I Will Soon Be Attending Hogwarts...Engaged to Voldemort?

Chapter Three

I was taken over with happiness. This was all any decent girl wanted. To have the honor to marry the Dark Lord. I couldn't get the words out of my mouth. I wanted to jump into his arms and scream yes, but I just couldn't bring that one word to my lips. I could only nod

"Is that it?" He asked.

I gasped, the word escaped my mouth.

"That's better." He said with a grin.

His cold lips touched mine in one of the most magical ways. I had never felt so alive in my life. I wanted more, but he pulled away and put a black box into my hand.

"Open it." He said.

I did, inside beheld a reasonably large diamond ring. I took it out and managed to mention that it was beautiful to Voldemort. I put it around my left ring finger and smiled at how it looked. Mr. Malfoy entered the room. I turned to him and smiled.

"Oh good, so she said yes."

"Yes I did. I am very happy." I explained to him.

"I am too." Voldemort said, holding me and kissing my lips one more time.

I told him that I would be back soon. I needed to get to my house and grab my things from my room. He nodded and allowed me to go. I was a pretty fast walker, so I was there in no time. I began taking things and shoving them into a suitcase I had. I assumed I would be taking a trip to Diagon Alley so I could buy some of my wizarding supplies. Maybe there I would get a broom. Then I could do some spells and not be completely wiped out from doing them.

When I was done packing, I heard a door open downstairs. My heart stopped beating in my chest as I became dead silent. I looked outside to see that the Ministery was who had come here. I needed to find a way to get out. I knew one way, but my broom was downstairs. Flying would be a no brainer. If Potter could do it, then I could.

I silently opened my door. I heard some members of the Ministery downstairs in my living room.

"Yes, this was definitely a forbidden spell that was used. No muggle did this. Where is there daughter, was she no where to be found?" I heard one ask.

"There was a note I found on the fridge from her saying that she went out for a walk. It doesn't say when she would be back. Perhaps whoever came for her parents killed her as well." Another one said.

I heard one come upstairs so I ran into our hallway closet. I nearly shrieked when I found a broom in there. I heard one of them go into my room. My heart stopped when I heard them rummaging through some of my things. After they walked into my parent's room, I slowly got out of the closet.

I walked into my room and put my suitcase on the end of my broom. Ok, Malfoy had told me how to do this before. All I had to do was kick off of the ground. When I did, I dashed out of the window and nearly fell off of the broom. I had to be sure that I was silent so I didn't alarm the Ministery. I began to fly more smoothly after that, back toward Malfoy's.

I quietly landed on the doorstep. It was beginning to get dark out, and I was tired. I knocked on the locked door and Dobby answered again. I sighed.

"Just get out of my way. I don't care what your masters are up to, just move before I hit you." I threatened.

The house elf bowed low and moved out of my way. Now that's what I'm talking about. Voldemort was just around the corner waiting for me.

“What took so long?” He asked.

“The Ministery was at my house after I had already gone inside. I had to grab my suitcase and learn how to fly a broom just to get out of there.” I explained.

He grabbed me quickly and firmly by the arms and pinned me to the wall.

“You didn’t let any Muggles see you did you?” He asked.

“No. I didn’t. I flew up high so they wouldn’t see me.”

“Good, because then they would have some things to say, and they would’ve been able to trace you here. The Ministery I mean.”

“Yeah I know.” I said.

“So do you want to back to my manor? You can rest there and in the morning I will get you an escort to the train station.” Voldemort asked me.

“Yes I would love that.” I grinned.

He grabbed me in his arms then we both disintegrated into the air, and before I knew it, we were in an elegant bedroom. This must’ve been Voldemort’s room. I rummaged through my suitcase for my nightgown and changed into it. I watched Voldemort change into his, and then we both crawled into bed with each other. I whispered goodnight and an I love you to him, and he returned it. Then I was off into my own sweet dreams about the death of the one and only person I hate.
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Ok guys, comments and all would be loverlyyy :)