Built For Sin

Dont'cha Wish Your Girlfriend Was Hot Like Me?

The boys were eagerly awaiting for Mercedes and Porscha to come back just like they said they would,and they could barely contain themselves.

"Would you two stop fidgeting? Your making yourselves look like even bigger dumb asses than usual!" Brian hissed at them, Matt huffed loudly and looked around.

"How long does it take them to get dressed?" he asked before he saw the two walking over in six in pumps and tiny little dresses, both with a martini in hand with wide smiles. They both walked over and plopped down in Jimmy and Brians laps, causing the two to smile widely.

"Matt, Zack, you better get those two off them," Leana huffed angrily as Michelle nodded.

"Yeah, or there's gonna be a huge beat down going on," she added, and as if on que Mercedes and Porscha both perked up and looked over at Tito.

"So Tito, are we still on for our boxing lessons tomorrow?" Mercedes asked happily, Leana and Michelle both let out low gulps and looked at each other.

"Boxing?" they asked at the same time, Tito smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, these two are my star students, pretty soon they'll be showing me up," he said as Matt and Zack snickered lowly.

"You were saying?" Zack asked sweetly. The two both huffed loudly and crossed their arms while they watched Jimmy and Brian flirt with two girls right in front of them.

"So, have you two been single long?" Porscha asked as she batted her eyeslashes up at Jimmy.

"Yeah, it's been a lonely few months hasn't it Brian?" Jimmy sniffed as Brian looked down with a sad look and nodded.

"Yeah....really lonely, almost unbearable," he sniffed as Matt, Zack, Leana and Michelle looked on in horror.

"Aww you poor things! Come on we'll go get you a drink! We'll make it all better," Mercedes said as she and Porscha took Jimmy and Brian by the hands and pulled them along, only to have the two trouble makers look back at Matt and Zack with large, guiltless smiles.


A few drinks later the girls were still getting their attention taken by Jimmy and Brian and Matt and Zack were having just about enough.

"This is ridiculous, those two have girlfriends and they're still gonna get some!" Matt hissed as Zack crossed his arms and glared at Brian.

"I'm about to go throttle him, do you see that stupid cocky grin he has on his face?I wanna go beat it off him," Zack spat out, Matt huffed and took off his jacket, throwing it down angrily beside him. And like a dog that just smelled fresh food, Porscha sat up straighter and turned to Matt looking at him with a big wide smile.

"Gee Matt, I never realized how built you are," she said as she jumped off of Jimmy's lap and walked over to Matt, admiring his muscles as Mercedes looked skeptically at Zack.

"Hey Zack...didn't you have a septum before?" she asked tilting her head to the side, Zack smiled and nodded excitedly.

"Yeah, but I took it out awhile ago," he said before her lip stuck out in a large pout.

"Aww why? I love septum's I think they're so hot," she said sweetly, Zack's ears perked up and he smiled even more widely.

"I have it back at home! You wanna come with me?" he asked hopefully, she nodded and took his hand before pulling him from his seat.

"I'd love to!" she said as Matt smiled down at porscha.

"I have a gym in my basement back home, you wanna come see it?" he asked her, she nodded with an excited glint in her eye.

"Only if you do a couple of bench presses for me," she said sweetly.

"Of course, anything for you," he said as they followed Zack and Mercedes out of the building leaving Jimmy and Brian sitting there speechless.

"So...ready to go home?" Leana snapped as her and Michelle both looked at them with tight glares.
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Next chapter out =)
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