My Not so Perfect Life

Problem Solved

The Next Morning

You woke up, Audrey didn’t come home last night and Wil still had his arms around you. You slowly moved his hands off you and tip toed out of the room and downstairs to the kitchen.

You looked at the clock it read 10.00am. And you decided to make some breakfast.

After you eat your breakfast you decided to ring Audrey.

Phone Call

Hello (Audrey)

Audrey where are you (You)

I’m in Frank’s house (Audrey)

Why (You)

Me and Brien stayed here last night, Hey could you bring me over some clothes. (Audrey)

Why can’t you just wear your dress over here (You)

I would but it is all ripped, Syn was pretty ruff last night (Audrey)

Uww I didn’t need to know that (You)

(Audrey Laughed)

Shut up I’ll be over in a minute (You)

Thanks Ave (Audrey)


You went back up to your room and got out some clothes for Audrey.

Now You were looking through your wardrobe for some clothes for yourself.

“Morning”. Wil yawned.

“Hey, did I wake you”.


He sat up in your bed.

“Where are you going”. Wil asked.

“Your sister need’s some clean clothes”

“Where is she”. Wil yawned again.

“In Frank’s with Synyster”. You sigh.

“ew”. Wil said with a disgusted face.

You laughed

You picked out a pair of dark jeans with ripped knee’s and a thigh black t-shirt and a green button up cardigan.

You changed in the bathroom and then you came out.

“You look nice”. Wil smiled.

“Thanks I try”

Wil laughed at you.

You started looking through your wallet and Wil’s phone rang

Phone Call

What (Wil)

What are you doing now (Bert)

Nothing, just watching your ex change (Wil laughed)

Fuck you, are you coming tonight (Bert)

Wil sighs

Yea, I’m coming (Wil)

Good do you have the money (Bert)

No but I’ll have it (Wil)

You better or your fucking dead (Bert)

I’ll have it (Wil)

Yea, tell Ave I love her and I’m sorry but I still really want to fuck her (Bert said laughing)

Will do my friend Bye (Wil)


“Who was that”. You asked curiously.

“Bert, He said that he Loves You and that he is Sorry annnnd I really want to fuck you”. Wil smirking.

You sigh

“Of course he really want’s to fuck me”

Wil got up and came closer to you.

“I didn’t say Bert want’s to fuck you”. Wil smirked

“Yea you did you said “I really want to F” Oh”. You say realising what Wil said.

Wil put his hands on your waist and pulled you into a kiss and then he pushed you onto the bed and got on top of you.

“Wait I a I have to get these to Audrey”. You say nervously.

And you push Wil off you and run downstairs. You bump into Matt in the living room.

“Woo woo woo slow down we have to talk about last night”

“Last night what about it”. You say confused.

“You mean you don’t remember”. Matt asked

“No I guess not”

“Let’s keep it that way”. Matt said tapping you on the shoulder.

“Wait what happened”. You suddenly very interested.

“Nothing”. Matt lied.

“What you cant just do that, now I‘m interested”. You whine.

“No”. Matt laughed.

And then he walked away.

“You’re a big, a big umm Meany”. You stuck your tongue out at him and ran out the door.

You knocked on the door of Frank’s house. And Frank answered the door.

He was wearing his boxers and a t-shirt

“Hey Ave”. Frank yawned.

And he hugged you

“Hey Frankie is Audrey around”. You say walking into the house.

“Yea, her and Syn went back to bed”.

“eww Lovely”. You say sarcastically.

Frank laughed

“Hey Frankie did something happen to me last night”. You ask.

“I don’t think so, Why”.

“Matt said something happened but he wont tell me what, and I really cant remember a thing”. You say scratching your head.

“You were that drunk hu”.

You just nodded

Then Zacky came downstairs and walked past you and Frank into the kitchen.

“I’ll just get dressed and we can hang out”. Frank said getting up and going upstairs.

“Yea, that’ll be fun”. You smile.

Frank went upstairs and you sat on the couch and watched TV. Zacky came out of the kitchen with a beer.

“Are you drinking already”. You laugh.

“Best way to kill a hang over”.

You laughed

Zacky sat next to you on the couch

“Oh actually I have some of your money”. You getting it from your pocket.

You took 50 dollars out of your back pocket and handed it to Zacky.

“It’s only 50 but I’ll get you the rest as soon as I can”

Zacky smirks at you


“I don’t want your money”. Zacky laughs

“What, Why”. You ask confused.

Zacky leans over you and slides the 50 dollars back into your pocket but keeps his hand on your ass.

“I want something else from you”. Zacky whispers.

You get very nervous


Zacky leans into your ear and whispers

“I want your virginity”

Then he kisses from your ear down your neck to your chest. Then he stops and gets up and go’s back into the kitchen

Just then Frank and Audrey came downstairs.

“Did you bring clothes”. Audrey asked coming over to you.

“Um Yea, Over there”. You pointed still shocked at what Zacky said.

Audrey ran upstairs to get dressed

“Are you ok”. Frank asks concerned.

“What, Yea, Yea I’m fine”

“No what’s wrong”. Frank asks knowing something is wrong.

You ignore him and watch the TV.

Audrey came back down fully dresses

“Ok I’m ready lets go”. Audrey said heading out the door.

“Yea, lets go”. You say going after her.

Frank sighed and got up and walked after you and Audrey out the door. You looked back and Zacky was smirking at you and then he blow you a kiss.

At the mall

You, Audrey and Frank were sitting at the coffee shop.

You haven’t said a word all day.

“So what happened to you last night”. Audrey asked sipping on her coffee.

“I honestly don’t know”. You sigh.

Frank was slightly falling asleep

“Frankie are you ok”. You ask sipping your coffee.

“Yea, just didn’t get much sleep last night because Audrey was so fucking loud”. Frank hissed.

“What can I say Syn is good”. Audrey smirked.

Then Audrey went to the bathroom.

“You never answered me before, What’s wrong”. Frank asked drinking some of his coffee.

You sigh

“I’m a virgin”.

“Yea, I know”. Frank laughed

“Well I I…”

You Pause

“I can’t talk to you about this”. You sigh.

“Why, you talk to me about everything”.

“Yea, well this is seriously something you don’t want to hear” You say sipping your coffee.

“Oh this is more something for Audrey to help with”. Frank sighs

“Girl stuff”. Frank laughs

“Yea, I guess so”. You sigh.

Then Audrey came back and you all finished your coffee.

“Well I’ll be going then and leave you to talk to Audrey about your girl problem’s”. Frank said getting up and walking away.

“So what is the problem”. Audrey asked looking at you.

You sigh

“My virginity”

Audrey laughed

“What about it”

“Well”. You sigh. “Today I tried to pay Zacky some of the money I owe him from the poker game”

“Yea, and”.

“He said he didn’t want my money, and that he want’s my virginity”

“What, he said that”. Audrey shouted shocked.
“Yea, and I don’t know what to do”. You sigh

“Easy let him fuck you”

“But I I, I don’t know”. You sigh

“If it’ll clear your debt, do it”. Audrey laughed

“But what about Frank, if he finds out about this he would hate me”

“Don’t tell him, He would hate Zacky just as much as you, so Zacky won’t tell either”. Audrey said simply.

You sigh

“I wish it was that simply”

After a few minutes Frank comes back to ye.

“So, Problem solved”. Frank smiled

“I don’t know, is it Ava”. Audrey asked looking at you.

You sigh

“Problem solved”

Audrey smiles at you

You, Audrey and Frank walk home.

Frank goes into his own house and you and Audrey go to your house.
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