Cycled Healer

Chapter 5: A Vague Response


My face felt wet even as I stepped into the light for the first time in some immeasurable amount of time. How long had it been?

Opening my eyes caused a sharp pain. Blurred faces and figures came into focus.

"Hey you ok Siam?" the cheerful voice automatically made me feel a little better. Who the voice was attached to however, was another question along with why they would want to have any contact with someone who was as useless as I was.

"Siam stop crying already!" my head snapped up instantly as soon as I head the familiar voice of my father.

"Dad..?" My eyes lit up somehow entirely forgetting most the events that had occurred. I was also now noticing six people.

"I don't know what you're talking about." he hissed darkly the chill like effect that came over me was reminiscent of nails down a chalk bored leaving behind white streaks.

How did i forget the hellish nightmare so easily? I don't have family...I don't have family... I had to repeat it to myself a hundred times. I had to convince myself of this fact.

"Kiade, be reasonable. She's not even ten!" I hadn't recognized this black-eyed man before until I had back tracked memories of my short life. Gabriel.

"It's not like I get to see this child again. Why hold an attachment?"

"She's your daughter!" Gabriel exclaimed seemingly exasperated.

"Well I'm sorry! I don't want to hold onto Siam like you do Vincent. You can't even be around your son yet you sit around thinking about him worrying over nothing you can control!"

"Because he's my son!" he paused a sadden expression conquering his face. "Besides...You know what we'll have to do with him eventually..." Gabriel now seemed rather dazed off. He would glance at the other 5 in the room but seemed to be looking beyond them.

"Ignore these two idiots. They both love fighting each other. I'm Rouge by the way." he spoke happily as if nothing was wrong. "We're sorry everything has played out this way..." I shifted my glossy eyes filled with crystals, to the cheerful voice from earlier. How could they be sorry? I had been locked in a room with no reason... I was forgotten...

My face instinctively fell to the floor symbolizing my insignificance along with my confidence in myself. I wasn't worth being around... I was just a useless girl...

Someone had begun to laugh in a corner of the room. I hadn't cared enough to look up.

"No, we're not sorry." the bluntly stated.

"Gage!" Rouge spat angrily.

"What? We're just going to keep her in that room. Why apologize when we're just going to do it again?" Gage was obviously a very truthful person and didn't sugar coat anything.

But in that room again? Could I really take that? Why did I have to be locked away in a stupid little room that had nothing but a bed and cold stone surroundings that engulfed every ray of light that made an attempt to enter the room?

What had I done wrong? ....What was it...?

One minute I stared at the floor the next my hands were in fists. A stream of tears flowed to the tiled floor. I noticed a blur of images go past me all drowned in water constantly speeding up. I needed to get out of here. I need to leave. stopped...

I opened my eyes wide finding myself hanging above the floor. My only reaction was to gasp wondering why the source of the hurricane like visions had ended.

I gawked at Rouge when my head turned to face the object that had stopped me. His eyes were full of pain as if he was trying to stop himself rather then me.

"I'm sorry..." his voice fell along with his blueish-black eyes. "We can't let you go anywhere."

"Why not?" I demanded enraged as each syllable was choked by my quickened breathing and crystal droplets.

He sighed heavily, a troubled expression that seemed to have tortured him but at the same time it seemed he was used to it. "You're the cycled healer Siam..."

I had heard this term before...but I never knew truly what it was... Cycled Healer... I lacked the definition....
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I hope everyone liked this chapter :o

I know its probably shorter then you wanted XD but it seemed like a good place to end it.
People always complain to me with earlier stories that I have cliff hangers...ah well.

I hope I got better at being descriptive. I take everyone's criticism into account :D