& it's all because you're by my side.

One Month Anniversaries

One month anniversaries.

They really weren't anything that special.

It just meant that Joe and I had been together for one month.

Thirty days to be exact.

And the fact that the day was already half over and Joe hadn't mentioned a thing about it didn't really matter.

Psh, it wasn't that big of a deal.

We didn't celebrate our one week anniversary.

Or one day...

One month didn't matter.

Or at least that's what I was trying to convince myself.

In all honesty I was hurt and upset.

Joe had failed to remember that it was our one month anniversary.

I had spent the whole day hoping that each text message from him would say something along the lines of "Happy Anniversary!".

But each text came and went.

And none were even remotely close to "Happy Anniversary!".

I really don't know why I cared so much about it, though. It really wasn't that big of a deal. Joe was a guy - he wasn't expected to remember those kinds of things.

It was a girl's thing to remember.

Why it was that I expected him to remember was beyond me.

So I sat in 6th period watching the clock tick slowly to 3 o'clock, dying for the bell to ring so I could hurry home and wallow in a pool of self pity.

Once that bell rang, I was out of class before my teacher could even mutter a 'goodbye'.

I moved my little legs as fast as they could towards my car.

For some unknown reason Rita had refused to drive me to school today. So I had to drive myself.

I was mentally cursing Rita as I continued to walk angrily towards my car.

I had just decided that I wasn't going to let Rita copy my homework anymore as I arrived at the parking lot.

I had to admit, I might've also been suffering from a small case of PMS.

Rita not giving me a ride, Joe forgetting our anniversary, and PMS: not a good combo.

All of the above, however, was momentarily forgotten as my car came into view.

A wide grin spread across my face as I stared in shock.

And let me tell you, it wasn't the blue piece of crap on wheels that made that grin form on my face; it was the adorable curly haired boy that stood in front of the blue piece of crap on wheels that made me grin.

The adorable curly haired boy that currently had a dozen red roses in his hand.