had gotten our Starbucks and started driving toward where Mikey was meeting us.

Mikeys POV
I just got off the phone with Gee telling him and Frank to hurry up. I'd been there since before 9 and I was really starting to get cold.
'I don't know how I'm going to ask them this' I thought to myself, looking at my watch, '10:32' it read.
I was going to ask them if I could move in with them because I had just broken up with my girlfriend. We had gotten into a huge fight and I jsut didnt want to deal with her jealously any longer, so I just walked out with the few possessions I did have.
'All I did was ask a girl where she got her shirt' reminding myself why me and Lizzy fought in the first place.
My phone rang, it was Gerard.
"Hello, where are you" I asked.
"We're here, your at the fountain right?"
"Yeah" We hung up.

Franks POV
We pulled up adn got out of the car. With our fingers interwined, Gerard and I started wlaking to where Mikey was. I short while later we spotted him sitting at the fountain, he looked pretty cold.
"Hey Mikey" Gee said, startling him alittel becuase he didnt notice we were standing there.
"Hey you guys" motioning for us to sit down next to him.
"So, Mikey. I know you never 'really need to talk' unless something up, so just get to the point, it's really cold out here"Gerard said flat out.
"You think I dont know that" He mumbled.
"Ok, well then let's just go back to the house, so we can talk and be comfortable at the same time" I suggested.
"Good idea" they replied at the same time, Mikey sounding alittle more eager. We had gotten up when Gerard asked him where his car was.
"Uhm, well I left it at Lizzys." he said looking away.
"Well, howd you get here?" we asked.
"I walked." still not looking at us.
"Well, Lizzy had it the night before, I didnt know where she put the keys, and I didnt want to wake her up" he mumbled.
"Oh, well you could have called and I would have came and got you" we got in the car and Gee started it up. --- He turned the key again. It started.

Gerards POV
'Stupid car, START' I thought to myself just as the ignition went on. 'Sweet'
The entire ride home was silent, except for the Misfits CD playing.
When we arrived at the house, Mikey was the first one out, he ran to the door, shaking.
"Hold on, let me open the door" Frank said looking for the right key.
'I swear, he has a key for anything and everything, it takes him forever to figure out which key is which, and half of them he doesnt even use.' I said to myself when Frankie finally got the door open. I quickly ran inside feeling the warm air on my face and quickly shut the door, not wanting any of it to escape.

Mikeys POV
When Gee asked me why I walked to the park, I lied and said I didnt know where Lizzy put the keys from the night before. I didnt want to tell them the truth, not yet.
We all walked into the kitchen to make hot chocolate, well I did becuase Gerard and Franks still had their Starbucks.
Gee turned to me while I was mixing my drink, "So Mikey, what's so important?"
'God, what should I say, just come straight out and tell them?' I questioned myself. I decided to just tell them, I mean Gerard was my brother and Frank is one of my best friends, I couldnt exactly lie to them.
"Well you guys, the truth is that me and Lizzy got in a huge fight, I broke up with her and just left the house" I said plainly, waiting to see what they had to say.
They kind of just looked at me waiting to see if I was done.
"Well, I really dont have anywhere to go and I was wondering if maybe I could crash here for awhile?" I finished taking a drink of my chocoa.

Franks POV
"...and I was wondering if maybe I could crash here for awhile" Mikey finished.
I didnt want to say no, I mean its Gerards brother, but if Mikey stayed here, Lizzy might get mad at me and Gee for taking in her ex. We dont really know her, but from Mikey has told us, she's kind of phsycotic, and I just didnt want to come home one day and my house is on fire or something.
I looked at Gee to see if I coudl figure out what he was thinking, he just had a straight face on, so I pulled him aside.
"So, Gee what do you think?"
"Well Im obviously not going to say no" he said.
"Ok, so what do we tell him?" I asked looking over at Mikey who was transfixed on the cup in his hands.
"That he can stay as long as he needs to, and we'll give him the room farthest from ours" he said, grinning slightly and we walked over to Mikey, who looked up waiting to see what we had to say.
"Mikey, we really dont need to think about it, of course you can stay as long as you need to" Gerard told him.
"Oh wow, thanks you guys, I really appreciate it." he hugged us and we helped hm carry what stuff he did have to our guest room.
'This might be alittle weird for a couple of days, more for him though' I thought to myself as we set his stuff in the room and walked back to the den to watch some TV.

[[A/N: Sorry it was so long, I was going to split it up into two chapters, but I figured you guys wouldnt mind that I didnt.

and btw I need 3 people/names for the next few chapters, and I cant really think of any, so if you can think of any/or your own, let me know and you can be in it]]