Status: On Break

Dark Lords, Hogwarts and Snake Talk, Oh My

So, Draco, blue hair?

A cresent moon. The red outline clearly visible on your pale skin. The girls were mesmerized. They stared for a while until you started getting creeped out and let your hair fall back over your forhead. People had always been really intersted in the shapes of yours and your brother's scars, but I guess now it kinda had some meaning to it.

You woke up the next morning, took a shower and blow dried your hair. You changed into a pleated jean mini skirt, a black tank top and a dark blue cloak. You looked in to mirror while you put your hair up, letting your scar show. You touched your scar, like you had done every morning since you could remember. You had always known there was something special about that scar.

"Ella!" a voice called from down stairs, pulling you out of your thoughts.

"Coming!" you called and ran down to the common room where Tara, Rachel, and Rea were waiting.

You ate quickly, wanting to explore the grounds and meet up with Harry. When you finished your food you waved goodbye to everyone and went out onto the grounds. You walked around, enjoying the beautiful weather.

"Need a tour guide?" a boy with flaming red hair said popping up next to you.

"Or two?" Said another boy who looked just like the other one.

"Sure," you smiled, they were cute, and besides you had always thought it would be fun knowing other twins.

"I'm Fred," the first twin said.

"And I'm George," said the second one.

"And I'm Ella," you said smiling.

"And I'm Harry," your brother said popping up next to you, "What are we doing?"

"Back off Potter, we saw her first," they laughed.

"Oh you can have her," Harry said, smiling, "but if I ever start dating your sister, I get your blessing."

Harry laughed and the twins just stood there shocked.

"I love doind that," you laughed.

Harry laughed too.

~Are you gonna tell me what happened before school yesterday?~



"You two are brain talking," Fred said, knowingly.

"Guilty," you smiled.

"Later Ella," Harry said, taking the opportunity to get away.

"So, Draco," George said.

"Blue hair?" Fred said, finishing George's sentance.

"I want in!" you said.

"Great!" Fred and George said in unison.

You waited around the corner, and sprayed Draco's head with a light mist as he walked past. He coughed and glared at you.

"Sorry," you said inocently, "I couldn't get my perfume to work, but I guess it's fixed."

"Hey there Malfoy," the twins said cheerily as he walked past.

You all laughed and Malfoys hair slowly started turning blue.

"Wonder how long it'll be til he figures it out," you said, laughing.

-Two Hours Later-

"What are you staring at?!" you heard someone yell from down the hall, "My hair is fine, you idiot!"

You watched as Draco stormed into the nearest bathroom about twenty feet away. You heard him scream and Fred and George ran out of the bathroom, holding a camera.

"RUN!" they yelled, as they ran past you.

You three ran down the hall together. You saw a closet and ran inside, laughing you heads off.

"Did you see his face?" You laughed.

"See it?" Fred laughed.

"We got a picture of it," George finished.

When the coast was clear you all went down to the lake, laughing. Fred and George looked at each other, clearly having
a silent conversation.

"I'm..gonna get...going," George said finally.

You looked at Fred and he shrugged.

Fred told you about all the pranks they had done since they got to Hogwarts four years ago. You laughed, and complimented him on the great pranks.

-Fred's POV-

We had just finished pranking Malfoy, and we were hanging out by the lake, when George looked at me.

`You sooo like her`

*What are you talking about*

`Don't lie to me, I can tell`

*I think she's cute and fun to hang out with. Why does that matter?*

`I'll leave you two alone so you can ask her out`

*No! Don't leave me alone with her!*

But I was too late.

"I'm...gonna get...going," George said.

Ella looked at me questioningly. All I could do was shrug. I was so nervous, but I knew I WOULD NOT be asking her out today.

-Your POV-

You and Fred walked back up to the castle for lunch. It was saturday so you didn't have any classes. You went over to the Ravenclaw table. Cho smiled at you.

"So, Fred Weasley. Good choice."

You looked at her questioningly.

"What?" You asked, confused.

"You like him," she said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "And I'm pretty sure he likes you," she continued.

You blushed, and Cho laughed.

"You like Fred?" Rachel chimed in.

"I don't know him that well," you said, "but he seems nice."

"Oh my gosh! You should totally ask him out!" Rachel screamed, so half the room truned to look at you.

You looked around and blushed. Fred had a questioning look on his face, so you tried to avoid looking at the Gryffindor table.

^Is she talking to you? Ask who out?^


Harry was always really protective of you.

~I'm not asking anyone out~

^Fine, but if you were, you would tell me?^

~Yes, now eat your lunch!~

After lunch you went out, and sat on the steps in front of the school. Harry came out and sat next to you.

"So do you want to tell me what happened with the train and the feast yesterday?" you said hopefully.
He explained to you what happened and you just sat there, shocked.
♠ ♠ ♠
Gonna go take a shower.