One Night Stands

Ready, Set, Go

I always hated moving.

I suppose this is what I get fro being a Navy Brat.

Moving every 4 years ago.

Always having to start over, make new friends.

I was glad I had moved this time though.

If I hadn't I never would have met Tom.


"Hey" I said smiling and giving him a hug.

"What are you doing after school?" he asked.

"Nothing that I know of, why?"

Tom smiled "Meet me out front after 6th" he answered and then took off before I could ask him why.

Tom and I had been friends for two years now. He had been the first one to talk to me when I had been new.

I had hated moving until that day.

I walked into my first class and the teacher instantly stopped me.

"Who are you?" she all but snapped at me.

"Ainsley Kintch" I answered uneasily.

Had I gone to the wrong class?

The teacher looked at clip board

"You can take that empty seat next to Tom" she said waving her hand toward the back of the room.

I took my seat and Tom smiled at me.

"You new?" he questioned.


"Need any help getting around"

I smiled "That would be awesome"

"Tom" he said holding his hand out.

"Ainsley" I answered shaking his hand.

After that no one could seem to separate us

I hadn't even been waiting in front of the school for five minutes when I heard my name being called.


Tom walked over to me hiding something behind his back and smiling.

"What do you have?" I asked smiling.

He removed his hand from behind his back to reveal a red rose.

"Oh my gosh Tom" I said as he handed it to me "Thank-you. But what is the special occasion?"

He smiled "You are"

"You're sweet"

The next thing I knew he had pulled me into a kiss.

"Ainsley? Will you be my girlfriend?"

I couldn't help but smile "I would love to"

So glad I moved here