Elico Decahedron

Lucky Mum

Lottie whipped around only to find herself face to face with her mother and a man she didn't recognise.

“Hi!” Lottie smirked, “You must be another of my mum's man-whores!”

“Lottie!” Her mother scolded before turning to apologise to the man about her daughters shameful behaviour.

“What I do?” The near naked girl smirked.

“Would you really like the list?” Her mother replied dryly.

“Yes please.” Lottie smirked, knowing that it would only further anger her mother.

“Go get dressed Charlotte!”

“Do I have to?”

“Yes.” The younger woman rolled her eyes and pushed past her mother and then the man behind her, making him stumble slightly. “Lottie! Be nice!”

“Of course I'll be nice!” Lottie smirked.

“Thank goodness.” Her mother muttered.

“When you give me enough money to convince me to be nice!”

“Lottie!” Her mother snapped as Lottie ran out of the room, scrambled up the stairs, grabbed a towel and a change of clothes and then ran into the bathroom. As she was in the shower she relished her mother's yells and banging on the bathroom door.

Soon enough, however, she was forced out of the bathroom by the irritating screeching of her mother. She wandered out of the bathroom, her black band tee and bright yellow skinnies clung to her excellent figure as she dried her hair, walking from the bathroom.

“Morning mummy.” She grinned as her single parent pushed past her and into the only bathroom of the house, slamming the door behind her.

“Go look after my new boyfriend!” Her mother called through the bathroom door.


“I'll give you £20!”

“It's a done deal.” Lottie grinned as she grabbed her make-up bag, hearing the shower turn on in the bathroom. Her make up was done in a matter of moments immaculately. “Mum!” She yelled as she passed the bathroom, “What's your whore's name?”

“He's not a whore!” Was all she heard her mother yell back. Lottie giggled slightly as she ran downstairs, there was a toilet on both floors but only the second floor was there a shower. Laughing slightly as she wandered into the downstairs toilet she flushed the toilet and laughed as she heard her mother's scream from the bathroom upstairs.

“Sorry mum!” She called up the stairs, “Your whore needed the loo!” The young woman was doubled over in laughter as she collapsed into the living room where the man was sitting.

“I'm not a whore.” he frowned without looking up.

“Whatever.” The raven haired beauty sighed, looking at him properly for the first time. He was a handsome young man, a marron t-shirt and a pair of baggy ripped jeans, his hair was long and dyed blond, but at the roots it was dark. His eyes were also dark and he was tanned, the man's figure was muscular and he wasn't tall as far as men go, but he was taller than Lottie, which wasn't exactly hard as she stood at a mere 5”6 in massive heels. (5”3 without the shoes.) And he was handsome, he had amazing facial features. How on earth did her mum manage to pull someone so much younger, Lottie wondered, and how did she managed to get such a fit guy? Lucky mum...

“My names Ali.” He tried as she grabbed the TV remote off the sofa and turned on the box, slumping onto the sofa next to him.

“Good for you.” She smirked, not even giving him a second glance.

He seemed a little irritated but brushed it away as he tried to make conversation.

“And you're Lottie?”

“How on earth did you guess?” Sarcasm practically dripped from her voice.

“Nice show this morning.” He smirked, unconcerned as she blushed a furious red. He grinned gleefully at her reaction. Oh it was going to be ahot long morning.
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haha it kinda sucks
whatever! It's an update and I'm sorry it's been so long since the last one XD