Everyone Has Secrets

Not Sure What To Do About It

'The show was amazing, we got really close to the stage, almost there, damn guards....I grunted when they set me back into the crowd. The show was over about an hour ago, now me and Gerard were back in the car getting ready for the second part of our date. He was taking me to dinner. I'm not sure where yet because that's all he's told me. We have been driving for over twenty minutes and havent said one word.
"Gerard....babe, where are we going?" I asked apprantly snapping him out of his thoughts becuase he jumped alittle in his seat.
"You'll see, we'll be there in about a half hour" He looked at me when we hit a red light.
"I love you" he said leaning in to kiss me.
"I love you, too" I replied leaning in the rest of the way and gently kissed him.'

I felt myself smiling, it turned into an extremely wide grin. I had just the most amazing dream I've had in awhile, what made it so amazing was that it wasnt a dream, it was the day me and Gerard had our first date. I remember it like it was yesterday. I turned over to put my arm around Gerard, but he wasnt there..I opened my eyes to see myself lying in a stiff hospital bed.
'What the hell am I doing here?' I thought, until it hit me like a ton of bricks. I hate when you first wake up, everythings fine for a few seconds then all your problems come back like a rush of cold water on your face.

"Gerard" I heard Mikey say as I turned, he was pointing at me.
I noticed Gerard sitting next to me with his beautiful eyes staring at me overfilled with joy. He pulled me into a tight hug. It felt nice, I couldnt remember what it felt like, I must have been here for quite awhile. I looked Gerard straight in the eyes, "Babe, how long have I been here?" I asked looking around, I hate hospitals.
"Almost a week, how do you feel?" he asked.
'A week?!? I could have missed alot of shit. FUCK.'
"Ok, not as bad as I did a few days ago, do the doctors know exactly what was wrong?" chills ran down my arm as I mentioned the word 'doctors'.
"Not exactly, but they do know it was something wrong with your liver and kidney, by those organs. They had to wait until you woke up to do some more tests though to find out more" he said grabbing my hand before turning himself toward Mikey, "Go get the nurses and tell them Frank's awake" he said.
"NO!" I shouted. I didnt want to see doctors yet, I wanted to be with Gerard for awhile first.
"But babe, don't you want to know why you were in so much pain?" he said softly.
"Well, yeah I guess..." I sighed.
The doctors came in and asked Gerard to leave, but I really needed him to be with me before I cooperated for anything, and I todl them that.
"If you guys don't let him stay, I wont let you do anything to me, I really need him next to me"I pleaded.
The nurses continued to usher Gerard out of the room, "WAIT" I screamed hoping they would stop, yet they acted as though to couldnt hear me. "MOTHER FUCKERS, WAIT, CAN I ATLEAST TELL HIM SOMETHING REALLY QUICK" I screamed the loudest I've ever heard myself scream. I really couldnt be without him right now, it wasnt because I was nervous about being alone with doctors, but I felt as if these next few days would be the last times I'm ever going to get to see him again.

Gerards POV
With Frank screaming at the nurses to let me stay, my heart dropped. He was yelling the loudest I've ever heard him yell, yet they still ushered me out of the room. Why couldnt I stay? They better not hurt him, I'll kill them. I was pushing all my weight against them to try and get back to Frank, but they were pretty strong.
".......CAN I ATLEAST TELL HIM SOMETHING REALLY QUICK" was the last thing I heard my Frankie scream before I was pushed all the way out of the room and the door closed behind me. I banged on the door with everything I had, before the nurse said "Would you like us to call security and you'll NEVER beable to come back and see your precious boyfriend?" She shuddered when she said that last word. I didnt exactly feel like getting my ass kicked by security guards and banned form seeing Frank while he was here, so I turned around, but before I walked away I mumbled "homophobic bitch". "What was that, sir?" she asked.
"I SAID YOUR A HOMOPHOBIC BITCH" I wanted to spit in her face, but I didnt dare.
She didnt say anything and walked back into the room.
I couldnt stop thinking about why Frank was so angry that they wouldnt let me stay, I mean he knew I would beable to see him again, they couldnt keep my away forever--
"Hey Gerard, are you ok?" my thoughts were interupted when I heard Mikey call behind me.
"No, they wont let me stay in there with Frank and I dont know why" I said rubbing me head and trying to find a seat to sit down.
"Well, are you in the mood to hear some news?" he asked pulling up a chair next to me. I didnt want to hear bad news, but any good news at this point wouldnt help me either.
"Yeah, what's up?" I asked.
"Uhm, well I was wondering, if maybe....well you remember Maria, don't you?"
I didnt not like the way this was sounding and I already had a feelin where it was going.
"NO, Mikey she IS NOT staying with us, you know Frank hates her" I said trying to keep my voice down."
"But, Gee, she's, well she's uhm she's pregnant"
"Uhm, she was with Bob, so it doesnt have anything to do with us"I said plainly.
"You remember how they wouldnt tell you why they broke up? Well, it's because we, kinda, you know that night on Frank's birthday last year? We kinda uhm slept together" he finally finished.
"Bob knows right?"
Mikey sighed but never answered the question. "Mikey, tell me, does Bob know?"
He never got a chance to answer when a very sweaty nervous doctor walked up.
"Gerard Way" he said nervously, his voice cracked as he said it. He looked as if he screwed something up, like it was all his fault.
"Yeah" I said standing up.
"Frank is, Frank's condition, he well, he's uhm, not doing so good, we just had to move him to the OR[Operating room] and IF he makes it, we'll have to put him in te EC[Extensive care] unit."
"IF he makes it?" I yelled and the doctor jumped, backing away.
"Yeah, IF he makes it, he's not doing so well" the doctor said as two sad looking nurses, different ones than earlier, walked up and pulled the doctor aside, not taking there eyes off me.

[[A/N: I know alot of stories have pregnant chicks in them, but I swear I'm trying to make this one different. And I know Im not very good at writing at all, so yeah, maybe if you have ideas you could message me, or if you have any tips..]]