My Not so Perfect Life

The Party

Mark’s parent’s house was huge his party’s were always fun and something always happens to some that will be talked about until his next party, mark was a rich kid put a down to earth one.

When we got there the music was loud and most people were already drunk. You and Audrey were dancing together really sexy and Zacky and Syn loved that.

Then Syn and Audrey disappeared.

You were looking around Mark’s house, you went out side to the garden you were sitting by the pool it was really quiet.

Then someone came up behind you.

“What are you up to sexy”. Bert said stumbling over to you.

You quickly turned around to see who it was.

“Oh Bert hi”. You said awkwardly .

You are slightly drunk.

Bert lit up a cigarette.

“Do you want a drag”. Bert asked handing you his cigarette.

You shook your head.

“Right because you don’t smoke I knew that”. Bert smiled.

You smiled at him.

“I miss you, I miss us”. Bert said putting his hand on your cheek.

“Sometimes I do to”. You said turning to face him.

Bert moved closer to you and leaned down and kissed you, you kissed him back, then you felt his tongue slid along your bottom lip asking to let him in, you parted your lips and let his tongue into your mouth. Bert moved his hand up your thigh and under your dress, and you let him.

After a minute Bert stopped kissing you.

“Do you want to take this upstairs”. Bert whispered.

Then you pushed him off.

“What’s wrong babe”. Bert asked confused.

“You haven’t changed at all have you”. You shouted.


“All you want is sex”.

“That’s not true”. Bert said in his defence.

“Don’t lie, You cheated on me because I wouldn’t have sex with you”. You shouted angrily remembering that day.

Bert looked down and then you looked at him disgusted.

“I hate you Bert, you’re such a scumbag”. You screamed.

Then you ran into the house.

You got really drunk and was dancing with everyone.

You saw Zacky by the window and you walked over two him.

“Hey Zacky”. You said stumbling to him.

He look’s at you and notices how drunk you are.

“Hey, are you having fun”. Zacky smirked.

“I would be having more fun if I was alone with you”.

Zacky smirks, He then grab’s your hand.

“Come on”. Zacky said dragging you away.

Zacky takes you upstairs into a really nice room.

He started kissing you hard on the lip’s then he pushed you on to the bed and then he climb’s on top of you and started kissing your neck, you moan because it feel’s so good.

Zacky moved his hand up under your dress, you get nervous.

“Stop”. You whisper.

“What”. Zacky asked while still kissing your neck.

“Aaaa, I’m still a virgin”. You say nervously.

“Don’t worry, I’ll try not to hurt you”.

And then he unzipped your dress so you were just in your sexy red under wear and he was shirtless .

And just as you were taking off Zacky’s belt Matt walked in.

“Hey, get the fuck off my sister Zacky”. Matt shouted angrily.

“OMG Matt”. You shout as you quickly put on your dress.

“That’s it we are going home”.

Matt grabbed your arm and dragged you down stairs and out to the car.

In the car on the way home it was just you ,Matt and Valary. But Matt dropped Val at her house. So now it was just you and Matt.

“what do you think you were doing with Zacky”. Matt sighed angrily.

You sighed and looked out your window.

“Answer me Ava”.

“Having a life”.

You are just a kid and Zacky doesn’t love you he just wants you for sex anyway”. Matt whispered annoyed.

“Oh and How do you now he doesn’t love me, you think you know everything, and now you sound just like Dad”. You shout annoyed.

“What is wrong with you cant you see Zacky is going to hurt you”. Matt shouts.

“Just leave it Matt please”.

You finally got home but it seemed like the drive took hour’s.
You went up to your room and changed into your PJ’s got into bed and fell asleep.

You woke up when you heard the door slam and someone coming up the stairs and stumbled into your room to the folded out bed.

You sat up in your bed but you could only see a dark shape.

“Wil is that you”. You whispered.

“mmmhm”. Wil answered noy really listing.

“Wait Ave”. Wil said realising you are there.


“I didn’t think you were here”. Wil said sitting up on the foldout couch.

You sigh

“Well I am”.

“What’s wrong”. Wil asked tiredly.

“Nothing, I can remember”. You say lying back in your bed.

Wil got up came over to your bed and laid beside you then he rapped his arms around your waist.

“Wil what are you doing”. You ask confused looking at his arms around you.

“Comforting you, why”. Wil sighed

“Ok fine”. You sighed relaxing a bit.

Wil got under your blankets and pulled you closer to him and kissed your check.

“Good night Ave”.

You smiled to your self

“Good night Wil”.

You went to sleep with Wil’s arms rapped around you.
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