Elico Decahedron

Oh Lottie You're So Fine.

“I know Becky, but Kate writing slash is not a reason to stab her…okay, good luck with that, love you, bye!!!”

Lottie, for someone who had been woken up at 9am, was in a particularly happy mood, which was again odd because she had grasped no more than 3 hours sleep that night. Stretching out across the sofa, she tried to remember the night before. John could have left no later than midnight, leaving her to stay up, eat ice cream and read slash not to mention write a considerable amount of it. Laziness mixed with tiredness meant she’d simply found a blanket and slept in her underwear knowing no one else was about and that she could simply get changed in the morning before her mum got home.

Wandering about the lower floor of the house, she didn’t yet feel the need for clothes, instead deciding her current semi nudist look was good enough for the next 30 or so odd minutes. Grabbing a bottle of orange juice out of the fridge, she swigged it back, spitting it out as the pulp seemed to surprise her a little too much.

Instead taking her next drink straight from the tap-using the conventional head under the water, drenching your entire head- she found herself at fault when the liquid fell from her mouth, onto her semi-exposed chest and stomach, creating a basically see through bra that was more than a little uncomfortable, but all the same, she kept it on.

“Roast beef. Bananas. The Medusa Cascade. BANG! Rose Tyler Martha Jones Donna Noble TARDIS! Shamble-bobble-dibble-dooble. Oh, Doctor, you're so handsome. Yes, I am, thank you.”

Smirking, she sung back random things from late night TV she’d watched in between movies [Lost Boys being her particular interest at that moment in time], happily dancing around in her underwear. It was pretty much acceptable for her to dance round randomly- which although she did do it in public, it was more comfortable with the lesser amount of clothing-and nothing was gonna stop her.

She was oblivious to her mum and boyfriend coming up the driveway; oblivious to the front door being unlocked; oblivious to the fact that they could see her every movement, until a cough rattled her from a day dream.
