Everyone Has Secrets

What A Day

Gerards POV
I was talking to Mikey when I heard Frankie scream from the living room. I ran out to him as fast as I could. 'oh my god frankie, what happened?' is all I could think. I reached the living room to see Frankie on the floor screaming.
"Frank, Frank.. what happened?" I asked him trying not to cry.
"I....I dont know..." is all he could get out. He was in some serious pain and I didnt want to wait to see what was wrong, so I picked him and took him to the car. I put him in the backseat so he could lay down and I got in the drivers seat and sped all the way to the hospital, it was around 20 minutes away, I wanted to make it in less than 10.
"Hold on Frankie, I dont want you to fall" I turned around to see if he was sitting to where he wouldnt roll off the seat.
I was almost to the hospital when I heard sirens beind me.
"PULL OVER" I heard. Hell no was I going to pull over, I had to get Frank to the hospital. I kept going as fast as I could. The police car was still following us when we reached the emergency room entrance. I got out and helped Frankie get up, he coudlnt stand so I pretty much carried him inside. I wasnt even thinking about what was going to happen to my car, my main and ONLY priority right now is Frank.

Mikey POV
I had no idea what just happened, all that I know is Frank screamed and Gee left with him.
'Probably going to the hospital' I figured. I got up, stretched and decided to go see what was wrong with Frank.
I was pulling out of the driveway when my cell rang. 'Ami' caller ID.
"Hey Mikey, it's Ami, what are you doing right now?"she said.
"Speeding to the hospital to see what's wrong with Frank" I replied.
"OMG, what happened to Frankie?" she asked. Didnt I just say I don't know?
"I dono, that's what Im going to find out, he wasnt feeling good at all this morning and Gee jsut rushed him to the hospital like 10 minutes ago." I said pulling into the hospital parking lot.
"Ohh, ok, well I guess your there, I heard you park. So I'll let you go see whats up, then call me and let me know"
"Ok, bye"
"Bye bye Mikey" we hung up as I ran inside to try and find any sign of Gerard or Frank.
'now whats wrong?'I thought to myself as my phone vibrated.

Gerards POV
I registered Frank into the ER and they took him back, but they wouldnt let me go with him. I almost tackled the doctor, but there were security guards everywhere, so I decided against it.
'Maybe I should call Mikey and tell him whats happening'I mumbled,took out my phone, and sat down in one of the very uncomfortable, hard plastic chairs in the waiting room, dialing Mikeys number.
-busy tone-
'Who the hell could he be talking to right now?' slightly annoyed that he didnt keep his phone open just incase I had news on Frank.
I tried again a few minutes later.
"Hello?"I heard Mikey pick up.
"Hey, Mikes, it's me, I register Frank into the ER but they wont let me go back there yet, so Im sure not whats wrong exactly"
"Oh, well I'm at the hospital right now, are you still in the ER?" I heard footsteps behind me.
"Nevermind" he sat next to me hanging up his phone.
He sighed, "So no news yet?"
"Nope, but I hope they have something soon, I'm dying inside not knowing whats wrong with my Frank" I replied in a low voice. 'I really was dying inside, I feel pain when Frank feels pain. When he's down about something, I'm down too.'
My thoughts were interupted when I heard, "Gerard Way?.....Gerard WAY?" coming from in front of me.
"Yeah" I said looking up. It was a doctor I quickly stood up and asked about a million questions "Well, how is he, can I see him, is he awake?" in a rush.
"Calm down, he's fine, but his condition could drop at any time so we will have to keep an eye on him for the next few days, you can see him when the nurses finish getting his room ready, but no he's not quite awake yet, would you like me to show you to his room?" He smiled.
I wanted to scream "WHY ARE YOU SMILING, FRANKIE IS GOING TO BE IN HIS LEAST FAVORITE PLACE IN THE WORLD FOR A FEW DAYS, YOU FUCKER" but since he offered to show me to his room, I kept my thoughts to myself.

Mikeys POV
We were walking down this plain white allway for what seemed like forever to get to Franks room. We had already turned a few corners, so Im pretty sure I wouldnt be able to remember how to get out.
"Here it is" I heard the doctor say before walking away, disappearing behind one of the endless amount of corners.
"Do you want to go in alone" I offered to my brother. He looked terrible, depressed. Like he was feeling what Frank felt. He loved Frank to death and couldnt stand seeing him in any kind of pain.
"Would you mind, only for a few minutes?" he questioned.
"It's fine, take all the time you need" I said putting my hand on his shoulder to reassure him it was ok.
"Thanks" he smiled before entering the room and slowly closing the door behind him.
'I guess I could call Ami back and let her know whats up' I said taking out my phone.

Oh, and by the way, Ami is Franks sister. She recently moved to England for her job at a magazine company, which is great for the band, she includes us in every issue possible to get us out there more. She's one of my closest friends, we've all known her since I was 6. Oh, and she's Gee's ex. They broke up mutually and are still friends. And, no neither of them have feelings for eachother more than friends anymore, thats one of the reasons why they broke up. But enough about that for now.

-busy signal-
I guess I'll try back later.

Gerards POV
I was so glad that Mikey let me go in first, I really wanted to see Frankie alone.
As I closed the door behind me, I notced the room was everything Frank would hate.
Small, no decoration, overly neat, and white. On top of that, it had that hospital smell.
I felt so uncomfortable, but imagine how Frank will feel when he wakes and to see it.
I looked in the corner to notice a very pale Frank lying still in his stiff hospital bed.
"Frankie" I whispered quietly walking over to his bedside. I pulled up a chair and sat next to him. He looked so sick, I grabbed his hand and held it in mine, crying into his covers. I was quite tired from waking up so early, and almost fell asleep, but stopped myself. But my eyelids slowly shut and I was out.

'He quickly opened the door and pushed my into the backseat, never taking his lips off mine.'
I pulled away for a second to say "Frank, our date?" before he pushed me down and started kissing me again. "It can wait" he smiled pulling off my shirt before I had a chance to say ok.
He moved his lips to my neck and started biting me. He moved down my chest, stopping at the top of my jeans. He started undoing my belt, but I stopped him. "Frank, no, not now" He looked up at me, "Please, look at you, you need it" he smiled noticing something I thought was 'hidden from view' "No, if I can wait until after our date with 'that' problem, then you can wait, too." I said sitting up pulling my shirt on. "Fine" He pouted,crossing his arms over his chest. I scooted over to him, "Frankie, I jsut wanted tonight to be special" I said hugging him.
"I know, Im sorry" he sighed before pulling me into another passionate kiss. He's got to stop doing this, its not exactly helping me 'calm down'.
I broke the kiss, opening the door. "Come on, please?" I said, but it sounded more like begging.
"Ok, I guess I can wait" he said getting out of the car. He gently kissed me on the lips and pulled away as we walked toward our original destination'

[[A/N: To those who didnt know, that was continued from Gee's original flashback in the shower.]]

I woke up to the sound of Mikes voice, "Gerard, are you ok?"
"Yeah, I just fell asleep for a few minutes." I mumbled.
"A few minutes? It's been 2 hours...I came in here to tell you the doctors need to check Franks condition.." he said.
"2 HOURS?! time fucking goes by fast...he hasnt moved at all?" I asked hopefully.
"Not that I know of, but can they come in and check him out?" he asked opening the door slightly to where I noticed a team of people outside the room looking at me.
"Yeah, but I dont want to leave the hospital, I want to be the first one he sees when he wakes up" I slowly took my hand away from his and walked over to Mikey, who was waiting behind the group of nurses and a doctor entering Franks room.
"Want to go get some coffee, they said it should take abou 20 minutes to see how he is" he asked already walking toward the elevators.

Mikeys POV
I walked toward the elevators so I could get coffee, unsure If Gerard was following. He's afraid to leave Frank, just in case he wakes up, he doesnt want him to think he just left him there, alone.
"Yeah, Ill come" I heard him coming up behind me.
"He'll be fine" I told him getting into the elevator.

We got off at the cafeteria floor. There wasnt many people there, so we wouldnt have to wait and get food.
"Yay, they have a starbucks" I said pointing to a corner of the large room. I was walking toward it, when I noticed Gerard wasnt with me. I spun around and coudl see him staring into space.
"Gerard" I yelled quickly snapping him out of whatever thoughts he was in and waited for him to walk over with me.

We ordered the usual and sat down.
"Gerard, are you okay?" I asked. 'What do you think Mikey? of course he's not okay, sometimes you just dont think'
"Yeah" he lied, sighing and taking a drink of his coffee.
'Of course Frank will be fine, he's already been through alot, what makes you think he wont make it through this time?' I gave up trying to reassure Gerard for a moment, because right now, when I thought of Frank, I got this extremely horrible feeling.