The Day After My Suicide....

Why Am I Here?

Angela woke up in the early hours of the morning. Where am I? She asked herself the same question over and over. She tried to stand, only to find out that she had a very bad cut on her leg. Slowly, she limped to the mirror; she saw she still had her black Bullet For My Valentine shirt on and the same faded black jeans... Her dark browny black hair was messed up but still quite straight. Curiously, she limped out of the room to find the house completely silent.

What am I doing here? Why am i here? Every quiestion there was ran through her mind. Soon she found herself in the kitchen. It was a beautiful day outside. She walked out of the door to the garden. It was the most quiet place she has ever been. There was a pond and a bench. She made her way to the bench and sat down. Staring deep into the water, she stared at her reflection asking herself endless questions.

"What're you thinking about?" asked Matt. He was staring into her dark brown eyes and she was staring into his blue eyes. " Sorry about making you jump, I didn't mean to." He smiled but she didn't she turned around and continued staring into the water. After afew minutes passed she answered, " Where am I?"

"You're at 28 Rose Avenue. My two brothers, Tom and Michael, ran over you by accident." he explained. She still didn't look at him. What should I say? He tried to think of things to ask but looking at her just made his mind go blank. "Are you OK?" he finally asked to break the silence.

"I... I... I don't... Know." she replied struggling with words.

"Would you like some breakfast? Noones up yet but I can make you some." They walked inside slowly, but together.

"What would you like?"

"I'm not really hungry, thank you." she continued, "Do you mind if I go?" Matt think of something. You can't let her go! Not this soon... "Well, I think we should wait atleast until the others wake up... Do you mind?" He Watched her every move. He saw the pain in her eyes... She's like noone I've ever seen. Where is she from? Who is she? "Do you mind if I take a look at your leg, it looks pretty bad from here." he walked over to her, "I'll get some bandages." He took the bandages and wound it around the huge cut on her leg. The cut covered over half her leg. They both fell silent and stared at each other. "What's your name?" he asked. She quickly looked away.

"I think I should go." she replied standing up.

"No! Please... Can I atleast take you to where you want to go?" he looked hoping she would say yes, "Well, you can't just walk around with that leg. I'll help you get to where you want. She walked out but he followed. "You can drive?" she wondered.

"Well... I haven't passed my test yet but..." he smiled. They got into the car and drived away.