The Day After My Suicide....

Back Home...

"So where do you plan to go?" he asked.

"Back home." she replied, "I just need to pick up afew things. Then I don't know where I'm gonna go." Where am I going to go after this?

He stared at her. What am I going to do? I can't just leave her... "Why don't we go back to my house after this until you figure out where you want to go, or what you want to do. Anyway won't your parents be worried about you?" she didn't reply.

"STOP!" she cried, "I'll be right back." She got out of the car.

"Do you want me to go with you?" he asked. He didn't wait for her to reply. He got out slamming the door behind him and ran after her.

The house was ordinary. It wasn't beautiful but it wasn't bad. "I'll be afew minutes." she said. She ran inside. He heard a womans voice shouting, but no reply. She ran out of the house not saying a word, carrying a black bag with tears running from her eyes. She ran straight past him and away from everyone. "GET BACK HERE ANGELA HOPE DYLAN!!!" the woman shouted after her. She stopped and stared at him and slammed the door. SHIT! He thought. Why did I not run after her? He got into the car and drove after her. Soon he found her near the edge of a cliff. He walked up to her, "Are you ok?" You idiot! Obviosly shes not.

"Sometimes the things she says just get to me..."

She stopped crying and stared at the waves crashing into the cliff and at the open ocean. "So, Angela, do you want to go back now?" he asked to make conversation.

"I don't care anymore."

"OK. We'll just stay then."

"Why are you being nice to me? Why are you helping me? Why are you even here?" she said it without even looking at him. He stared at her. So innocent, yet so full of pain. He thought. She looked into his eyes. Oh my God what am i getting myself into? They wondered at the same time. They got closer and closer until they kissed. It lasted for minutes but to both of them everything faded away, and it was only them left. Together.