The Day After My Suicide....

Back At 28 Rose Avenue...

They stayed in the car for a while. They knew nothing about each other but Angela felt like right now, he was the only one that could understand her. He didn't question every single thing about her and she liked that about him.

"Do you think they're awake yet?" she broke the silence tryin to make conversation.

"Probably not. The sun's only just risen, let's go check!" he replied enthusiasticly. Atleast she actually trying to talk to me now... He thought. Does this mean she likes me? Or was earlier just a mistake? I wish I could just ask her straight, but what if she starts to get all emotional on me again. Urgh what should I do? Matt couldn't make his mind up. As they walked towards the house he thought harder and harder.

Once they got inside they saw that noone was awake yet. Again they were back where they started. With out saying anything she walked to the garden, again, like noone was there. He followed her. There they were. Where he found her this morning. So much had happened since he first met her, and it had only been a few hours. "What's wrong?" he asked, looking at her even thought she didn't look back.

"Everything that's happened... It's just been happening too fast, and I don't know what to think or what to do anymore..." she replied. He saw a tear drop down her cheek, "It's just..." she didn't get a chance to finish. She didn't need to, he knew what she meant. She completely broke down infront of him. Quickly he sat down next to her and hugged her. She cried on his shoulder and somehow he didn't feel awkward. He felt like this is where he was meant to be... Moments passed, and soon she stopped. "Do you want to go inside? Have something to eat?" he offered. She nodded. They walked inside slowly.

"Hello," said Maria, "Maybe you should get settled into your new room," she explained, "TOM! Show our guest her new room!" she shouted. Tom ran down the stares, gave everyone a quick smile and then walked with Angela up the stairs.

As soon as Angela was out of sight Maria commented, " I see you've met her then...."

"Ye she's-" He didn't get time to finish.

"You two are getting abit close. You only met her this morning... She was in a pretty bad state yesterday so just be sensitive." she explained.

"Mum she's really upset right now." he just said it without thinking. She stared at him thinking. What is he talking about? "I took her to her house 'cause she wanted to get away form here but i thought she should stay, so i just drove her, and her mother didn't even care about her." he paused, straing at the floor, "She's in so much pain, and I was wondering if she can stay with us. She has nowhere else to go!"

"Well, I guess she can. Your brothers ran over her and alot's gone on so..." she saw the look of happiness in his face... "Just be careful. You don't know her."