One Night Stands

I'm Selfish As Selfish Comes


You know how when you were a kid there was that boy your age who lived next door? You were best friends and your parents always teased you saying that you and him were gonna grow up and get married and all that stuff?

From preschool all the way through middle school you are best friends. Totally inseparable. But people grow apart and memories are left behind forgotten in the tree house where the two of you use to play. You start talking less and less, you both get cars and stop walking together to school. You forget that you were ever best friends, that you both secretly at one point had crushes on each other, until finally you don't even notice them in the halls and you forget they even live next door.

Jack was that boy for me. We're both seniors now and we hadn't talked to each other since we had gotten in that fight our freshman year about our friends. I didn't like his 'rock band' friends and he didn't like me 'preppy' friends. It ended in us screaming we hated each other, walking in opposite directions and never talking after that. Even though I was sure Jack had forgotten about me, I never forgot about him. I never forgot how much I loved his laugh and how cute his voice was. I never forgot him giving me my first kiss in 6th grade, or the way his gorgeous brown eyes sparkled when he was happy or How much I loved him.

Yes, it had been three years and I still loved him. I had been in love with him since we were in 3rd grade, as stupid as that sounds.

But he had chosen his friends over me and I had done the same to him. I always wondered what would of happened if we hadn't gotten in that fight, if we had just accepted each other's friends.

Would he still notice me in halls?

Would we still be friends now?

Would we be more than friends?

It was that last day of my senior year. I was sitting in class trying to pay attention to what my teacher was saying about our futures and how we needed to make the best of our lives. But someone kept throwing paper balls at me. I turned to see Jack smiling at. I was shocked as he waved at me. I waved back and he held a note out to me. I looked at him confused and took it.
Turning back around in my seat I unfolded it and read.


Meet me at the park after school. I need to talk to you. Don't turn around and give me a confused look

He knew me so well

and don't ask questions. Just do it. I'll talk to you then.


Your Cracker Jack

I smiled at the childhood nicknames we use to call each other. Jazy was short for Jasmine. I remember when we were kids in preschool he couldn't figure out how to say Jasmine so he just called me Jazy and it stuck. As for Cracker Jack I just started randomly calling him that one day. I looked back at him and he gave me a look as if to say 'don't even think about it' I was so tempted to give him a confused look but I didn't. Instead I smiled and turned around and looked at the teacher again.

After school I walked to the park. The whole way there I wondered if I really should be meeting him there. I mean he hadn't so much as looked at me in three years. So why now?
It could just be him and his friends playing a trick on me. I hope not. I never really liked Shaant or his other friends. After all, they had stolen Jack from me and them jumping out from behind a tree and scareing me wouldn't help th matter any. But I doubt they cared.

Well The last day of school had just gotten out. We probably would never see each other again. So maybe he wanted to say good-bye? But why? I thought he hated me.

When I reached the park I saw Jack sitting by himself on a swing. The swing set we use to play on as kids. He looked up just in time to see me walking toward him.

"Jazy!" he said smiling.

"What do you want Jack?" I asked folding my arms over my chest.

He looked sad for a moment. "I want to talk"

"Then talk" I wasn't trying to be a bitch, in fact I just wanted to hug him and tell him how much I missed being friends.

"Jazy" he said stepping toward me. He took both my hands in his. He looked down at them. "Did you ever forget about me?" he asked.

I looked at him confused. "How could I?" I asked.

He looked up at me and we stared at each other for a moment.

Then he shocked me more than he ever had before.

He kissed me.

I felt an electric shock go through my body and I kissed back.

He pulled away and rested his forehead against mine.

"I love you Jazy" he said simply "I've loved you for years. Not talking to you for so long killed me. I missed you so much."

"I Love you too Cracker Jack" I said smiling and kissed him again.