Everyone Has Secrets

Trapped Inside this Body

Mikeys POV
It's been about a week since I've been staying with Gerard and Frank, for the most part it's fine, but at night, I mean come on, how many times can you fuck in a day?

Like right now for instance, I was just listening to my Ipod, when the battery died. Guess what I get to hear? Yup, they put me on the opposite side of the house for a reason, but I still managed to hear it.

'Ooohh GE..RAR...DDD.....'

FUCK, not again. I attempted to block it out by putting a pillow to my ears.
'What a great time for my batteries to die' I mumbled.

I just layed there, singing to myself, waiting for it to stop.

Franks POV

Me and him have been trying to be quiet the past few days since Mikeys been here, I dont know if we've suceeded, but he hasnt said anything to us, so Im not sure.

I layed next to Gerard, gasping for air after he finished. God, he's so fucking good.

"Gee, that was great" I managed to breathe. He smiles and we both drifted off to sleep holding eachother after another great time.


Gerards POV

I got up before Mikey or Frankie did and I didnt want to wake them, so I quietly made myself breakfast, eggs and bacon to be exact, and sat in the living room watching the news.
Kidsnaps, robberies, shootings. Nothing I havent heard before.

"Babe?" I heard a tired Frankie from behind me. I turned around. "Yeah, Frankie?" I asked him, getting up to help him to the couch. "I dont feel so good" he mumbled burying his face into my chest. My smile fell, when he doesnt feel good, I feel like Im dying, I cant stand when he's not happy. "Why babe, whats wrong?" I said rubbing his head.
He shrugged. "I dont know, I just felt really sick when I got up".
"Is it bad enough to go to the hospital?" I asked, grabbing the keys on the table next to me.
He nodded, "Yeah, I dont feel good at all"
"Ok, well just let me tell Mikey, so he doesnt worry too much when he gets up" I hesistated before getting up and headed toward Mikeys room.

Franks POV
I woke up this morning looking for Gee, but he wasnt next to me.
'He must have gotten up earlier and got breakfast' I thought.
When I tried to sit up I had this really sharp pain in my head. Everything was in pain, I felt like I coudl barely move.
'I should tell Gee' I mumbled trying to stand up again. It hurt the same, but I realyl needed to find Gerard. I walked down the hallway into the living room, sure enough he was sitting on the couch eating eggs.
"Babe?" I tried to get his attention, it even hurt to talk.
He turned around. "Yeah, Frankie?" I think he noticed that I was stuggling to stand because he got up form his position on the couch to help me over there to sit down.
"I dont feel so good" I said putting my head in his chest. He was rubbing my head, which didnt really help, but I didnt want to say anything.
He looked at me with sadness in his eyes. "Why babe, whats wrong?" he asked.
He could tell that I was in pain and I could tell that he was suffering too, we hated seeing eachother hurt.
"I dont know, I feel really sick" I told him and he asked me if it was enough to go to the hospital.
"Yeah, I dont feel good at all" I mumbled and he got up to let Mikey know we were leaving.

Mikeys POV
I was having a very good dream, I was at a private Smashing Pumpkins concert and they were in the middle of my favorite song.
"Mikey" I heard a familiar voice, it was Gerard. He pushed me, "Mikey?"
"Yeah, what?" I said, kind of annoyed. 'Way to ruin a good dream'
"I'm taking Frank to the hospital, he's not feeling good" he replied, I looked up, he had a worried expression on his face and I sat up.
"What wrong with him?" I asked, kind of worried myself.
"I dont know, he just said he wasnt feeling good at all"
"Do you need me to come to?"
"No, we shouldnt be there to long, hopefu---" he didnt finsih when we heard a piercing scream from the living room.
"FRANKIE" Gee screamed running out of my room.

[[A/N: Sorry it was so short, but the next chapter is going to be pretty long and I didnt think it would fit right into this, (not fit as in length, but it wouldnt be a good 'incorportation') I hpe you know what I mean. But yeah, the next chapter might not be up for like a day or so. New people, events, and some big changes might happen, so I thought I should wait for a new chapter, enough shock for one day, rite?
Hope your not mad. = (( ]]