The Tears of Time


Ella slipped past both guards, neither even noticing the slight ripple in the air as she passed. Without thinking about it, she forgot to open the back door, and merely stepped through it. A slight jarring effect was felt in her mind as the wood resisted, but it slipped away in seconds.

Inside, she could see light flooding from the sitting room. Voices murmured in low anticipation, waiting for something to happen. Ella snuck forwards, still aware of her brief flicker into existence before the officer earlier. Once happy that no one was going to see her, she stepped into the room. Emily sat calmly by the electric fire, gazing into the fake flames with a glazed look.

Dr Patterson stood opposite her, watching her idly with a look of quite utter disgust on his face. The phone rang, and he jumped, watching it ring as if it were a poisonous snake. When it continued to ring he picked it up gingerly, his face white.

“Hello?” he said, his voice warbling slightly. Elanor tried to listen in, but was unable to get any closer without being in reach should the Dr turn around quickly.

“No sir,” he continued, his voice changed subtly, as little more colour appearing in his face, “She hasn’t turned up yet sir.”

Elanor stiffened, taking it for granted now, that they were talking about her.

“We’re ready when she does sir. Her mother is here, and-” He stopped as the person on the other end of the phone interrupted him, he nodded then put down the phone after a last, “yes sir.”

Elanor wasn’t sure what to do. She had succeeded in finding Emily, who was certainly not safe but clearly not in a position to be rescued. Something would have to distract Dr Patterson, and the guards at one of the doors. But before she could think of something, Lucifer appeared in their midst’s. His tall, commanding figure made her falter, unsure whether he could see her or not, she ducked back out of the door into the dark corridor.

“Patterson,” Lucifer’s eyes narrowed as he acknowledged the man.

“Sir,” Patterson gulped, his face loosing colour again, going a sickly shade of white.

“Had a little problem with some angels,” Lucifer said, sneering, “Where have you posted guards?”

“Two at the front, two at the back, one upstairs.”

“Simplistic,” Lucifer leant over Emily, grasping her chin in his rough fist, “Happy, dear?”

He laughed mockingly as Emily simply stared back blankly. Elanor’s chest stirred with anger, and she backed out further into the corridor, implementing her plan with sudden ferocity. She shot through the front door, out onto the street where, in clear view of the guards, she flickered into existence long enough for them to notice her and yell. She fought briefly with her mind as they came running towards her, disappearing within seconds of their reaching her.

She rushed back into the house, as the guards milled around, their shouts drawing both Dr Patterson and Lucifer to the door. Elanor went straight through the wall into the sitting room, letting go of her trance so that Emily could see her.

“Emily,” she whispered, quietly tugging on the woman’s cold hand, “Emily.”

Emily turned slowly to look at Ella, her gaze not registering any recognition. Elanor sat down in a wave of self-pity, her plans dashed by the fact that Emily wasn’t in her right mind. Footsteps echoed down the hall, and Ella was forced to grasp her mind tightly once more, disappearing in seconds.

“Easily spooked, your guards,” Lucifer commented to Dr Patterson, giving Elanor time to scramble into the corner.

“It could have been her!” Patterson argued. Lucifer growled at the defence, his face twisting with anger. He swung round, grappling Patterson against the wall, cracking the man’s skull against the plaster.

“Whose fault is all of this?” Lucifer growled in a deadly quiet voice.

“Not mine!” Patterson pleaded, his hands flung up against the wall in surrender.

“Wrong. Whose fault was this?”

“Not mine!” Patterson whimpered, his face crushed with fear.

“Wrong. I’ll ask - one - more - time,” Lucifer spaced his words, giving each a sense of finality, “Whose fault was this?”

“Mine?” Patterson’s voice cracked pitifully, closing his eyes.

“Exactly,” Lucifer grinned, his face suddenly full of angry glee. Patterson’s neck snapped like a twig, his body crumpling to the floor like a rag doll. In a flash, Lucifer’s gaze transferred from the idle body to Elanor’s shocked figure in the corner. She stepped back in surprise, her back hitting the solid wall. Unable to regain her composure, she was unable to flee. Lucifer moved faster than was possible, his hands suddenly circling Ella’s throat, pushing her up the wall, her body pinioned by his. Unable to move her arms which were crushed against his solid chest.

“Playing tricks?” purred Lucifer, menacingly low and soft, the cold breath in Ella’s ear making her shiver. Lucifer loosened one hand, keeping Ella pinned with the other, snapping his fingers at Emily. In a blink, the solid form had disappeared, leaving no trace of the woman there only seconds ago. Ella gasped, partly in pain, partly in panic. Lucifer surveyed her slowly, his gaze travelling down from her face in an agonizing sweep.

She struggled, trying desperately to kick him or scratch him, or something.

“I can see a promising future ahead of us, Elanor,” Lucifer whispered, leaning in towards her.

“You bastard! What did you do to Emily?”

“Nothing,” Lucifer feigned innocence, “She was never here in the first place. Killed her when you slipped through our hands the first time.”

Elanor gasped, further shock sinking into her already fragile mind. Lucifer breathed in deeply, as if savouring a scent.

“You, sick, creep,” Ella moaned, trying desperately to struggle. Lucifer growled, a low guttural sound from his throat which heightened Elanor’s fright. He could sense her heartbeat, rising fast and furious, pulsing through her veins. Cannibalism seems very tempting with this particular human, Lucifer wondered vaguely. Then again, he thought, she wasn’t exactly human.

“Having fun?” Elanor spat in his face, her words vicious.

“Oh, I will be,” Lucifer purred, forcing his lips onto hers momentarily before releasing her from the wall. Ella’s legs gave way, Lucifer only catching her before she hit the floor. Unconscious, she fell limp in his arms.

“Oops, she obviously needed a bit more air,” Lucifer commented to himself, grinning at the fragile figure in his arms. Something undeniably stubborn lurked behind that brow, the only sign of what a powerful creature was housed in this breakable form.

Now he had the most powerful weapon in the war and all to himself...
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Ivy, xXGreyWingsXx (c) 2008