My Sacrifice

First Day

“Inga move it or we'll be late!” I screamed at my sister. The last bread had been buttered up, the books, and the suitcases where in the car and we needed to go Pronto. “Inga move your arse!” yelled mom. I didn’t get why she said that actually, since Inga got that slowness gene from her.

“I’m coming, I’m coming,” she said while going down the stairs in a hurry. “Alex, when you come back can you show me that back flip again?” asked little Anila. “I would if mum wouldn’t kill me afterwards” I smiled to her ruffling her hair. At last there was a sister following my steps. “Romeo, Romeo…shoot what did the other part say?” a worried Cynthia said. “God Cynthia you’re going to drive us all to the cliff if you keep that speech up” she smiled icily to me. Maybe I had struck a nerve. “Mum! I can’t find my doll!! I want my doll…and where is my ipod??!! I want my ipod!!” yelled, the devil’s spawn, Lucia.

I don’t know if she is really my sister, she is the kind of girl that I loathed and she was only eleven. “Mum! That girl really needs a spank!” I screamed to my mother obviously only wanting Lucia to get mad. “Mum did you hear her?!” screamed Lucia on the verge of tears. We were never ever spanked at my house, at least after Dad had died.

Yes my father was dead and the only people left were my mother, Inga, Cynthia, Lucia, Anila, and me. Though he was gone and I thank God for taking him away (reasons for this I will say later on). He didn’t leave us behind with nothing. Imagine if he didn’t leave us behind with nothing that we were almost the third richest family in England. Funny thing is we aren’t royalty, just was left behind of a dark man’s past of killing and smuggling. Though when he died that was looked as an act of honor for the English government.

Oh well “Inga lets go!!!” I screamed once more getting the keys to the car. “Alex one of this days I swear I’m going to get you a boyfriend” I looked at her puzzled. “As if I need one Miss. Attention” I smiled playfully. She only groaned and tossed her great blond hair towards my direction making it hit my face. I almost went and rip it of but mum stopped me, as always. You see I have to make this clear; Inga is the oldest sister, age 22, as you can see she is the girl next door every boy craves for, and for my disgrace and many other disgrace as well she knows she’s hot. Cynthia, age 16, is your average Drama Queen being almost the leading role in every play the school has. Anila, age 13, is the greatest girl in the world she wouldn’t hurt a fly. Lucia…Luica…Lucia! As I had said earlier “The Devil’s Spawn” she is the most obnoxious, bratty girl in the world and that is just a compliment.

“Please Alex be nice today and don’t get in trouble” my mum said this to me but the bad part is that I sort of listened to her and sort of didn’t. Heh what can I say I’m a wild child, age 17. Another little detail you should know, we are international, literally. Inga was born in Russia, Cynthia was born in France, Anila in España, Lucia in England, and me in Puerto Rico. It’s my dad’s entire fault because he was always going on these missions and dragging mum everywhere. Also since we had to go to those places over and over again we learned how to speak each language fluently. So yes I know four languages.

At last we were gone but this was just to go to another prison, ahem, school. The worst part is that it's the first day of school. Joy! It was always the same routine, if we were grounded, Inga would go and leave Lucia and Anila in the elementary school, afterwards leaving Cynthia and me in David John’s Locker high school, actually is, David Johneith Lockheart, you can see the resemblance. Afterwards Inga goes to her university.

Grounded, yes, because hell! My mum was stinking rich she could easy give me a car and make Inga go to the university on Sunday, instead of bringing us to school at Monday. First fact of why we were grounded: I didn’t come home one night, because I was with my gang, something my mom hates but ‘Son mis panas’ (They are my buddies) what can I do? Second: Inga didn’t come home that same night, but she was with one of her boyfriends. Third: Lucia woke up by the time we should have been there and told mum. So mum took my car, Inga had to take us to school. Oh! And wait I forgot about Cynthia 's car…well it was crashed. Since she wanted to do an action movie scene where she jumps of a car while the car is still driving…yeah…she takes the whole you have to feel what the character is feeling too literally.
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