The Day After My Suicide....

Do I Really Know You?

"Can I come in?" Matt poked his head around the door. She nodded. "So what are you doing?"

"Nothing... I just thought I'd sit down for abit." she replied. Does he really care?

"So what are you thinking about?" he wondered, staring at her with his blue eyes. She felt a part of her melt away.

"I'm just wondering how I got here. Why I'm here, and why you're so nice to me..." she replied staring straight out of the window. They didn't say anything for a while. He stared at her, while she stared throguh the window. "Well everything happens for a reason." he said deep in thought thinking about everything that happened, "I'm just wondering, was that your mother that was shouting after you?" he could see her so full of pain. It was like pain struck her once he asked that question. "She never and will never care for me... All she wants to do is control me and take everything away."

They sat down on her bed just talking for hours and hours. Finally she said,"Do I really know you?"

"Well what you see now is who I am." he answered smiling. She smiled too. It was the first time she'd ever smiled infront of him...


Angela was at the park alone. Her life had changed so much since the day od the accident. Somehow she felt like she had a second chance and that this was a new start of everything. People she hardly even knew, were now her new family. Maria was like the mother she never had and she was good friends with Tom and Mikey (she started calling Michael Mikey now that she felt like they were family). Then there was Matt. The person who tried his best to help her in every way.